Exams Know-how

Describe an Advertisement Which You Found Very Useful - IETLS Cue Card

Yocket Editorial Team

Advertisements are a big part of our daily lives. They shape how we think and what we buy and even demonstrate the values and trends of our society. The "Describe an advertisement that you found very Useful" cue card on the IELTS test allows candidates to show off their language skills, critical thinking ability, and personal experiences.

We will learn about IELTS cue cards and the "Describe an advertisement that you found very Useful" question in this blog. We will discuss what IELTS is and what an IELTS cue card is. We will also give examples of answering the "Describe an advertisement that you found very Useful" cue card, along with tips and strategies to help you develop a firm answer.

Table of Contents

What is an IELTS Cue Card?

An IELTS cue card is a guiding tool used in the speaking part of the IELTS test. During the speech test, the examiner will give the candidate a cue card that explains a specific topic or situation, and the candidate must talk about it for roughly 2 minutes.

The length of the IELTS Speaking Cue Card section is as follows:



Part 1: Introduction and Interview

4-5 minutes

Part 2: Cue Card

2 minutes

Part 3: Discussion

4-5 minutes

The cue card typically includes a short description of the topic and some leading questions or points to address. Candidates must use their experiences, views and ideas to create a clear and compelling answer within the given time window.

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Why are IELTS Cue Cards Important?

The speech part of the IELTS test is a vital component, as it measures a candidate's ability to converse successfully in English. The cue card job is essential because it provides a chance for candidates to show their language skills in a more organised and focused manner.

During the cue card section, candidates are judged on different areas of their speaking ability, including:

  1. Fluency and Coherence: The ability to speak continuously and rationally without excessive stopping or uncertainty.
  2. Lexical Resource: The range and suitability of words to express thoughts.
  3. Grammatical Accuracy: The proper use of language and sentence patterns.
  4. Pronunciation: The clarity and understanding of the candidate's words.

By learning and planning for IELTS cue cards with Yocket, candidates can improve their speaking skills, become more confident in sharing their thoughts, and increase their chances of getting a high score in the speaking section of the IELTS test.

Describe an Advertisement Which You Found Very Useful: Sample Answer 1


Advertising is a standard part of our daily lives and can significantly affect our views, actions and buying choices. One advertisement I found particularly convincing was Nike's "Just Do It" campaign.

The Advertisement and Its Impact

It marked the beginning of the "Just Do It" campaign by Nike, which has since been running for over 30 years and has become one of the world's most famous and well-known slogans. The key message of the campaign is: Defeat your fears. Challenge yourself. Achieve your goals. It does not matter what your physical abilities are. It does not matter what you think your limits are.

The appeal of this advertisement, the power of excitement and motivation, grabbed my attention. The images and words matched, and the athletes and regular people were tested to their limits, and they did unimaginable things and achieved great things. The daring motto, "Just Do It," was born in the early 1980s and quickly became the speech that resonated with those eager to embrace a busier and more determined lifestyle.

Personal Reflection and Impact

The "Just Do It" campaign took hold of me, touching on my wish to test my limits and commit myself to a more active lifestyle. I got a tremendous boost from the narratives of people who overcame obstacles and attained their fitness goals via determination and persistence.

This video brought a new surge of determination to become more active and make it part of my daily routine. I had to learn to appreciate physical activity, establish realistic goals and overcome my limits by reaching new peaks in the fitness area. The campaign's motto of power and self-esteem led me to challenge myself and start living a more active and abundant life.


Nike's "Just Do It" campaign illustrates how ad campaigns can influence a consumer's beliefs and behaviour. The campaign keeps in mind universal human nature by tapping into people's self-improvement needs; therefore, it has become a cultural phenomenon, influencing millions of people worldwide to make their fitness goals a reality and adopt active lifestyles. This advertisement serves as a great reminder that with the right outlook and determination, there is nothing impossible.

Describe an Advertisement Which You Found Very Useful: Sample Answer 2


Advertising plays a significant part in forming our views and affecting our buying choices. One poster that I found particularly convincing was the "Dove Real Beauty" campaign.

The Advertisement and Its Impact

The "Dove Real Beauty" campaign started in 2004 and has become one of the most renowned and acclaimed advertising campaigns. The campaign's primary focus is to challenge conventional beauty standards and uphold diversity as the true meaning of beauty.

The ad spoke to my very personal perception of beauty and a connection to my experiences that made it compelling. The ad included models of different genders, builds and backgrounds and informed the viewers about the skinny and mostly fake beauty standards dictated by the media.

Personal Reflection and Impact

The "Dove Real Beauty" campaign contributed much to my being: it assisted me in developing a different and more positive understanding of beauty. I remember during my teenage years; I had felt forced to fit a particular physical ideal, which made me feel wrong about my body image to the extent of having negative self-esteem.

My confidence levels rose to the roof as I saw the "Dove Real Beauty" ads. The campaign's claim that beauty is not only about a specific appearance and that each person is unique and deserves to be praised made me feel completely connected. It made me look for the beauty within me, and I became confident in my skin.


The "Dove Real Beauty" campaign is one of the best examples of advertising that imagines a world where social norms are questioned and more supportive messages are highlighted. With different types of models and praising the beauty in all, this campaign has had a long-term impact on how we look at and define beauty. For me, the message behind that poster was to embrace my authentic self and accept other people's diversity of human nature.

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Describe an Advertisement Which You Found Very Useful: Sample Answer 3


Advertising can form our views, affect our buying choices, and even reflect the values and trends of our culture. One advertisement that I found particularly convincing was the Apple "1984" spot.

The Advertisement and Its Impact

The famous "1984" commercial Apple played during the Super Bowl in 1984 was a new advertisement that made people talk about the ad and shook the advertising industry. In the advert, a miserable world was depicted, where people were subjugated to an Orwellian-type authority until a young girl who represented the Apple Macintosh defied the order and broke the oppressing screen that suggests the liberation of technology.

This advertisement was so convincing to me because it not only captured the Zeitgeist of those times but it also came up with a compelling and mind-opening message. Both by the commercial's high-impact images and its revolutionary and daring tone, many of those who wanted to be in charge of their technology experience and I have been impressed.

Personal Reflection and Impact

The Apple "1984" commercial connected me to its message because my perspective aligns with my values and how I see technology in our lives. One of the most powerful things about this ad is combining technology with personal freedom. It shows us how technology is used to challenge dictatorship and empower people. This touched me.

After the video was shown to me, I got an unrivalled dose of energy and hope about this technology changing our living standards and provoking the status quo. It pushed me to look beyond the tech industry and settle for the goods and services that cared about the users' interests instead of the bottom line.


The Apple "1984" commercial is an ode to the power of advertising to motivate, question and capture its audience. By getting into the common desire for freedom and self-expression, the commercial became a cultural symbol that has continued influencing the tech industry and beyond. For me, this poster served as a lesson about the changing power of technology and the importance of using it to support individual liberty and human happiness.

Describe an Advertisement Which You Found Very Useful: Sample Answer 4


Advertising is an indisputable part of our modern world, forming our views, affecting our buying choices and mirroring the values and trends of our society. One advertisement that I found particularly convincing was the Gillette "The Best a Man Can Get" campaign.

The Advertisement and Its Impact

The Gillette "The Best a Man Can Get" ad was launched in 2019 and caused much criticism and debate. The poster attacked traditional manly ideals and called on men to be more responsible for their actions and to take a more active part in supporting good social change.

What made this advertisement so convincing was its readiness to face significant social problems head-on and question the status quo. The commercial's solid images and thought-provoking message connected deeply with me, as it addressed the absolute need for greater gender equality, the prevention of sexual abuse and the promotion of healthy manhood.

Personal Reflection and Impact

The Gillette "The Best a Man Can Get" campaign deeply affected me, as it pushed my preconceptions and urged me to examine my behaviour and beliefs closely. Growing up, I had often absorbed the traditional male norms that the advertisement tried to demolish, and it was a humbling experience to face how these norms had shaped my attitudes and actions.

After seeing the poster, I felt a refreshed sense of duty to be a more involved and responsible part of society. It encouraged me to think about my actions and be more caring, polite and accepting. The campaign's message of pushing positive manhood and actively challenging harmful behaviours connected deeply with me and spurred me to rethink my role in continuing or fighting gender-based biases and discrimination.


The Gillette "The Best a Man Can Get" campaign is a strong example of how advertising can be used to handle critical social problems and question deeply ingrained societal norms. By addressing the need for greater gender equality and supporting more positive and inclusive forms of manhood, the campaign has long affected how we think about gender and social duty. This advertisement served as a transforming experience, causing me to critically review my beliefs and behaviours and try to be a more conscious and involved part of my community.

Sample/Follow-up Questions and Their Answers

1. What key elements made the advertisement you mentioned so Useful?

The key factors that made the advertisement I mentioned so convincing were its ability to:

  1. Tap into general human wants or ideals (e.g., freedom, equality, social duty).
  2. Challenge established social rules or ideals in a thought-provoking way.
  3. Utilise strong images, branding, and stories to express its core message.
  4. Resonate personally with my own experiences, views or goals.
  5. Inspire me to think about my behaviour and be more involved and responsible.

2. How did the advertisement you described affect your views or behaviour?

The advertisement I described had a significant effect on my views and behaviour. After seeing the ad, I felt a fresh sense of drive, strength or duty based on the campaign. For example, Nike's "Just Do It" ad inspired me to prioritise physical activity and embrace a more active lifestyle. At the same time, the Dove "Real Beauty" campaign pushed me to accept my unique features and feel more confident in my skin. The Gillette ad about positive manhood spurred me to critically review my beliefs and actions and be more caring and open.

3. Do you think the Useful power of advertising has risen or decreased in recent years? Why?

In my opinion, the persuading power of advertising has generally grown in recent years due to a few key factors:

  1. The rise of digital and social media platforms has allowed marketers to target and reach consumers more effectively, often using individual data and algorithms to offer highly tailored and engaging content.
  2. Consumers, especially younger groups, have become more wary of standard advertising techniques and seek a more accurate, purpose-driven message that fits their values and beliefs.
  3. The growing focus on social and environmental duty has led many brands to add these themes into their advertising, which can be highly convincing for consumers who value these issues.
  4. The ability of marketers to leverage strong stories, emotional pleas and new production methods has made ads more entertaining and effective than ever before.

However, it's important to note that the convincing power of ads can also be a double-edged sword, as consumers have become more aware of the potential for trickery and seek greater openness and sincerity from brands.

 4. How do you think the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the advertising business and how consumers view ads?

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant effect on the advertising business and the way customers view commercials. fundamental key changes include:

  1. Shift in Message: Advertisers have had to adapt their messaging to be more sensitive, caring and reflective of the difficult conditions brought about by the outbreak. Ads highlighting shared experiences, group support and resolve have become more common.
  2. Increased Emphasis on Purpose and Values: Consumers have become more alert to companies' values and social duty, leading many marketers to focus on purpose-driven marketing that shows their contributions to society or commitment to important causes.
  3. Greater Scrutiny and Skepticism: The pandemic has made consumers more careful and discerning regarding advertising promises, as they are more aware of the potential for false or inappropriate messaging. Advertisers must now be more open and honest in their approach.
  4. Shift in Media Consumption and Ad Placement: With changes in customer behaviour and media consumption habits during the pandemic, marketers have had to rethink their media tactics, putting more importance on digital and social media platforms.
  5. Increased Creativity and Innovation: The challenges brought by the pandemic have also led to more innovative and creative advertising methods as marketers try to connect consumers in essential and memorable ways.

Overall, the COVID-19 outbreak has increased the need for marketers to be more purposeful, sensitive and open to consumers' changing needs and expectations.

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Tips to Answer IELTS Cue Card "Describe an Advertisement Which You Found Very Useful"

  1. Identify the Advertisement: Start by naming the specific advertisement you will be discussing, including the brand, campaign name, and any relevant information about the advertisement's content, message or visual style.
  2. Explain What Made the Advertisement Convincing: Dive into the key aspects of the advertisement that made it particularly convincing to you. This could include the strong message, the emotional appeal, the use of engaging images or the way it pushed social rules or assumptions.
  3. Discuss the Personal Impact: Explain how the advertisement connected with you and affected your views, beliefs or behaviour. Provide detailed examples to demonstrate the effect.
  4. Structure Your Response Logically: Organise your response clearly and logically, with a strong opening, body parts that build on each other and a decisive end.
  5. Use Varied and Appropriate Language: Demonstrate your language skills using various words, sentence structures and dramatic methods to communicate your ideas successfully.
  6. Stick to the Time Limit: Practice wrapping up your answer within the 2-minute time frame allowed for the cue card job.
  7. Prepare Multiple Examples: Have a few different ads in mind that you can describe if the examiner asks you to pick a different example.
  8. Practice, Practice, Practice: Engage in regular speaking practice, both with the "Describe an advertisement" cue card and other IELTS speaking tasks, to improve your speed, clarity and general performance.


In conclusion, the "Describe an advertisement which you found very Useful" IELTS cue card provides a valuable chance for candidates to showcase their language ability, critical thinking skills and personal experiences.

As mentioned, ads can profoundly affect our views, actions and buying choices. By carefully studying an advertisement that connected with you and describing why it was so powerful, you can show your ability to think critically, express your ideas effectively and draw essential links to your life.

Remember, the key to success in this IELTS cue card job is to:

  1. recognise the campaign and its core message/theme.
  2. Explain the specific factors that made the advertisement appealing.
  3. Discuss the advertisement's effect on your views, beliefs or behaviour.
  4. Structure your answer in a clear, logical and engaging way.
  5. Utilise a range of words, grammar structures and dramatic techniques to showcase your language skills.

By following these tips and practising regularly, you can feel confident in your ability to give a strong and remembered answer to the "Describe an advertisement which you found very Useful" IELTS cue card.

Good luck with your IELTS study, and remember, the Yocket team is always here to help you on your road to academic and business success. 

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FAQ's on Describe an Advertisement Which You Found Very Useful - IETLS Cue Card

What is the goal of the "Describe an advertisement" IELTS cue card?

How can I find an excellent advertisement to describe?

How do I organise my answer to the "Describe an advertisement" cue card?

What language skills are tested in the "Describe an advertisement" cue card?

How can I practice for the "Describe an advertisement" cue card?

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