Exams Know-how

IELTS Results & Scores: Everything You Need to Know about IELTS Results & Band Score


A good IELTS score indicates one's excellence in the English language. Fortunately, one can self-prepare for the IELTS test and achieve effective results. But to achieve the desired band, one must understand the IELTS scores. This will help one aim for a better target score.

Before having an in-depth understanding of the IELTS scores, let’s first go through the overview of IELTS as a proficiency test. 

The IELTS test examines an individual in four sections namely: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. By scoring well in each section, a student can prove to be a linguistically strong candidate to study abroad.

Along with acknowledging the importance of IELTS scores, a student must also know about the IELTS evaluation process. So, let’s begin our discussion with who evaluates the IELTS paper. How can one share scores with the desired university? And more. 

Table of Contents

How is IELTS Scored?

Professionals, usually from a teaching background, are trained and certified by IELTS to evaluate papers. Honing their expertise in this field, they must present detailed feedback on a candidate’s performance. This ensures that the evaluator has precisely marked you.

NOTE: Your IELTS scorecard is called the Test Report Form or the IELTS TRF.

Next, let us make an attempt to understand the IELTS scoring system in all its essence.

  • Calculating IELTS Score:

Each of the IELTS sections i.e. IELTS Listening, IELTS Reading, IELTS Writing and IELTS Speaking, are scored individually. And then, the average score of the four of them is calculated and rounded off as the total band score. Check out this infographic to better understand.

 Calculating IELTS Score

Listening + Reading Writing Speaking {average} = 1-9 band score

Hope you are clear with the calculation of the IELTS band score. Next, let’s understand the band conversion in an individual IELTS section. 

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IELTS Section Scoring: How are IELTS Academic Band Scores Calculated?

IELTS Section Scoring: How are IELTS Academic Band Scores Calculated?

As it is clear from the visual above that the IELTS Academic exam has four sections:

  • Listening
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Speaking

Let us understand the scoring pattern for the IELTS section-wise:

  1. IELTS Listening Band Score

You are expected to answer 40 questions of IELTS Listening. Each question carries a mark.

  • The total score is converted to a 1-9 band score.
  • Scores are marked in half and whole bands.

Here is a table that shows the IELTS Listening Raw Score Vs the Listening band score:

IELTS Listening Raw Score (Academic)

IELTS Band Score









  1. IELTS Reading Band Score

Similar to the IELTS Listening section, you have 40 questions in the IELTS reading section. Your raw scores out of 40 are converted to a band score.

  • IELTS Reading is scored on a 1-9 band score.

Here’s a table that shows the IELTS Reading Raw Score Vs the Reading band score:

IELTS Reading Raw Score (Academic)

IELTS Reading Band Score









  1. IELTS Writing Band Score

You have two tasks in your IELTS Writing test. IELTS expert evaluators present detailed feedback of your task responses on the basis of:

  • Coherence and Cohesion
  • Lexical Resource
  • Grammatical Range
  • Accuracy

Along with the detailed feedback, a score on a 1-9 score band is awarded. Scores for the IELTS Writing section are marked in whole and half bands.

  1. IELTS Speaking Band Score

In the speaking section of IELTS, you’re marked on your English fluency, coherence, lexical resources, grammatical range, accuracy, and pronunciation.

  • Your IELTS interviewer scores you on a 1-9 band score.

The IELTS Academic score is the average of the four IELTS sections, giving you the overall band score.

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Receiving your total IELTS score gives you a value on the score scale. But do you understand what it means? How can you define your IELTS score? Well, let’s discuss that :

What Does Your IELTS Score Mean?

IELTS experts have accurately defined your IELTS band score value for the universities abroad. To understand this further, look at this tabulation:

Band Score

Skill Level

What your score means





The test taker has a fully operational command of the language. Their use of English is appropriate, accurate and fluent, and shows complete understanding.


Very good user

The test taker has a fully operational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriate usage. They may misunderstand some things in unfamiliar situations. They handle complex and detailed argumentation well.


Good user

The test taker has operational command of the language, though with occasional inaccuracies, inappropriate usage and misunderstandings in some situations. They generally handle complex language well and understand detailed reasoning.


Competent user


The test taker has an effective command of the language despite some inaccuracies, inappropriate usage and misunderstandings. They can use and understand fairly complex language, particularly in familiar situations.


Modest user


The test taker has partial command of the language and copes with overall meaning in most situations, although they are likely to make many mistakes. They should be able to handle basic communication in their own field.


Limited user

The test taker's basic competence is limited to familiar situations. They frequently show problems in understanding and expression. They are not able to use complex language.


Extremely limited user

The test taker conveys and understands only general meaning in very familiar situations. There are frequent breakdowns in communication.


Intermittent user


The test taker has great difficulty understanding spoken and written English.




The test taker has no ability to use the language except a few isolated words.


Did not attempt the test


The test taker did not answer the questions.

The IELTS scores have limited validity, and you must stay aware of the legit time period. 

What is the Duration of the IELTS Score Validity?

Your IELTS Score is valid for 2 years. Test-takers can send their IELTS scores to as many universities as they wish for 2 years after their test. However, after 2 years, your IELTS exam results lose their validity.

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Next let’s explore how to check IELTS results and where to check IELTS results.

How and Where to Check IELTS Results & Scores?

Receiving your IELTS result varies based on the type of test you’ve taken. Refer to the table below to check the tentative availability of your TRF:

IELTS Test Type

Results Available | TRF

Paper delivered IELTS

TRF is available 13 days after your test

Computer-delivered IELTS

TRF is available 3-5 days after the test

Viewing your IELTS Result Online

Test-takers can view their IELTS exam score and hence results online through the official website. All you need to do is fill in the details and click on ‘get results.’

After how many days IELTS results come out? The average IELTS result time is 3-5 days, i.e. your result will be displayed within this time frame after the exam. However, your IELTS results are visible online only for 28 days after your tests. 

NOTE: Screenshots or printouts of your IELTS results aren’t accepted as the official scorecards. You can view your scores online. However, only the hard copy of the IELTS TRF is accepted as the official document.

Viewing your IELTS Result Online

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How do You Receive Your IELTS TRF?

Each test-taker receives ONE Test Report Form. The TRF is mailed to your registered address or can be collected from your IELTS test centre. You’re recommended to keep the TRFs safe, as duplicates of your scorecards aren’t issued.

IELTS Re-evaluation: What happens when you put your IELTS scores for re-evaluation?

If you’re not satisfied with your IELTS exam scores, you can raise a request to review your IELTS scores by issuing an Enquiry of Results Request (EOR) and paying an enquiry fee. However, you can raise this request within 6 weeks of receiving your TRF.

  • As your request is accepted, the papers are re-evaluated by senior evaluators.
  • Your IELTS test centre is notified if there is a revision in the IELTS exam score.
  • In case of a revision, your IELTS centre provides you with an updated TRF, and your enquiry fee is refunded.

NOTE: The whole process might take up to 6-8 weeks.

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How to Send IELTS Scores to Universities?

In case you wish to send your scores to more than five universities, request additional scorecards. You will be charged Rs 250 extra per university.

Here’s an interesting fact:

Many test-takers update their IELTS scores on Linkedin to show off their outstanding English-speaking skills. And guess what! Recruiters tend to like that a lot!

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As a study abroad aspirant, keeping all your options open helps you choose the best country. Therefore, be familiar with the accepted country-wise scores -

What are Accepted IELTS Scores Country Wise?

Therefore, we are listing the accepted IELTS scores for some of the countries abroad:


IELTS Accepted Scores





New Zealand








NOTE: These values may vary based on your visa and university requirements.

This information will help you understand where to use the IELTS test results. The country that will accept your score to further check with the university/course department. 

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Now that you know the country-wise accepted scores, let’s check…

How to Avail of Scholarships with IELTS Scores? 

IELTS scholarships are awarded to Indian students who meet the following requirements:

  • Is a Resident & citizen of India
  • Attend a higher education institution that accepts IELTS as part of its admission requirements
  • Have a valid IELTS test score, with a minimum IELTS exam result average of 6.5
  • Must have taken their most recent IELTS test with the British Council
  • Begin their full-time graduate study outside India
  • Must be able to provide an acceptance letter from the attending institution

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Now you know all about IELTS test scores, what are good scores, how to share them, and more. However, understand that the score submission decisions are critical and therefore require in-depth understanding and basic IELTS cut-off knowledge. 

If you are planning to study abroad for the first time, these steps can be intimidating, But worry not! Choose Yocket Premium. With this service, our expert and well-trained counsellors will guide you throughout the study-abroad process, from exam preparation to the fulfilment of pre-departure facilities. 

Also Read: 

Universities Accepting IELTS Score of 7.5 and Above

Sweden IELTS Requirements

IELTS Score for Canada

IELTS Exam Dates 2023 and Centers

Types of IELTS

IELTS Coaching in Navi Mumbai

Frequently Asked Questions on IELTS Results and Scores

How long does IELTS Result remain on the website?

Can one get more than one hard copy of their IELTS scorecard?

Is there a limit to no. of attempts in IELTS? 

What are the steps to get the IELTS test result re-checked?

What is the IELTS passing score? 

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