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Describe a Job You Would Not Like to Do in the Future - IELTS Cue Card

Yocket Editorial Team

IELTS is a test for English language proficiency for non-native English speakers.Among the 4 sections, the IELTS Speaking Part 2 is considered to be the most difficult. Here, you are given cue cards upon which you must speak for approximately two minutes. In this blog, we've covered one of the most important cue cards - “describe a job you would not like to do in the future.” Going through this blog will increase your familiarity with this particular card, and help you understand how this section tests your English proficiency by analysing your coherence and vocabulary.

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Table of Contents

What is an IELTS Cue Card?

You will receive a cue card with a topic and a set of prompts in Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking test. You will have one minute to prepare, in which you can note down ideas to help organise your response. You will then have two to three minutes to speak on the given topic. You should strive for a natural and clear speech, avoid rushing, and try to maintain a steady pace. You should also use a variety of vocabulary and pronounce words correctly.

The breakdown of the duration of the cue card section is added below:


11–14 minutes

Number of Parts

Band Score Range


Test Mode


Suggested: PTE vs IELTS: Know the Difference & Which is Easier?

Why are IELTS Cue Cards Important?

The IELTS cue cards are an essential part of the speaking section of the exam. They are essentially prompts that provide you with a topic to talk about for two minutes. Here's why they are important!

Describe a Job You Would Not Like to Do in the Future: Sample Answer 1

For this cue card on "Describe a job you would not like to do", I do have one in my mind. That is, waste management, or the position of a garbage collector. That is one career path I would not want to choose in the future.

  • What is the job?

Garbage collectors are responsible for gathering and disposing of trash, frequently under challenging conditions. It requires both physical effort and exposure to unpleasant odours.

  • How do you know about it?

Observing waste management employees in my neighbourhood and reading about their duties helped me form a perspective on this line of employment. Moreover, reports and documentaries also highlight the difficulties experienced by those in this field.

  • Is it an easy or difficult job?

Waste collectors frequently handle plenty of waste forms, hoist big loads, and labour in severe weather. It is undeniably respectable work, but it is also physically taxing and difficult.

  • Explain why you would prefer to do something other than that.

It's a demanding and, in my opinion, unattractive career choice because of the continuous exposure to unsanitary conditions and the hard work needed.

Describe a Job You Would Not Like to Do in the Future: Sample Answer 2

A profession I would avoid taking up in the future is that of a debt collector. They are in charge of contacting people to collect unpaid bills and past-due payments.

  • What is the job?

Debt collectors contact debtors via phone and text message in an attempt to get them to pay their outstanding debts.

  • How do you know about it?

Thanks to internet research and articles describing the nature of the work, I now have a better understanding of the difficulties involved in debt collection. My friends who work in this industry have also shared their experiences with me, which are mostly negative.

  • Is it an easy or difficult job?

Due to the confrontational nature of the encounters, the emotional toll it can take when dealing with people who are struggling financially, and other factors, debt collection is generally regarded as difficult.

  • Explain why you would prefer to do something other than that.

In my opinion, the job of debt collection is a stressful one as it frequently requires dealing with people who are struggling financially. For all these reasons, I would rather not work as a debt collector.

How to Score 8777 in IELTS: Importance & Tips

Describe a Job You Would Not Like to Do in the Future: Sample Answer 3

I would be hesitant to pursue a career in social media content moderation because I find the prospect of such a job to be quite intimidating. 

  • What is the job?

Social media content moderators monitor and control user-generated content on different websites, making sure it complies with the guidelines and policies set forth by the platform. 

  • How do you know about it?

Several articles and conversations with my friends have educated me about this field of work and the difficult challenges content moderators face when handling inappropriate and upsetting content shared on social media platforms.

  • Is it an easy or difficult job?

Because of the frequent exposure to potentially upsetting content, the urgency of making decisions, and the possible effects on mental health, content moderation is generally regarded as difficult.

  • Explain why you would prefer to do something other than that.

Although I acknowledge how important content moderation is to maintaining online safety, social media content moderation is not a career path I would like to pursue in the future due to its inherent challenges and possible negative consequences on one's well-being.

Describe a Job You Would Not Like to Do in the Future: Sample Answer 4

Telemarketing is one career path I would like to avoid in the future. It entails promoting goods and services over the phone in an unsolicited manner.

  • What is the job?

Telemarketers are required to make numerous calls to prospective clients to close deals on goods or services. They frequently use scripted dialogue to influence consumers to buy something.

  • How do you know about it?

I found out about this employment via varied sources, such as internet searches and anecdotes from former telemarketers. I have also personally received telemarketing calls, which have helped me understand the nature of the work.

  • Is it an easy or difficult job?

Telemarketing is a tough job, in my opinion. Continuous communication skills, the ability to bounce back from rejection, and the ability to read different people's reactions are all necessary for this job, making it difficult.

  • Explain why you would prefer to do something other than that.

Telemarketing can be emotionally draining because callers may encounter hostility. Furthermore, a tense work atmosphere may result from the pressure to reach sales targets. In all, telemarketing seems intrusive and frequently receives bad feedback, which is why I would prefer not to pursue it.

Sample/Follow-Up Questions and Answers

Following your response to the IELTS cue card about describing a job you would not like to do, these follow-up questions may be asked:

Q1. What types of jobs are popular among young Indians?

A1. In India, a growing number of young individuals are drawn to entrepreneurship. They like the excitement and difficulties that come with starting and operating their businesses. This tendency is a reflection of a readiness to try new things and a desire for independence. Aside from that, a lot of young people are interested in careers in information technology (IT), specialising in cybersecurity, data analysis, and software development. 

Q2. Is it necessary to succeed in the workplace?

A2. Yes, I believe it is necessary to succeed in the workplace, as it gives an individual a sense of professional and personal fulfilment. Earning well, having positive relationships with colleagues, carrying out one's job roles, and tackling workplace difficulties might all bolster an individual's self-esteem, which adds to self-worth and more.

Q3. Do you believe Al will replace many jobs?

A3: Artificial intelligence (AI) can potentially automate some jobs, but it can also lead to new business opportunities. Job displacement may coexist with the emergence of new jobs that depend on human abilities like creativity, emotional intelligence, and critical thinking as a result of the integration of AI.

Guide On IELTS Score Validity

Tips to Answer the IELTS Cue Card

Here are some tips to ace the IELTS Speaking Cue Card section!


The IELTS Speaking Part 2 Cue Card is more than just a test instrument; it provides examiners with insight into an individual's ability to formulate thoughts concisely.  Achievement on the IELTS speaking test relies on planning, performance, and attitude. Describing jobs that you do not wish to do in the future allows examiners to assess your mindset regarding different levels of jobs and language skills. 

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FAQ's on Describe a Job You Would Not Like to Do in the Future - IELTS Cue Card

Can I voice my opinion during the test, even if it differs from the examiner's?

What is the lowest score possible on the IELTS Speaking test?

Is eye contact important while IELTS speaking?

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