Exams Know-how

Describe An Occasion When You Had To Do Something In a Hurry - IELTS Cue Card

Yocket Editorial Team

Qualifying for the IELTS exam can be difficult, especially regarding the speaking component. Responding correctly to cue card subjects is one component that test takers frequently struggle with. In this article, we will dig into the realm of IELTS Cue Cards, investigating their significance and sharing vital ideas on how to ace them, focusing on "Describe Occasion When You Had To Do Something In A Hurry".

In the speaking segment of IELTS, test-takers are handed cue cards that encourage them to talk on a specific topic for a set amount of time. Cue card topics like "Describe Occasion When You Had To Do Something In A Hurry" call for rapid thinking and strong communication abilities. Understanding the significance of learning these cue cards is critical for getting a good score on the speaking exam. Remember to visit Yocket, your one-stop shop for all your study abroad needs, for further information and assistance on your IELTS journey!

Table of Contents

What is an IELTS Cue Card?

An IELTS Cue Card is a prompt card used during the speaking section of the IELTS exam. It includes a specific topic or issue that test takers must discuss for up to two minutes. The cue card usually depicts a situation, experience, or viewpoint and asks the speaker to deliver a thorough answer backed by examples, explanations, and pertinent information. It takes one minute for test takers to prepare their answers before speaking. The cue card aims to evaluate the candidate's ability to communicate effectively in English, display fluency, consistency, and linguistic resources, and organise their thoughts coherently within a restricted duration. To perform well in the speaking portion of the IELTS test, one must become proficient using cue cards.

Here's a breakdown of the time for the IELTS Speaking Cue Card:



Preparation Time

1 minute

Speaking Time

1-2 minutes

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Why are IELTS Cue Cards Important?

The IELTS Speaking section, which includes the Cue Card task, is a crucial component of the exam, accounting for 25% of the overall IELTS score. This section assesses the candidate's ability to communicate effectively and fluently in English. The Cue Card task is critical because it allows the examiner to evaluate the candidate's spontaneous speaking skills. 

Unlike other portions of the IELTS exam, which may require more preparation and planning, the Cue Card assignment asks applicants to reply to a prompt in real time, displaying their ability to organise their thoughts, convey their views, and converse naturally. Candidates who do well on the Cue Card assignment can demonstrate their English language competence and improve their chances of receiving a better overall IELTS score. Cue Card exercise helps you master communication, organisation, and rapid thinking, all of which are critical abilities for financial success.  

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Sample Answer 1: Describe the Occasion When You Had To Do Something In a Hurry


Amid regular living, there are times when prompt action and decision-making are required. I can still clearly recall one such instance in which I was pressed for time and had to deal with unanticipated situations to make a critical trip.

When did you understand you needed to move immediately, and what was the urgency?

It was a beautiful Monday morning, and I had an early flight to catch a critical business conference in another city. Everything appeared to be going as planned until I received a panicked call from the airline notifying me of an abrupt change in departure time due to unanticipated weather circumstances. The revised departure schedule gave me less than an hour to go to the airport, check in, and board my aircraft.

What challenges did you experience when racing to finish the task?

The most challenging hurdle was the morning traffic, which was exceptionally high owing to an accident on the major road to the airport. I constantly thought about the ticking clock while stuck in traffic, feeling like every minute seemed like an eternity. I examined other options and opted to take a less familiar backroad, which was precise.

How did you feel when you completed the work on time?

I felt enormous relief when I reached the gate as the final boarding call was allocated. I felt a surge of adrenaline mixed with joy as I handed over my boarding card to the attendant and ran onboard the plane. It was a tight call, but I had overcome the odds.

What lessons did you acquire from this event, and how did they affect you afterwards?

This event demonstrated the value of being calm under pressure and thinking on my feet. It showed me the importance of preparing for any eventuality and responding quickly to changing conditions. Since then, I've always planned for contingencies and set up time for vital activities, particularly while going on significant occasions.


Finally, the experience of accomplishing something quickly served as a stinging reminder of the unpredictability of life and the significance of keeping calm and controlled under pressure. While the experience was tricky, it also taught me excellent skills and insights functional in my personal and professional development.

Sample Answer 2: Describe the Occasion When You Had To Do Something In a Hurry


Life frequently presents unexpected obstacles, challenging our capacity to respond swiftly and effectively. A particularly noteworthy experience was when I had to prepare a last-minute presentation for a significant customer at work under incredibly tight timelines.

When did you understand you needed to move immediately, and what was the urgency?

The urgency came on a Wednesday afternoon when my manager unexpectedly informed me that a vital stakeholder meeting had been rescheduled for Friday morning rather than next week. This meeting was essential since it included obtaining a large contract, and my presentation would play a crucial part in the debate.

What challenges did you experience when racing to finish the task?

One significant challenge was communicating with other departments for updated data and feedback, as everyone had different timetables and objectives. Furthermore, coordinating this vital duty with my other obligations while maintaining high work quality needed tremendous effort and attention. Time management and effective communication were critical to overcoming these obstacles.

How did you feel when you completed the work on time?

The thrill of completing the presentation on time was satisfying. I felt confident and prepared when I entered the meeting with all my documents and a well-rehearsed speech. The sense of achievement was heightened when the stakeholders responded positively to the presentation, contributing to the contract's successful completion.

What lessons did you acquire from this event, and how did they affect you afterwards?

This event taught me the value of resilience and flexibility on the job. I learnt how to stay calm under pressure and how important it is to handle critical employment with an organisation. It also emphasised the need for excellent communication and teamwork in obtaining speedy outcomes. These lessons have improved my handling of stressful situations, making me a more proactive and prepared professional.


This frantic and high-pressure event was a watershed point in my career, illustrating that you can succeed despite demanding deadlines with the correct mentality and techniques. It improved not just my professional abilities but also my confidence.

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Sample Answer 3: Describe the Occasion When You Had To Do Something In a Hurry


Certain situations need an immediate response, and procrastination might result in squandered chances. One such incident happened in my last year of college when I had to submit a vital scholarship application right before the deadline.

When did you understand you needed to move immediately, and what was the urgency?

Late one evening, while sorting through my files, I found the scholarship application I had begun but never finished, which made the urgency clear. The deadline was midnight, and I realised my mistake at 10:30 PM. This grant was critical for paying for my last year of education. Therefore, the situation was urgent.

What challenges did you experience when racing to finish the task?

The most significant impediment was my concern about sacrificing the quality of my application in my haste. Balancing speed with the careful nature of writing essays and ensuring everything was correct took a lot of work. Furthermore, due to the late hour, I had no one to edit my final manuscript, forcing me to depend only on my judgment and attention to detail.

How did you feel when you completed the work on time?

I felt enormous relief and happiness when I pushed the submit button with only a few minutes to spare. Despite the stress and fast pace, knowing that I had successfully finished and filed the application on time felt fulfilling. The successful submission gave me a sense of satisfaction and increased my confidence in managing tight circumstances.

What lessons did you acquire from this event, and how did they affect you afterwards?

This event demonstrated the value of organisation and the perils of procrastination. It gave me time management skills and the capacity to focus under pressure. These abilities have helped me in various situations, notably managing deadlines and keeping calm under pressure. The experience also prompted me to improve my routines for recording crucial dates and deadlines to avoid such problems in the future.


This hectic sprint against time allowed me to compete for the scholarship and provided an invaluable personal learning experience. It showed the need for time management and preparation, which have played vital roles in my academic and professional achievements.

Sample Answer 4: Describe the Occasion When You Had To Do Something In a Hurry


Rapid replies can often be the difference between success and failure. One vivid incident occurred during a family emergency when rapid thought and prompt action were required to assist a loved one.

When did you understand you needed to move immediately, and what was the urgency?

My revelation came late one evening when I received a troubling call from my sister. She had tumbled down the stairs at home while alone with her child and was worried she had fractured her leg. She couldn't move and was in a lot of pain, so she needed help not just for herself but also for her little child.

What challenges did you experience when racing to finish the task?

Navigating late-night traffic and the fear of not knowing the full depth of my sister's health were tremendous obstacles. Each red light lasted longer than usual, and the trip was always stressful. I was also concerned about arriving on time to ensure everything was in order.

How did you feel when you completed the work on time?

I was relieved when I arrived and realised that my sister and her kid had survived the tragedy. Being able to console them and take command of the situation removed much of the initial anxiety. It was a reminder of the value of family and being there for one another in times of need.

What lessons did you acquire from this event, and how did they affect you afterwards?

This episode showed me the importance of exam preparation and the capacity to respond decisively under pressure. It emphasised the need to remain calm and think, especially in an emergency. Then, I've prepared better for unforeseen circumstances, such as keeping emergency contacts and medical supplies readily available at home and in my vehicle.


This terrible experience of needing to do something in a hurry challenged my capacity to react quickly and effectively. Still, it also enhanced my respect for family relationships and the vital function of emergency preparedness. It was a powerful lesson in responsibility and the need to be ready for the unexpected.

IELTS Speaking Part: Describe Occasion When You Had To Do Something In a Hurry Cue Card Follow-up Questions

Q1. How do you normally deal with difficult situations?

I manage difficult circumstances by being calm and focused on the topic at hand. Taking deep breaths and prioritising chores have proven my effective stress management techniques. I prefer dividing major chores into minor, achievable phases, making the issue less daunting.

Q2. Do you believe completing things fast or taking time and ensuring they are done correctly is preferable?

It depends on the circumstances. When quality is paramount, taking the time to do things well is critical. However, there are situations, particularly in a professional setting, where speed is vital and accomplishing tasks swiftly is required. Depending on the situation, balancing quality and quickness is the key.

Q3. What kind of employment demands individuals to work constantly in a hurry?

Emergency service workers, such as paramedics, firefighters, and police officers, frequently operate in high-pressure situations. Additionally, cooks at crowded restaurants and journalists, particularly those covering live events, must work swiftly to fulfil tight deadlines.

Q4. Do you believe that automation has accelerated the pace of work?

Yes, I agree that automation has enhanced the speed of labour. Automation tools and technology assist in simplifying various processes, allowing jobs to be accomplished more quickly and efficiently. This can improve production while raising expectations for speed, which can sometimes come at the price of thoroughness. 

Q5. Is it possible for humans to learn how to do tasks quickly?

Yes, being able to do tasks fast is a talent that can be cultivated over time. This entails increasing time management abilities, prioritising properly, and honing multitasking capabilities. With experience and the correct skills, most people may improve their capacity to work rapidly while maintaining high quality.

Q6. How can completing tasks quickly affect your personal or professional life?

Completing tasks fast has dramatically improved my work life, helping me to meet tight deadlines and efficiently handle time-sensitive projects. It has also aided my personal life, particularly when coping with routine duties or unanticipated situations, by saving time and reducing stress.

Q7. What are the repercussions of making judgments in a hurry?

Making judgments quickly can often result in oversight and errors since there isn't enough time to analyse all sides of a scenario. This can lead to poor judgement and unsatisfactory consequences. However, in cases where rapid decision-making is required, such as in an emergency, the capacity to make quick decisions can save lives.

Q8. Can you explain a situation in which acting fast resulted in a positive outcome?

Yes, during a group assignment at university, we had to fulfil an unexpected deadline adjustment that forced us to finish our presentation overnight. We worked effectively, assigning duties to team members and concentrated intensively without interruptions. The work paid off, as we were one of the most well-received presentations, lauded for our clarity and structure, which were refined by our time restrictions.

Q9. Do you believe current technology helps individuals complete tasks quickly?

Yes, contemporary technology promotes a quicker pace of living. With fast communication and access to information, there is a growing expectation for quick replies and instantaneous outcomes. This can create a culture of urgency in which speed is generally prized over thoroughness, causing workers to hurry through jobs more frequently.

Q10. What advice would you provide to someone overwhelmed by the constant rush?

I recommend taking a step back to assess their workload and priorities. Employing time management techniques, such as setting a timetable or utilising technology to remind and prioritise chores, is critical. Also, taking regular pauses and practising mindfulness can assist in handling the stress of hurrying and increase overall efficiency.

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Tips to Answer IELTS Cue Card 

When answering an IELTS Speaking Cue Card, such as the one asking you to recount a time when you had to accomplish something quickly, it's critical to approach your response logically and efficiently. Here are some suggestions to help you give a robust response:

  • Understand the Cue Card: First and foremost, read the cue card attentively to ensure you understand what is being requested. Determine the critical factors that must be addressed, such as "when", "where", "what", and "why".
  • Plan Your Response: Before you begin speaking, take a minute to collect your ideas. If feasible, jot down some notes on the cue card highlighting the key themes you wish to discuss. This will help you remain on topic and organise your response coherently.
  • Develop Your Points: Expand on each topic in depth. For example, describe the scene, why you were in a rush, what happened, and how you felt about the scenario. Including these elements will make your story more exciting and persuasive.
  • Practise Fluent Speech: Focus on fluency over precision. It is preferable to continue speaking with minor faults rather than pausing repeatedly to find the ideal words. However, if you need a minute to ponder, use fillers sparingly (such as "um", "uh", or "you know") to keep the discourse flowing.
  • Use Diverse Vocabulary and Grammar: Demonstrate your language talents by employing various vocabulary and grammatical structures. Instead of repeating words, utilise synonyms and strive to combine complicated phrase patterns to show your linguistic skills.
  • Stay Relevant: While it is necessary to develop your views, stay within the issue. Ensure that every element you provide is pertinent to the primary theme of the cue card.
  • Conclude Well: If feasible, attempt to complete your response by summarising your narrative or explaining what you learnt from the event. A conclusion might assist in giving your response a feeling of completion.
  • Practise Popular Subjects: Get to know the most popular cue card subjects and practise them regularly. This will allow you to prepare concepts and language for various settings, helping the test go more smoothly.
  • Maintain Your Composure: Confidence is essential. Speak distinctly and at a natural speed, and remember that it's OK to correct yourself if you make a mistake before moving on.
  • Listen to Feedback: If you're practising with an instructor or a friend, ask for suggestions on improving your answers. This might refer to substance, fluency, pronunciation, or grammatical precision.

If you need any help, Yocket is a wonderful friend on your IELTS journey, offering focused assistance to improve your performance and comprehensive preparation materials like tips, guides, and community support.


To summarise, properly managing the IELTS cue card component, particularly issues like "Describe an occasion when you had to do something in a hurry," necessitates a mix of rapid thought, structured answers, and fluent speaking. Using the advice presented, you may improve your ability to convey your thoughts evidently and effectively. Remember, practice is essential for acquiring confidence and enhancing fluency and coherence.

Platforms like Yocket may aid students planning to study abroad by providing information and community support to help them attain their targeted IELTS scores. Visit Yocket today to begin your journey toward global education achievement!

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FAQ's on Describe An Occasion When You Had To Do Something In a Hurry – IELTS Cue Card

How much time will I have to prepare for the IELTS Cue Card response?

Can the examiner repeat the cue card if I didn't grasp it the first time?

Can I prepare my responses to IELTS Cue Card subjects in advance via memorisation?

What should I do if I need to figure out what to say within the one-minute preparation period?

What should I do if I run out of things to say before my two-minute speaking time is up?

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