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Describe Something Kind That Someone Did for You - IELTS Cue Card

Yocket Editorial Team

The IELTS is an essential exam for anyone who wants to demonstrate their ability in English. The Speaking portion is integral to the IELTS exam since it measures applicants' ability to speak effectively in English. The IELTS Cue Card plays an essential part in this section. It gives applicants a topic or question, urging them to "Describe Something Kind That Someone Did for You" and express their views, experiences, or opinions within a time restriction. This task assesses not just their language abilities but also their ability to express ideas rationally and fluently.

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Table of Contents 

What is an IELTS Cue Card?

An IELTS Cue Card is a cue card used during the Speaking component of the IELTS test to elicit spontaneous replies from applicants. Each cue card has a specific topic or question that applicants must answer within a set time constraint, usually two minutes. These broad themes include many subjects, including personal experiences, views, and abstract concepts. Candidates must talk clearly and concisely and provide thorough details, relevant examples, and stories to support their points. The cue card portion assesses applicants' abilities to speak effectively in English, display vocabulary variety and grammatical accuracy, and organise their ideas under pressure. It is a tool for evaluating applicants' public speaking abilities in authentic communication situations.

Duration of IELTS Speaking Cue Card




1 minute


Up to 2 minutes

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Why are IELTS Cue Cards Important?

IELTS Cue Cards are critical to the Speaking section because they serve various essential functions. For starters, they allow applicants to exhibit their ability to speak spontaneously and smoothly on a wide range of themes, mirroring real-life communication scenarios. Second, cue cards evaluate applicants' vocabulary variety, grammatical precision, and coherence in conveying their thoughts in a restricted time frame. 

Furthermore, they inspire applicants to think critically and imaginatively, allowing them to communicate successfully under pressure. Furthermore, by covering a wide range of themes, cue cards guarantee that applicants demonstrate their language abilities in various circumstances, preparing them for numerous communication scenarios that may arise in professional, educational, or social settings. Cue cards are essential in evaluating applicants' speaking skills on the IELTS exam.

Sample Answer 1: Describe Something Kind that Someone Did for You


Kindness is a global language that crosses boundaries and warms our hearts. During a period of personal turmoil when I was coping with the death of a loved one, there was one specific act of kindness that impacted me.

Which act of kindness was it?

Amidst the immense pain, a dear friend made a modest but powerful act of sympathy. They made time in their hectic schedules to sit with me and provide a soothing presence and a listening ear. Despite the stillness that sometimes preceded our discussions, their constant support said volumes. They also brought over a homemade supper, knowing I would need more energy or desire to prepare for myself during such a stressful time.

How did it affect you?

Their generosity comforted me during a terrible time and reminded me of the importance of empathy and human connections. It was a ray of sunshine in my darkest hours, giving me hope and the fortitude to keep going. Their sincere care and altruistic deed made a lasting impression on my heart, reminding me of the need for compassion in our lives.

What kind of reflection did it inspire?

Reflecting on their charity reminded me of the value of being there for others in need. It motivated me to help those around me with the same love and assistance, creating a positive feedback loop of empathy and kindness in our communities. Furthermore, it helped me see the value of even the simplest acts of kindness and their significant influence on someone's life.

In what ways did it improve your relationship?

This act of compassion developed and strengthened our connection in ways I never expected. It taught me the genuine meaning of friendship: being there for each other through thick and thin, providing unflinching support and understanding. We went from being just acquaintances to becoming confidants, and I will always appreciate their generosity in my hour of need.


In conclusion, my friend's generosity towards me during her sadness exemplifies the significant influence that little deeds of kindness can have on a person's life. It acts as a moving reminder to never undervalue the importance of lending a helpful hand or a listening ear to people in need and to always be there for them when they need you.

Sample Answer 2: Describe Something Kind that Someone Did for You


In a society dominated by self-interest, acts of kindness shine as beacons of light, lighting our lives with warmth and compassion. One such gesture that struck a deep chord with me came during a personal struggle when I was dealing with the difficulties of transferring to a new place.

Which act of kindness was it?

A stranger made the extra effort to help during this turbulent period without anticipating anything in return. They came over with a sincere grin, noticing that I was having trouble figuring out the new streets, and asked if I needed assistance. Their modest aid relieved my anxieties and reaffirmed my trust in humanity's innate decency.

How did it affect you?

This act of kindness unforgettable affected me, reminding me of the importance of compassion and empathy. It was a helpful reminder that, despite our difficulties, we still have the power to impact the lives of others positively. Their selfless generosity benefited me practically and reaffirmed my faith in humanity's connectivity.

What kind of reflection did it inspire?

Reflecting on this incident, I realised the importance of treating others with compassion, whether neighbours, relatives, or strangers. It encouraged me to pay closer attention to the needs of individuals around me and actively seek ways to improve their lives. It also reinforced the idea that acts of kindness, no matter how tiny, have the potential to generate ripple effects that affect the lives of many.

How did it strengthen your faith in humanity?

This act of compassion restored my conviction in humanity's innate goodness. It was a poignant reminder that, despite the volatility and uncertainties of life, there are still people who represent love, compassion, and understanding. Their altruistic deeds not only restored my confidence in humanity but also encouraged me to aspire to bring light and optimism into the lives of others.


In conclusion, the generosity of a stranger towards me during a difficult time in my life is evidence of the transformational potential of empathy and compassion. It serves as a reminder that even in the darkest of circumstances, compassion from others may bring us brightness. We may all benefit from nurturing an attitude of giving and compassion.

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Sample Answer 3: Describe Something Kind that Someone Did for You


In a society dominated by self-interest, acts of kindness serve as beacons of light, illuminating our lives with compassion and empathy. One such deed greatly influenced me during a moment of personal turmoil in which I struggled to balance my job and family duties.

Which act of kindness was it?

During this challenging period, a coworker saw my distress and made a caring act that affected me. They immediately volunteered to take on a portion of my task, which freed me up to spend more time with my loved ones and reduce my stress. Their generous offer of aid not only relieved my load but also displayed proper understanding.

How did it affect you?

This act of compassion had a significant influence on me, both emotionally and professionally. It was a potent reminder of the value of compassion and assistance in times of need. Their kindness helped me in practical ways, elevated my spirits, and rekindled my optimism. It made me see that I wasn't the only one going through difficult times and motivated me to return the favors I had received.

What kind of reflection did it inspire?

Reflecting on this incident, I was impressed by how mighty small acts of compassion may be in our lives. It made me think about how empathy and compassion can unite individuals and promote a feeling of community. It motivated me to actively look for opportunities to provide support and encouragement and be more aware of the difficulties others around me face.

How did it help you strengthen your relationships?

This compassion boosted my friendship with my coworker and increased my sense of belonging to the working community. It instilled a sense of trust and camaraderie in me, knowing that I had someone on my side eager to assist without hesitation. It also emphasised the necessity of cultivating a culture of compassion and support in all parts of our lives, personal and professional.


Ultimately, the generosity my coworker showed me during a trying moment is a potent reminder of the transformational potential of empathy and compassion. It acts as a reminder that despite life's challenges, there are always chances to improve the lives of others. By nurturing an attitude of kindness and giving, we may make the world more caring and supportive for everyone.

Sample Answer 4: Describe Something Kind that Someone Did for You


Kindness actions shine through life's complexity as a constant reminder of the wonder of human compassion. One such deed that left an unforgettable impression on me was a moment of personal struggle while navigating the difficulties of transitioning to a new environment.

Which act of kindness was it?

During this challenging period, a stranger made a sweet act that moved me. While waiting at a bus stop, I realised I'd forgotten my money and would be unable to pay my fare. Sensing my anxiety, a fellow traveller volunteered to pay my bus price without hesitation, guaranteeing that I would get to my destination without additional delay.

How did it affect you?

This little compassion moved me deeply, reaffirming my confidence in humanity's innate goodness. It was a helpful reminder that despite obstacles, some are ready to provide a hand and support without asking for anything in return. Their generous charity addressed my immediate fear and left me grateful and warm.

What kind of reflection did it inspire?

Reflecting on this incident, I was impressed by the impact that acts of kindness may have on both our own and other people's lives. It made me more aware of the needs of others around me and motivated me to actively look for chances to lend a hand and provide help. It also made me think about how crucial it is to foster compassion and empathy in our dealings with others, as even the most minor acts of kindness may make a big difference in someone else's day.

How did it strengthen your faith in humanity?

This act of generosity restored my faith in humanity's innate goodness and the ability of compassion to bring us together. It functioned as a reminder that, despite our differences, we are all linked by our humanity and that compassion has no bounds. It reaffirmed my determination to be a beacon of light and happiness, spreading love and kindness wherever I went.


To summarise, a stranger's gesture of goodwill towards me in a time of need is a profound reminder of the transformational power of compassion and empathy. It is a reminder that despite life's obstacles, we still have the chance to influence others positively. We may all benefit from nurturing an attitude of kindness and giving.

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Describe Something Kind that Someone Did for You Cue Card Follow-up Questions

Q1. How essential is it for people to be nice to one another?

Kindness is crucial for instilling empathy and connection in others. In a world of obstacles, acts of kindness serve as support pillars, reducing suffering and spreading optimism. Furthermore, kindness has the potential to produce a chain reaction, prompting others to respond and perpetuating a circle of compassion and giving.

Q2. What are some of the benefits of being nice in our daily lives?

Practising kindness has several advantages for both the recipient and the giver. Kindness improves the recipient's emotions, relieves stress, and instils a sense of connection and gratitude. Kindness increases the giver's sentiments of happiness, contentment, and fulfilment. Furthermore, creating a practice of kindness enhances interpersonal connections, fosters trust, and leads to a more peaceful and compassionate society.

Q3. Do you believe individuals are inherently predisposed to be friendly, or must it be taught?

While humans have an innate ability for compassion, cultivating this quality via education and socialisation is critical. Teaching compassion, understanding, and the importance of kindness to children at a young age is very beneficial. By establishing these qualities in future generations, we may build a culture that values kindness and promotes a more compassionate and inclusive society.

Q4. How can communities develop and promote compassion among their members?

Communities may promote acts of kindness by fostering cultures that honour and reward compassionate behaviour. This may be accomplished through programs like community service projects, compassion challenges, and volunteer opportunities. Furthermore, developing empathy and understanding via educational programs and awareness campaigns may create a culture of compassion and inspire people to watch out for one another.

Q5. How may technology be utilised to encourage compassion and generosity?

Technology may be an effective instrument for spreading love and giving worldwide. For example, people may use social media to spread compassion tales, find volunteer opportunities, and increase public awareness of significant social concerns. Crowdfunding platforms can offer a venue for people to support charity initiatives and improve the lives of others. We can encourage good deeds and positive transformation in communities worldwide by utilising technology to its fullest potential.

Q6. Do cultural or sociological influences impact people's inclination to be kind?

Indeed, cultural and societal variables influence people's attitudes about compassion. In certain cultures, compassion is strongly prised and fostered, while independence or self-preservation takes precedence in others. Furthermore, cultural norms and expectations impact people's propensity to demonstrate kindness and how kindness is seen and rewarded within a community.

Q7. Do you have any instances of acts of kindness that have had a significant influence on society as a whole?

Absolutely. Acts of kindness have the potential to spark good change and inspire movements addressing systemic concerns. In the past, leaders of revolutionary organisations based on nonviolence and compassion include Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. Furthermore, grassroots efforts and philanthropic organisations frequently work persistently to solve social injustices and assist marginalised groups, demonstrating the powerful influence of collective compassion on society.

Q8. How can companies foster an environment of compassion and gratitude among employees?

Workplaces prioritising compassion and recognition generate a sense of belonging, boosting employee morale and productivity. Employers may encourage kindness by recognising and celebrating acts of kindness among their employees, offering chances for team-building events and community service initiatives, and encouraging open communication and mutual respect. Furthermore, implementing rules that encourage work-life balance and prioritise employee well-being can foster a more empathetic and supportive workplace culture.

Q9. Do you believe there are any hurdles or impediments to practising kindness in today's society?

While kindness is universally regarded, its application in today's culture may have specific hurdles or impediments. For example, social pressures like competitiveness and individualism may discourage acts of compassion or favour selfish gain over selfless behaviour. Furthermore, stress, time limits, and societal differences may hinder people's capacity to show compassion to others. Despite these obstacles, building a culture of kindness via information, awareness, and group action can help break down barriers and promote a more benevolent society.

Q10. How can kindness help strengthen communities and promote social cohesion?

Acts of kindness lay the groundwork for better communities and social cohesiveness by forging links of empathy, trust, and reciprocity among individuals. When individuals of a community actively participate in acts of kindness, they help to foster a culture of compassion and support that crosses social boundaries and fosters inclusion. Kindness also has a cascading effect, encouraging others to do the same and creating a sense of shared accountability for the welfare of the entire community. 

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Tips to Answer IELTS Cue Card 

Here are some tips to answer the IELTS cue card:

  • Stay Calm and Confident: Maintaining control and confidence while speaking is crucial. Project an easy and comfortable mood, even if you feel nervous internally. Remember, confidence can significantly improve the effect of your answer.
  • Organise Your Thoughts: During the one-minute planning time given, use it wisely to outline key ideas and organise your answer. This short time allows you to manage your thoughts clearly, ensuring a well-structured and articulate answer.
  • Use Varied Words: Employ various words to improve speech and showcase your language skills. Avoid repeating and try to incorporate words and local phrases to strengthen your answer.
  • Provide Relevant Examples: Incorporate relevant stories, tales, or examples to explain your points and add meaning to your answer. Real-life experiences make your answer more interesting and show your ability to apply words in context.
  • Practice Regularly: Regular practice sessions improve speed, accuracy, and general success in cue card answers. Set aside time to practice speaking on different topics, focusing on ease, clarity, and connection to the given cue card subject.

By following these tips and adding them to your planning routine, you can improve your performance in the IELTS cue card part and efficiently handle any topic that comes your way. Remember, practice makes perfect, so commit yourself to improving your speech skills and face the test with confidence and drive. Yocket, a trustworthy portal that provides unique insights and aid to prospective test takers, offers resources and services for thorough IELTS preparation and advice.


To summarise, acts of kindness illustrate the essence of human compassion and the possibility for constructive change in the world. They exemplify the spirit of empathy, compassion, and selflessness, acting as catalysts for better relationships and community harmony. Every act of kindness, large or small, can touch hearts, boost spirits, and inspire hope. The phrase "Describe Something Kind that Someone Did for You" reminds us of compassion's transformational power and the need to recognise the enjoyment surrounding us. Let's make kindness our compass as we travel forward and let its positive effects build a more compassionate and optimistic future for all. For more information on education and study abroad alternatives, visit Yocket today and begin your journey to a brighter future full of limitless possibilities.

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FAQ's on Describe Something Kind that Someone Did for You – IELTS Cue Card

How is the speech test scored in IELTS?

Can I request a re-evaluation of my speaking test score?

Is there a specific plan for controlling time during the speaking test?

Can I use notes or cue cards during the speaking test?

How can I increase the fluency and coherence of my spoken English?

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