Exams Know-how

Describe Something you Learned in a Place or From Someone - IELTS Cue Card

Yocket Editorial Team

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a well-known test of English skills for people who are not native English speakers and want to study, work, or move to a country where English is the primary language. One of the most essential parts of the IELTS test is the Speaking section, which has a job called "Cue Card."

For the Cue Card job, candidates must talk about a given topic for one to two minutes after being given a list of questions and one minute to prepare. This job tests candidates' ability to understand what they're saying, provide important information, and use their time well.

One common question is, Learn Something From Someone Cue Card. This question lets candidates talk about a specific skill, piece of information, or lesson they learned in a particular place or from a person, allowing them to show off their language skills while sharing a personal experience.

Table of Contents

What is an IELTS Cue Card?

The IELTS Cue Card is a job in the Speaking part of the IELTS test, where candidates are given a topic and a set of hints to talk about for 1-2 minutes. The examiner provides the candidate with a card with the subject and questions, and the candidate is given one minute to prepare before speaking.

The length of time for the Cue Card job is:



Preparation Time

1 minute

Speaking Time

1-2 minutes

During the Cue Card job, candidates must address all the hints offered and deliver a well-structured and clear answer within the given time window. This job examines candidates' ability to organise ideas, explain themselves clearly, and provide important information while meeting time limits.

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Why are IELTS Cue Cards Important?

The IELTS Speaking part measures a candidate's ability to speak effectively in English in real-life settings. The Cue Card job plays a crucial role in assessing this ability, as it models a scenario where the individual must talk on a specific topic for a limited time, similar to many real-world situations such as speeches, interviews, or casual chats.

Practising Cue Card topics is essential for IELTS students for several reasons, such as:

  • Developing speaking skills and confidence: The Cue Card job allows people to practice speaking in a controlled setting. By regularly learning different Cue Card themes, candidates can improve their diction, grammar, and general comfort in speaking English.
  • Learning to organise answers effectively: A well-structured reaction is essential for a successful conversation. The Cue Card job requires candidates to organise their thoughts and present their ideas clearly and coherently within the given time frame. Practising this skill can help people improve their ability to manage their answers successfully in different real-life scenarios.
  • Improving language and grammar: Preparing for IELTS Cue Card topics pushes candidates to grow their vocabulary and improve their grammar. Prospects can learn and add relevant words and sentence structures to their answers by familiarising themselves with various topics and improving their language skills.
  • Practising time management and flow: The Cue Card job has a strict time limit, requiring candidates to manage their time effectively and keep fluidity throughout their answers. Practising this skill can help people develop time management techniques and improve their ability to speak smoothly and clearly under time limits.

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Describe Something You Learned in a Place or From Someone: Sample Answer 1


One of the most important things I've learned was the art of public speaking, which I gained through a series of classes held by a local community centre. This experience helped me beat my fear of speaking in front of an audience. It taught me critical communication skills that have benefited me in various areas of my personal and work life.

Where did you learn it?

I took these public speaking classes at a community centre near my neighbourhood. The centre held a wide range of educational and leisure events, and these classes were part of their adult learning program. The classes were held in a cosy, well-lit room, providing a helpful and encouraging setting for attendees to learn and practice their speaking skills.

From whom or what did you learn it?

The classes were led by an experienced public-speaking teacher named Emily. With her friendly and engaging attitude, Emily provided a safe place for us to explore our speaking abilities and beat our fears. She shared essential insights, practical techniques, and critical feedback that helped us improve our confidence, performance, and general effectiveness as speakers.

How did you learn it?

The workshops were organised, mixing academic lessons with practice activities and models. We learned about different parts of public speaking, such as body language, voice projection, topic order, and audience involvement. Each lesson included chances for us to practice giving talks or presentations, followed by helpful comments from Emily and our peers.

One particularly striking activity involved recording our talks and watching the replay. This practice helped us to spot areas for change, such as empty words, worried habits, or pace problems. Emily's direction and specific feedback during these classes were essential in helping us discover and solve our strengths and flaws.

What did you learn?

These classes taught me the art of successful communication and the courage to share my thoughts and ideas with clarity and passion. I acquired skills in organising my topic, connecting with the audience, and giving speeches efficiently and effectively. Beyond the technical parts, I also learned the value of planning, practice, and constant self-improvement. Emily stressed that public speaking is a skill that can be honed through dedication and determination, and her advice ingrained in me the discipline and attitude necessary for success.


The public speaking classes at the community centre were a changing experience for me. They equipped me with essential speaking skills and promoted personal growth and self-confidence. The lessons I learned from Emily and the encouraging environment of the classes have deeply impacted my life, allowing me to speak successfully in various situations and explore opportunities that previously seemed daunting. It is an experience that has enabled me to share my thoughts and ideas with passion and sincerity.

Describe Something You Learned in a Place or From Someone: Sample Answer 2


One of the most important things I've learned was the art of awareness and meditation, which I discovered through a series of classes by a famous mindfulness guide named Sarah. This experience not only introduced me to the benefits of developing a present and focused mind but also taught me valuable techniques for controlling stress, improving attention, and finding inner peace amidst the chaos of daily life.

Where did you learn it?

I took these mindfulness classes at a quiet vacation centre on the city's outskirts. The centre was set amidst lush grass and peaceful surroundings, providing the perfect atmosphere for participants to engage in mindfulness and separate from the stresses of daily life.

From whom or what did you learn it?

Sarah, a well-known mindfulness teacher and practitioner, led the classes. With her calming presence and deep knowledge of mindfulness principles, Sarah provided a caring and helpful place for us to explore these practices. Her gentle advice and personal experiences made the lessons understandable and available, even for those new to mindfulness.

How did you learn it?

The classes followed a thorough method, mixing academic explanations with practical activities and guided practices. Sarah began by presenting mindfulness and its roots to us, stressing the importance of being present in the moment and developing a non-judgmental awareness.

We dove into mindfulness techniques, such as breath awareness, body scans, and walking exercises. Each session allowed us to practice these techniques under Sarah's guidance, allowing us to experience the benefits directly and learn how to handle the challenges that often arise during meditation, such as restlessness or wandering thoughts.

One potent exercise involved a mindful eating meditation, where we learned to enjoy each bite of a simple piece of fruit with all our senses, increasing our awareness and respect for the present moment. These practical tasks were supported by group talks, where we shared our experiences, ideas, and difficulties, creating a sense of community and mutual support.

What did you learn?

Through these classes, I learned the changing power of mindfulness and its ability to develop a greater sense of present, clarity, and inner peace. I could watch my thoughts and feelings non-judgmentally, allowing me to respond to events with greater awareness and purpose rather than reacting immediately.

The breathing methods and exercises I learned became valuable tools for handling stress and anxiety, allowing me to find calm amidst the chaos of daily life. I found the power of being fully present in each moment, enjoying the simple joys and beauty that often go overlooked in the rush of our busy lives.

Beyond the personal benefits, the classes also taught me the value of self-compassion and understanding. Sarah's advice helped me understand that mindfulness is a journey and that accepting flaws and failures with kindness and patience is essential for continued growth and change.


The mindfulness classes with Sarah were a profound and life-changing event for me. They equipped me with valuable tools and techniques for developing a present and focused mind and promoted a more profound sense of self-awareness and inner peace. The lessons I learned have become an essential part of my daily life, helping me manage the difficulties and stresses of the modern world with extraordinary perseverance and calm. It is an experience that has profoundly affected my general well-being and continues to inspire me to live each moment with mindfulness, kindness, and gratitude.

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Describe Something You Learned in a Place or From Someone: Sample Answer 3


One of the most important things I've learned in my life was the art of building, which I gained from my grandpa, a skilled builder with a lifetime of experience and a deep respect for the craft. This experience introduced me to the joy of making with my hands and taught me important lessons about patience, determination, and the beauty of working in harmony with natural materials.

Where did you learn it?

I learned the art of woodworking in my grandfather's small but well-equipped workshop, hidden in the garden of his house. This workshop was a refuge for him, filled with the smell of sawdust, the hum of power tools, and an array of carefully organised tools and supplies. It was a place that oozed kindness, imagination, and the knowledge of a lifetime spent learning a skill.

From whom or what did you learn it?

I had the honour of learning this skill straight from my grandfather, whose calloused hands and gentle manner spoke volumes about his commitment to his craft. With each lesson, he shared not only his technical knowledge but also his deep respect for the natural beauty of wood and the importance of maintaining traditional woodworking methods.

How did you learn it?

My grandfather's method of teaching was hands-on and practical. He felt that the best way to learn woodworking was by doing, and he led me through every step of the process, from choosing the suitable wood and tools to understanding the grain patterns and working with the natural traits of each material.

We started with simple projects, such as making small boxes or picture frames, where he taught me the basics of measuring, cutting, and joining wood. As my skills improved, we tackled more complex projects, like making furniture or detailed carvings, each offering new obstacles and opportunities for growth.

Throughout our meetings, my grandfather stressed the value of patience, accuracy, and attention to detail. He taught me to take the time to plan each step carefully, to measure twice and cut once, and to accept the beauty of flaws that naturally occur in working with wood.

What did you learn?

Through my grandfather's instruction, I learned far more than just woodworking skills. I learned to respect the beauty and complexity of natural materials and the patience and determination needed to turn them into functional and physically pleasing products.

I learned the importance of slowing down and enjoying the process, finding joy in making something with my hands. My grandfather's lessons ingrained in me a sense of pride in the skill and a respect for the practices and history behind woodworking. Moreover, I found the soothing nature of working with wood, as the regular movements and the pleasure of seeing a project come to life gave a sense of calm and fulfilment that surpassed the physical act of creation.


Learning the art of woodworking from my grandfather was a deep and rewarding experience that shaped my skills, morals, and outlook on life. The lessons I learned in his workshop stretched far beyond the field of woodworking, showing me the value of patience, determination, and enjoying the beauty in the natural world around us.

As I continue to practice this skill, each job becomes a tribute to my grandfather's heritage and a reminder of the important lessons he taught. The joy and sense of success I receive from making something with my hands is a testament to the timeless knowledge he shared and the lasting bond we formed through our love for woodworking.

Describe Something You Learned in a Place or From Someone: Sample Answer 4


One of the most important things I've learned in my life was the art of resilience and beating hardship, which I gained through my journey of healing from a severe injury. This experience challenged me physically and taught me important lessons about resilience, self-belief, and the power of a positive attitude in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges.

Where did you learn it?

I learned these lessons mainly through the complex process of recovery, which took place at a specialised physical therapy centre. This centre was equipped with state-of-the-art tools and managed by a team of dedicated professionals committed to helping patients like me regain their strength, movement, and general well-being.

From whom or what did you learn it?

While the physical therapists and medical professionals played a crucial role in guiding my recovery, the trustworthy source of my learning was the experience itself – the countless hours of excruciating exercises, the setbacks and frustrations, and the moments of doubt that threatened to derail my progress. Through this journey, I deeply understood resiliency and the power of persistence.

How did you learn it?

The recovery process was gruelling, both physically and mentally. Each day, I have brought new challenges and hurdles, from relearning basic movements to pushing through the pain and soreness. However, through these obstacles, I learned the true meaning of perseverance.

My physical trainers played a crucial part in this learning process. They led me through the exercises and treatments and provided priceless mental support and motivation. They praised my small wins, telling me of my progress and the possibility for further growth. One particularly impacting moment was when I hit a halt in my healing, feeling upset and questioning my ability to continue. Then, my therapist shared her story of beating hardship, telling me that resilience is not about the lack of failures but rather the ability to bounce back from them with fresh drive.

What did you learn?

This journey taught me the art of resiliency – the ability to change and continue in the face of hardship. I learned the power of a positive attitude and its profound effect on one's ability to face obstacles. Each failure became a chance to develop resolve and mental grit, pushing me to dig deeper and find the strength to continue.

I learned the importance of breaking down seemingly overwhelming chores into smaller, doable steps and enjoying each milestone. This method made the journey less overwhelming and created a sense of success and progress, boosting my drive to keep going.

Moreover, I better understood the mind-body link and how mental resiliency affects physical healing. By developing a positive and determined attitude, I could push through the pain and soreness, allowing my body to heal and regain strength.

Perhaps most importantly, I learned the importance of self-belief and the power of surrounding oneself with a supporting network. The support and trust of my physical trainers, family, and friends played a crucial role in sustaining my resiliency during the most difficult times, telling me that I held the inner strength to beat any challenge.


The lessons I learned through my road of healing from a severe accident were essential and life-changing. This event taught me the true meaning of grit – the ability to change, fight, and emerge better from hardship. It ingrained in me a deep respect for the power of a positive attitude, the importance of breaking down challenges into doable steps, and the powerful effect that self-belief and a helpful network can have on one's ability to overcome hurdles.

The art of perseverance is not a skill learned in a classroom or from a book; it is formed through the fires of personal experience and the desire to emerge triumphant. This journey has prepared me with the mental grit and inner strength to face future challenges head-on, knowing that resilience is not a natural trait but a muscle that can be developed and improved through perseverance and an unwavering commitment to growth.

Sample/Follow-up Questions and Their Answers

  1. Do you think learning something from a person or place is better?

While learning from a person and a place can be a valuable experience, learning from a person often offers a more profound and changing experience. When we learn from an individual, we acquire information or skills and gain insight into their views, experiences, and advice.

A skilled teacher or guide can tailor their approach to our learning styles, provide personalised comments, and share their unique insights and stories, making the lessons more approachable and effective. Additionally, the human link and bond formed with an educated individual promote a tremendous respect and understanding of the subject matter.

However, learning from a place can also be incredibly beneficial, as it allows us to submerge ourselves in new settings, cultures, and situations that can broaden our views and test our assumed ideas. The experiences and lessons we gain from visiting new places can shape our outlook, support personal growth, and provide unique perspectives that may be difficult to acquire through standard means.

  1. How important is having a good teacher or guide when learning something new?

Having a good teacher or guide when learning something new is essential and can significantly impact the quality and depth of the learning process. A skilled and knowledgeable teacher or guide can provide several key benefits, such as:

  • Advice and expertise: An experienced teacher or guide can offer expert advice, share their deep knowledge of the subject matter, and provide insights and methods that may be tough to acquire through self-study or trial and error.
  • Personalised feedback: A good teacher or guide can watch your progress, find areas for improvement, and provide helpful input suited to your unique needs and learning style. This feedback can help you beat hurdles and improve your skills more effectively.
  • Motivation and encouragement: Learning something new can be difficult, and there may be times of anger or self-doubt. A helpful and welcoming teacher or guide can motivate and inspire you to fight through these challenges, praising your wins and helping you stay focused on your goals.
  • Networking and industry connections: Besides teaching information, a well-connected teacher or guide can introduce you to important industry contacts, professional networks, and chances for further growth and development.

While learning freely through self-study and internet tools is possible, having a skilled teacher or guide can significantly speed the learning process, provide essential advice and support, and develop a better understanding and appreciation for the subject matter.

However, it is essential to find a teacher or guide who not only holds the necessary knowledge but also has a teaching style and method that fits your learning tastes and goals.

  1. Can you give an example of a skill or knowledge you learned independently without a teacher or mentor?

Indeed, photography is one skill that I mainly learned on my own, without the direction of an official teacher or guide. My path into this art form began as a hobby, driven by a desire to record and keep moments and experiences visually engaging. Initially, I relied on online lessons, photography sites, and experimentation to understand the basic ideas and methods of shooting. I spent countless hours studying various aspects such as exposure, framing, lighting, and post-processing, constantly learning and improving my skills through trial and error.

As my love for photography grew, I began to seek inspiration from the works of famous photographers, studying their styles, methods, and artistic choices. I studied their collections, read conversations and stories about their creative processes, and tried combining aspects of their methods into my work.

One of the most important things I learned through this self-guided trip was the value of creating a personal style and artistic vision. Without the limitations of a structured program or a mentor's impact, I could explore different styles, try various techniques, and eventually find the type of photography that connected most with my artistic tastes. While learning on my own offered obstacles, such as beating plateaus and managing the vast amount of knowledge available, it also developed a sense of self-reliance, problem-solving skills, and tremendous respect for the art form. Each breakthrough or successful picture became a personal victory, driving me to continue learning and growing as a self-taught photographer.

I sought feedback from fellow fans in online groups, visited classes and shows to gain new views, and constantly pushed myself to step out of my comfort zone and explore new techniques and topics. While the direction of a skilled guide or teacher can be priceless, this experience taught me that self-driven learning, combined with a love for the subject and a willingness to accept challenges, can also lead to remarkable personal growth and the acquisition of valuable skills.

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Tips to Answer IELTS Cue Card

While planning for the IELTS Cue Card job, it is essential to remember a few tactics to give a well-structured and clear answer. Here are some tips to help you succeed:

  • Listen carefully to the directions and prompts provided: Pay close attention to the specific prompts and instructions given by the examiner for the Cue Card topic. This will ensure that you address all the necessary aspects in your answer.
  • Use the one-minute preparation time effectively: The one-minute preparation time is essential for organising your thoughts and planning your answer. Use this time to jot down key points, examples, or a short plan to guide your answer.
  • Begin with a clear and concise introduction: Start your answer with a clear and concise introduction that sets the background for your topic. This will help you create a strong base for your subsequent points and provide a smooth shift into the body of your answer.
  • Address all the prompts given: Ensure that you address all the prompts and questions provided in the Cue Card. You must cover any prompts to ensure an accurate answer and increase your score.
  • Use various related words and grammar structures: The Cue Card job is a chance to showcase your English language skills. Incorporate relevant words and suitable grammar structures to show your grasp of the language.
  • Speak clearly and at a natural pace: Aim to speak clearly and at a natural pace, avoiding long stops or hesitations. This will help you express your thoughts effectively and keep the flow of your answer.
  • Record and study your practice sessions: Consider recording yourself while learning Cue Card subjects. Listening back to your answers can help you spot areas for improvement, such as speech, speed, consistency, or using more advanced words and grammar structures.
  • Seek feedback: Seek feedback from experienced IELTS teachers or friends who have already taken the test. Their views and ideas can help you spot strengths and flaws in your answers, allowing you to make necessary changes before the test.
  • Stay calm and confident: The Cue Card job can be frightening, but staying calm and confident during your answer is essential. Take a deep breath before starting, and remember that the reviewer is there to measure your language skills, not to judge or criticise your personal experiences or views.
  • Focus on the task at hand: While feeling nervous during the test is normal, it's crucial to stay focused on the task at hand. Refrain from getting sidetracked by external factors or overthinking your answer. Focus on answering the questions clearly and logically.
  • Embrace the experience: Rather than viewing the Cue Card job as stressful, welcome it as a chance to showcase your language skills and engage in a meaningful exchange. Approach it with a positive attitude, and remember that it's a chance to show your hard work and planning.

Following these tips and practising regularly can improve your confidence and ability to give well-structured and engaging answers during the IELTS Cue Card job.


Mastering the  Learn Something From Someone Cue Card is essential for finding success in the IELTS speaking section. By following the tips, practising with sample answers, and familiarising yourself with this topic, you can develop the confidence and skills to give well-structured and engaging replies. Remember, the key lies in regular practice, effective time management, and a deep understanding of the language standards. Embrace this Cue Card as a chance to showcase your English skills while sharing critical personal experiences. With commitment and the right tactics, you can excel in this vital component of the IELTS test. Unlock your financial potential with Yocket, personalised solutions, expert guidance, and a path to financial freedom.

Read More on IELTS Cue Cards

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Describe a healthy lifestyle you know - IELTS Cue Card Describe a film you watched at home or in a cinema - IELTS Cue Card

FAQ's on Describe Something you Learned in a Place or From Someone – IELTS Cue Card

Can I use personal examples or stories while answering the IELTS Cue Card?

How much information should I include in my Cue Card response?

Can I ask for information if I don't understand a question or instruction?

Can I use notes or prompts during the speaking time?

How vital are body language and eye contact during the IELTS Cue Card task?

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