Exams Know-how

Describe Your First Mobile Phone - IELTS Cue Card

Yocket Editorial Team

The IELTS is one of the most popular English skill tests, taken by non-native speakers of English. Over 3.5 million people take the yearly test to study abroad and pursue a career in a native English-speaking country. The IELTS has four sections - Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. The IELTS speaking test has three parts, part 2 is a cue card section. This section has a duration of 4-5 minutes. When you get a cue card with a topic, you get 1 minute to prepare, and then you need to speak for 2-3 minutes. 

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Table of Contents

Why are IELTS Cue Cards Important?

The IELTS cue cards are an essential part of the speaking section of the exam. IELTS cue cards are important for various reasons. 

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Describe Your First Mobile Phone: Sample Answer 1

When did you get this mobile/cellphone?

Mobile devices have smoothly integrated into our daily lives. I received my first phone seven or eight years ago. I had been asking my mother to get me a cell phone for a long time, but she kept telling me, that I was too young and didn't need one. But when I was about 15, my mother took me shopping to choose one.

How do you get it?

Then, we didn’t know much about mobile phones, so when we entered the store, I asked the salesperson to recommend one. Because I wasn't very interested in having more features and all I wanted to do was call and text people, we ended up going with the cheapest and most basic phone they had available.

What do you use it for?

I spent about 200 rupees on a leather case to safeguard it because I took good care of it and it lasted quite a while. Before upgrading to a better one, I used it for about three or four years to play games and communicate with my classmates via calls and messaging. And I still have it at home, tucked in a drawer.

Explain how you felt when you got it.

In terms of how I felt when I received it, I wasn't too pleased; rather, I felt a stronger sense of independence, and I was grateful to my mother for giving it to me.

Describe Your First Mobile Phone: Sample Answer 2

When did you get this mobile/cellphone?

A cell phone is today considered to be a requirement for everyone. We can't imagine living without this device. I still remember receiving my very first cell phone. It was in the final year of my graduation around seven or eight years ago. My friends used to use mobile phones to communicate with their families. I also wanted to buy one, but I needed money.

How do you get it?

My parents knew I needed a phone even though I didn't ask them to get one. They decided to give me a cell phone for my birthday. They bought a Nokia 6600, Nokia's newest mobile phone model at that time. To be honest, I never asked them how much it cost, but one day while checking for other paperwork, I came across the purchase receipt, and that's when I found out it cost them Rs 9800/-. The model was expensive and had all the features.

What do you use it for?

My first cell phone came with the most cutting-edge technology available at the time. It had 4 GB of memory. I use it to get information online. The camera quality compared to the professional Nokia DSLR camera is great.

Explain how you felt when you got it.

It was a popular model then, I was pleased to have that phone. It included the most recent features, such as an 8 MP camera, a media player, and pre-installed programs like Facebook and YouTube.

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Describe Your First Mobile Phone: Sample Answer 3

When did you get this mobile/cellphone?

My parents have given me several gifts, which are very special to me. However, there is one present that I cherish greatly.  My first cell phone arrived when I was about 16 years old. It was a Motorola mobile. 

How do you get it?

When I finished my school examinations, my parents gave it to me as a gift. I remember it clearly because some of my friends had cell phones. Then, cell phones started gaining traction and becoming virtually vital, yet people used them in various ways.

What do you use it for?

I use the phone for sending text messages and for calls. I also use my mobile to click pictures as the camera quality is good. 

Explain how you felt when you got it.

It was the most recent model at the time, thus it had some new functions that my friends' phones lacked, so when my parents presented it to me, I felt quite pleased. I used it for three years before replacing it with an iPhone. However, it was distinctive because it was my first mobile phone and was special to me.

Describe Your First Mobile Phone: Sample Answer 4

When did you get this mobile/cellphone?

I got my first mobile phone after a long struggle. I recall receiving my first mobile phone in my third year of college. I remember being the only one in my college who didn't have a cell phone, while all my other friends did. I always wanted to buy one, but it was so expensive back then that I didn’t have enough money. 

How do you get it?

I recall how expensive this phone was when I first got it; especially for me. The cell phone I bought back then was the Nokia 6600, and it cost me around Rs. 10,000, which was a lot of money at the time. I purchased the most recent model of the Nokia cell phone that was introduced in our country then, but I decided that I would never ask my parents for the money I needed to spend to get this mobile phone for me.

What do you use it for?

This new mobile phone helped me save and store all my important information. Camera quality is also great compared to any of Nokia's professional DSLR cameras.

Explain how you felt when you got it.

I never asked my parents for money to purchase this phone or asked them to buy it for me. I recall working so hard to do this in time. I had enrolled in two internships at the same time, and I was earning at least Rs 3,000 from each. So, over about two months, I saved enough money to buy this mobile phone, and I felt happy to buy something for the first time with my own money.

Sample Follow Up Questions

After completing the cue card task, candidates must answer follow-up questions about the discussed topic. Potential questions for "Describe Your First Mobile Phone" include:

Q1. Do you like having a cell phone?

Ans: Yes, it is useful and essential in today's world. It would be difficult to survive these days without a cell phone. It is quite useful in all situations.

Q2. Is having a cell phone a good or bad thing? Why?

Ans: It doesn’t matter whether it's good or bad because that's how we communicate and do business nowadays. People use their mobile devices to take pictures, conduct informational searches, purchase online, bank, communicate at work, and do various other things. It is important as without it many jobs would be difficult. It's similar to owning a car.

Q3. What can you do with a mobile phone?

Ans: As previously said, you can perform online information searches, pay bills conduct financial activities, shop and make purchases online, and, of course, talk with people you know via email, text, and phone calls. Depending on your interests, most phones allow you to watch videos, listen to music, browse, and utilize other apps. I have over 50 apps on my phone to do things like video chat, learn English, translate, and more.

Q4. Do most people in your country use mobile phones?

Ans: Yes, the majority of individuals in my nation have smartphones. The government is working hard to provide Internet connection via cell phones to even the most distant areas of India, and smartphones are already quite affordable.

Q5. Can youngsters use mobile phones in your country?

Ans: Unfortunately, it is normal to see children using phones nowadays. To keep their children entertained, parents let them watch videos and play games on their smartphones. To maintain discipline youngsters cannot take cell phones at schools or institutions.

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Tips to Answer IELTS Cue Card 

Answering an IELTS cue card may seem difficult, but with practice, you can ace it. Give enough time to the preparation, and follow the following tips to present your ideas:


The IELTS Speaking Part 2 Cue Card is more than just a test instrument; it gives examiners insight into an individual's ability to formulate thoughts concisely.  Achievement on the IELTS speaking test relies on planning, performance, and attitude. Prepare for the cue card on "Describe Your First Mobile Phone" by organizing your response, including when you buy it, how you get it, and other details.

Scoring in the IELTS as per the requirements of varied universities can get stressful. So, let Yocket assist you with that and other steps involved in studying abroad. From university shortlisting and applications to getting the visa and scholarships for your country and course, our Yocket experts are here to guide you from start to end. Schedule A FREE Video Consultation Call Today!

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FAQ's on Describe Your First Mobile Phone - IELTS Cue Card

Do I need a British or American accent to earn a high band score on my speaking test?

Will the examiner record my cue card answer?

What makes the IELTS Speaking Part 2 cue card important for the test?

What role does the example answers' format play in helping candidates complete the IELTS Speaking Part 2 Cue Card?

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