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Complete List of UK and Ireland Universities Accepting Backlogs

Yocket Editorial Team

Majority of universities in the UK are known for accepting international students based on their exposures, work-experiences, overall profiles, and therefore there are numerous UK universities accepting backlogs. Universities in the UK usually accept students with 10-15 backlogs, at the maximum. But unlike the UK, Ireland accepts students with an overall high academic performance, and prefers international students who have a strong academic profile. Irish universities, therefore, accept backlogs upto 5.

If you’re someone looking for the list of UK universities accepting backlogs, we have got you the perfect read below! And to your surprise, we also have a list of Irish universities accepting backlogs, so keep reading! 

Table of Contents:

  1. What are Backlogs and Backlog Certificates
  2. List of UK Universities Accepting Backlogs 
  3. List of Universities in Ireland Accepting Backlogs
  4. Do Universities in the UK and Ireland Accept Backlogs? 
  5. How are Backlogs Counted by Universities in the UK and Ireland? 

What are Backlogs and Backlog Certificates?

Before coming to the UK universities accepting backlogs, let us first understand what a backlog is. When an exam is not cleared in the first attempt, it leads to a backlog in that particular subject. In case of an absenteeism, the status of the exam is declared as absent. You can, however, appear for the exam again in order to clear the backlog. 

Universities and institutions usually give a backlog certificate stating the number of active and inactive backlogs, upon completion of your studies. If you do not have any backlog, you may not receive a backlog certificate, however a majority of universities in the UK and Ireland might ask you for a zero backlog certificate.

Suggested: Know about what is a backlog certificate?

List of UK Universities Accepting Backlogs 

As previously mentioned, how many backlogs are allowed for MS in UK is limited, and you can get accepted easily if your overall academic performance and GPA is high. 

Let us now make you acquainted with some UK universities accepting backlogs along with world rankings by QS: 


Rankings 2024

Brunel University 


Cardiff Metropolitan University 


Coventry University 


Kingston University


Middlesex University 


Swansea University


University of Bradford


University of East London


University of Greenwich


University of Lincoln 


University of Portsmouth 


Nottingham Trent University 


Queen’s University Belfast 


Birmingham City University 


Leeds Beckett University 


Bath Spa University 


List of Universities in Ireland Accepting Backlogs 

Private universities in Ireland are known to accommodate students with upto 10 backlogs. Also, there is only one public university, Dublin City University accepting 4 backlogs.

Let us now make you explore the list of how many universities are allowed for MS in Ireland along with QS World University Rankings


Rankings 2022

Backlogs Accepted 

Technological University Dublin



Trinity College Dublin 



University College Cork



NUI Galway 



University College Dublin



Dublin City University



IT Carlow 



Griffith College 



Dublin Business School



National College of Ireland



Do Universities in the UK and Ireland Accept Backlogs?

Well, coming to the most important question- How many backlogs are allowed for MS in UK? Though a majority of top universities in the UK prefer students without backlogs, there are numerous UK universities accepting backlogs. So, you can be assured that upto 5 backlogs are accepted at most UK universities that accept backlogs. 

However more than 5 backlogs are only accepted upon the discretion of universities’ admission departments. Also, 15 is the maximum number of backlogs accepted in the UK. 

Talking about Ireland, a majority of Irish universities look at students’ complete academic profile and not the co-curricular alone. Most Irish universities do not accept students with backlogs, and are really strict with their policies. There are however, some private universities in Ireland accepting backlogs upto 10-15, and only 1 public university- Dublin City University accepting only 4 backlogs. 

How are Backlogs Counted by Universities in the UK and Ireland? 

Talking about how backlogs are counted for both the UK and Ireland, there are primarily two ways: 

  • Number of attempts: Certain universities in UK and Ireland use the number of attempts taken to clear a particular exam. For instance, if you took 4 attempts to clear your mathematics exam, the backlog will be counted as 3.
  • Counting subjects as backlogs: Most countries including the UK and Ireland usually count an individual subject as a backlog. For instance, no matter you made 4 attempts to a backlog, it will still be counted as 1. 

Factors Affecting Acceptance of Backlogs in UK and Ireland 

There are a number of factors that can affect your application with backlogs like: 

  1. GPA 
  1. Subjects with backlogs 
  1. Time taken to clear backlogs
  1. Backlog status 

Let us now understand each factor briefly: 

  1. GPA 

One of the key factors which can be used to examine your academic performance by any university is your GPA. Therefore, if you have a high GPA, with backlogs, there are chances of you getting accepted into the university. For instance, there are many universities in Ireland that accept students with upto 5 backlogs, and a 55% score. 

  1. Subjects with backlogs 

The chance of getting rejected at a university is higher if the course you have a backlog in, is related to the chosen course to study abroad. For instance, if you have applied to an engineering course, having a backlog in subjects like psychology will do you no harm. Ireland, in particular, is known to be extremely course-specific, meaning you can be straight away rejected if you have a backlog in the course with which your degree program is directly related to. 

  1. Time taken to clear backlogs 

If you have repetitive backlogs, or multiple attempts clearing a backlog, it is quite evident that your application would be rejected. On the other hand, having a single backlog will not lead you to a rejection. 

  1. Backlog status 

Respectable, reputed universities in the UK and Ireland which have been ranked high internationally, will not accept students with an active backlog status. Therefore, it is essential for you to submit a backlog certificate showcasing an inactive backlog status.

Suggested: List of graduate schools with low GPA requirements!

This was all about the how many backlogs are allowed for MS in Ire;and and UK and how to get into them. If you require assistance with the application process, our Yocket professionals are here to provide you with the finest advice on how to choose the perfect program to study abroad despite having backlogs!

Frequently Asked Questions about Universities in UK and Ireland Accepting Backlogs 

List some UK universities accepting backlogs. 

How many backlogs are allowed in the UK? 

How are backlogs counted in the UK? 

How many backlogs are allowed in Ireland? 

How can I increase my chances of getting accepted with backlogs at universities in the UK? 

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