Exams Know-how

Describe a Successful Person Who You Once Studied or Worked With - IELTS Cue Card

Yocket Editorial Team

The IELTS is one of the most popular English skill tests, taken by non-native speakers of English. More than 3.5 million people take the test every year to study abroad and pursue a career in a native English-speaking country. The IELTS has four sections - Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. The IELTS speaking test has three parts, where part 2 is a cue card section. This section has a duration of 4-5 minutes. When you get a cue card with a topic, you get 1 minute to prepare, and then you need to speak for 2-3 minutes. 

Elevate your IELTS preparation and study abroad process with Yocket Premium - a study abroad consultation platform with a strong community of 1.2 Million Yocketers. Its AI-based tools backed with premium counselling services can help you shortlist and apply to potential universities offering admissions based on your course preferences and IELTS scores!

Table of Contents

What Is an IELTS Cue Card?

The IELTS cue card is also known as "IELTS Speaking Part 2” in the IELTS speaking test. In the IELTS cue card examiner gives a topic that has 2 to 3 pointers to expand upon. You will have 1 minute time to prepare for the topic. A pen and paper will be provided to you for jotting down the points. You have to speak on the given topic for 2 minutes after which part 3 of the speaking test will start. An IELTS cue card tests how fluently and confidently the candidate speaks. The table below shows the duration of the IELTS speaking cue card.




1 minute


Up to 2 minutes

How To Reschedule IELTS Exam And Cancel It?

Why are IELTS Cue Cards Important?

IELTS Cue Cards are important for several reasons:

  • The cue card tests your English language proficiency by assessing how confidently and fluently you speak.
  • It assesses your ability to form thoughts in the 1-minute time frame.
  • The follow-up questions in the cue card require you to use a wide range of vocabulary to speak about the topic in detail.

Describe a Successful Person Who You Once Studied or Worked With: Sample Answer 1

Who is this person?

I met Mr. Khanna, a successful entrepreneur of a unicorn startup during my college days. At a very young age, he achieved remarkable success in the business world.

When did you study/work with this person?

I was in my 1st year of management studies and got selected for my summer internship at Mr. Khanna’s firm. I got an opportunity to work closely with him for 2 months.

What did you do together?

I was assigned the role to directly work under the founder’s team. So, I had to develop various marketing strategies to open new stores of the company in the eastern part of India. I had the opportunity to be included in various brainstorming sessions, design meetings, and presentations along with Mr. Khanna.

Explain how you felt about studying or working with this person

It was an enriching experience working with Mr. Khanna. He always encouraged his team for creative thinking and empowered his team members to take calculated risks for success in life. Working under his guidance, taught me valuable lessons on leadership, entrepreneurship, and perseverance.


It was a great experience working with Mr. Khanna. It helped me shape my career aspirations. I am grateful for the opportunity to have learned from him. His mentorship inspired me to pursue my entrepreneurial endeavours and achieve my dreams.

Describe a Successful Person Who You Once Studied or Worked With: Sample Answer 2

Who is this person?

When I was at my university, I got an opportunity to interact with Rishi. He was 2 year senior to me in engineering college. At that time, I was in the 2nd year of Engineering.

When did you study/work with this person?

I interacted with Rishi during my second and third years of engineering college. He was already in his final year when I met him.

What did you do together?

Rishi was the president of our university's coding club. He frequently organised coding competitions, workshops, and hackathons for students interested in computer programming. I was an active member of the club, and Rishi mentored us, taught us new programming concepts, and helped us prepare for numerous coding competitions.

Explain how you felt about studying or working with this person

Rishi was a brilliant coding teacher and mentor, demonstrating a passion for making complex concepts easy to understand. Despite being a senior, he was approachable and patient, willing to help anyone who needed assistance. Rishi's dedication and hard work were inspiring, as he often stayed up late to prepare for competitions. His commitment to excellence was evident in everything he did, pushing us to strive for better.


Rishi was a role model for me and many others in the coding club. His success was measured not just by the number of coding competitions he won, but also by his ability to inspire and motivate people around him. He showed me the importance of determination, dedication, and a genuine passion for what you do. Rishi's influence had a big impact on my enthusiasm for programming and resolve to achieve in this industry.

IELTS Score for Different Countries

Describe a Successful Person Who You Once Studied or Worked With: Sample Answer 3

Who is this person?

Sulekha is an animal activist from Jaipur, Rajasthan. But I first met her as a manager and content strategist for Times Overseas She did her education in Italy and England. In addition to her academic background, she has 16 years of creative writing experience abroad.

When did you study/work with this person?

Sulekha and I first worked closely together when she became my manager and content strategist at Times Overseas, where I worked as a content writer. Our professional relationship began when I joined her to learn from her and her team.

What did you do together?

Sulekha and I worked together on various projects at Times Overseas. We brainstormed content ideas, developed strategies to enhance engagement, and executed campaigns aimed at reaching our target audience effectively. We also conducted research, analysed data, and implemented improvements to optimise content performance. Our common goal was to create high-quality, impactful content that resonates with our readers and aligns with our company's goals.

Explain how you felt about studying or working with this person.

Sulekha's commitment to excellence and creative thinking has motivated me to continue to grow. Tracking their milestones sparked my interest in education and content strategy. Her honest guidance and advice to watch English movies and read books to learn English inspired me to step out of my comfort zone and explore creating innovative content. Her advice and positivity continue to influence my personal growth. 


Sulekha's inspiring journey taught me the value of positivity, dedication and creative work. Working alongside successful people like her increases motivation and promotes personal growth. Surrounding yourself with visionary leaders fosters collaboration and creates new opportunities.

Describe a Successful Person Who You Once Studied or Worked With: Sample Answer 4

Who is this person?

I would like to talk about Ms. Aditi Mishra, a wonderful person with whom I had the opportunity to work on a project during my university days. Aditi is the world's youngest Salesforce MVP in 2022. Her journey began with working at Dzylus, a company that aims to provide multinational corporate experience to talented youth in Indore. Inspired by her passion for education, she founded SF Institute, her first Salesforce training institute in the state of Madhya Pradesh, and on YouTube she launched the Salesforce channel, making her free Salesforce certification tutorials available worldwide.

When did you study/work with this person?

I, along with my friend, was assigned a task to develop a Learning Management System (LMS), which taught us the value of educating students on a wide scale. It was my final year university project. It was during this project that I got to know Aditi Mishra. 

What did you do together?

Aditi and I worked together on developing a Learning Management System (LMS) as part of a university project. We worked together to ensure the system met the educational needs of students on a broad scale. We conducted research, gathered feedback, and iteratively improved the LMS to enhance its functionality and usability. 

Explain how you felt about studying or working with this person.

I've been incredibly inspired since working with Dzylus and SF Institute. Aditi’s dedication to her work had a huge impact on me and inspired me to seek new professional endeavours. I gained a sense of purpose and determination after witnessing her drive and commitment to the work. Aditi's perspective on pushing boundaries and embracing challenges resonated deeply with me, influencing my career goals. 


My life and goals were completely changed by working with Aditu. I gained a fresh sense of purpose from her commitment and entrepreneurial zeal. Observing her influence on innovation and education continues to shape my professional growth strategy and career objectives.

Sample Follow Up Questions

Candidates must answer follow-up questions about the discussed topic after completing the cue card task. Potential questions for "Describe a successful person who you once studied or worked with" include:

Q1. Is money the only way to measure success in your country?

Ans: Due to cultural and sociological factors, financial wealth is frequently associated with success in many parts of India. Individuals who gain wealth are frequently praised and respected in society, giving the impression that money is the major indicator of success.

Q2. How crucial is teamwork to success?

Ans: Teamwork is vital for success because it allows people to pool their resources, share ideas, and collaborate to achieve common goals. It stimulates teamwork and boosts overall productivity.

Q3. How does education help you advance in your career?

Ans: Education is critical for job advancement since it gives the knowledge, skills, and qualifications needed for various occupations. Continuous education enables individuals to adapt to changing work situations and grow in their professions.

Q4. What is the standard for success in your country?

Ans: In India, success is frequently defined by a variety of criteria, including financial stability, social status, and professional achievements. For some, success entails getting a high-paying job, possessing a luxury home, and driving costly cars that indicate material wealth and prosperity. 

Q5. What are the benefits of cultural diversity at work?

Ans: Cultural diversity in the workplace fosters creativity, innovation, and various perspectives. It creates tolerance, understanding, and respect among employees, resulting in a more inclusive and harmonious workplace.

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Tips to Answer IELTS Cue Card 

Answering an IELTS Cue Card may seem difficult, but with practice, you will be able to ace it. Give enough time to the preparation, and follow the following tips to present your ideas :

  • Tip 1: Understand the topic. Make sure you address every question.
  • Tip 2: Improve your pronunciation and intonation. Speak clearly, without interruptions.
  • Tip 3: Be conscious of your pace. Speaking very fast can lead to mistakes. Speaking slowly may make it seem like you're struggling to speak.
  • Tip 4: Expand your vocabulary. Present your ideas clearly and avoid repeating the same words.
  • Tip 5: Demonstrate your English proficiency by using compound and complex sentences.
  • Tip 6: Stay calm. It’s okay to be nervous, but don’t let it overwhelm you. Practise sufficiently to answer the question.
  • Tip 7: Be sincere in your engagement with the issue. Personal experiences and examples may help you provide a more persuasive solution.
  • Tip 8: Prepare for follow-up questions by adding details to your cue card responses.  


The IELTS Speaking Part 2 - Cue Card helps interviewers evaluate the candidate’s communication skills. It is a challenging task for the test takers due to the pressure to perform in a limited time. To succeed in the IELTS speaking part, thorough preparation is required. You should practise before the examination, as it will allow you to remain calm on test day.

If you want to know more about the IELTS score required for admission at the top institutions, reach out to Yocket Premium. Yocket experts will help you streamline your preparation and will guide you through the complex process of studying abroad. Connect with Yocket experts today!

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FAQ's on Describe a Successful Person Who You Once Studied or Worked With - IELTS Cue Card

How do you introduce yourself as a student?

What is the purpose of the IELTS Cue Card?

How long do I have to prepare for the IELTS Cue Card?

What kind of topics can the IELTS Cue Card cover?

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