Exams Know-how

Describe a Person You Know Who Likes to Talk a Lot - IELTS Cue Card

Yocket Editorial Team

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a critical benchmark for English competence, catering to non-native speakers seeking to enter the fields of education, employment, or migration in English-speaking countries. This exam assesses applicants' hearing, writing, and reading skills, focusing on practical communication ability. The speaking part, intriguingly, includes the IELTS Cue Card, a unique feature meant to measure spontaneous speech on various themes. 

This article digs into the fundamentals of “Describe a Person Who Likes to Talk Cue Card'' and provides strategic ideas and sample responses for successfully navigating this portion. With Yocket's complete help, prospective test takers may confidently traverse the cue card job and achieve success in their IELTS journey. Join Yocket today to realize your full potential and obtain your desired scores.

Table of Contents

What is an IELTS Cue Card?

A cue card is an important part of the IELTS speaking test since it provides applicants with a prompt to help them structure their replies. It normally includes a defined topic or issue on which candidates must talk for a set amount, usually 1 to 2 minutes. Cue cards are organized frameworks that assist applicants in containing their thoughts, explaining their ideas clearly, and exhibiting their English-speaking talents. They recreate realistic conversation circumstances, allowing applicants to successfully demonstrate their language and communication abilities. Mastery of cue card themes is key for success on the IELTS speaking portion.

Duration of IELTS Speaking Cue Card



Preparation Time

1 minute

Speaking Time

1-2 minutes

Why are IELTS Cue Cards Important?

Cue cards are incredibly valuable tools in the IELTS speaking test because they provide students with a systematic framework for clearly articulating their thoughts and ideas within a time restriction. They assist candidates in improving their critical thinking abilities, logical information arrangement, and effective English communication. Cue cards help candidates build their confidence and skill as speakers by simulating real-world settings. They also help examiners evaluate candidates' general speaking talents by assisting them with fluency, coherence, vocabulary usage, pronunciation, and grammar. 

Finally, knowing cue card subjects is essential for passing the IELTS speaking test. Consider enrolling. Yocket enables you to successfully traverse the cue card task and succeed in your IELTS journey by providing individualized advice, professional resources, and interactive sessions.

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Sample Answer 1: Describe a Person Who Likes to Talk Cue Card


Meet Riya, a dynamic individual who excels at communication. Riya and I originally met during our first year of university. Having taken the same course, we immediately became friends because of our passion for philosophy and literature. Riya demonstrated a natural skill for communication and a real zest for connecting with people from the moment we met.

Where did this individual meet you?

Riya and I originally met during our first year of university. Our paths intersected in the packed lecture hall of one of our introductory classes. Riya's bright smile and vibrant personality drew my attention despite the crowded situation. We struck up a discussion during a break and have been inseparable since.

Why do you believe this guy enjoys talking a lot?

Riya's talkativeness derives from her lively nature and her voracious interest in her surroundings. She enjoys learning novel concepts and sharing her expertise with others. Riya tackles every topic with tremendous energy and an honest desire to connect with others, whether about the most recent scientific findings or philosophical thoughts.

What type of things does this individual prefer to discuss?

Riya is a very sociable and outgoing individual. She enjoys discussing various topics, from literature and art to economics and psychology. She can easily speak on any topic, bringing even the most uninteresting subjects to life.

Why do you appreciate spending time with this individual?

I enjoy spending time with Riya because she pushes me to think critically, widens my horizons, and entertains me with her clever quips and insightful observations. Our chats have enhanced my life, motivating me to pursue new ideas and viewpoints. Aside from her talkativeness, Riya is a very supportive friend who always gives a sympathetic ear and provides great advice when I need it.


Riya's knack for gab is a welcome reminder of the value of meaningful discussion in an age when true relationships are becoming increasingly rare. Her enthusiasm for communication and real concern for others make her unique, and I am fortunate to have her in my life.

Sample Answer 2: Describe a Person Who Likes to Talk Cue Card

Let me introduce you to Mark, a coworker of mine who loves to talk & stands out in any environment thanks to his infectious energy. Mark and I met at a work conference while representing our respective firms. Despite the professional atmosphere, Mark's warm approach and excitement for networking immediately piqued my interest, and we started a discussion during a coffee break.

Mark and I met at a work conference while representing our respective firms. The conference's lively environment offered an ideal setting for our first meeting, and I was instantly taken to Mark's enthusiastic personality and charisma.

Mark's pleasure in conversation derives from his inherent curiosity and desire to connect with others. He truly appreciates hearing about other people's stories and sharing his own. Mark handles every conversation with real interest and passion, whether it's about industry trends, suggestions for professional development, or simply sharing anecdotes about our personal lives.

Mark is interested in many things, but he likes to talk about things relevant to our lines of work, such as cutting-edge company plans, market trends, and new technology. He's also a good observer of people's actions and likes studying sociology, psychology, and personal growth. On the other hand, Mark is equally capable of participating in more humorous discussions and has a flair for connecting with individuals from many backgrounds.

I experience putting out with Mark because he pushes me to grow and think critically and presents enjoyment with his smart banter and perceptive feedback. Whether we are catching up over lunch or coming up with thoughts for a new venture, Mark's contagious enthusiasm and upbeat outlook constantly make me feel better. Furthermore, his readiness to listen and provide aid at hard times has earned him the status of a valued friend and colleague.

In conclusion, Mark's active persona and love of talking make him a pleasure to be around. He is a useful asset in private and expert contexts due to his sincere interest in humans and his natural capability to connect to individuals from numerous backgrounds. I don't forget that I am fortunate to have him as a coworker and pal, and I hope to have many more fascinating chats in the future.

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Sample Answer 3: Describe a Person Who Likes to Talk Cue Card

My friend Rahul is someone you should get to know. He always makes every gathering more lively with his lively conversations. I originally met Rahul at a friend's party, and we immediately hit it off since we both loved music and traveling. Rahul's zeal for discourse has stayed with me since that fateful meeting.

Rahul and I first met at a mutual friend's party. Despite the loud setting of the event, Rahul's welcoming nature and ability to strike up discussions made it simple for us to connect. Our early encounter, which included discussing our preferred bands and sharing travel experiences, created the groundwork for a long-term relationship.

Rahul loves having conversations since he is genuinely interested in individuals and their experiences. He is naturally curious about his surroundings and enjoys learning from the experiences of others. Rahul handles every topic with excitement and openness, whether about current events, philosophical notions, or simply sharing experiences from our daily lives.

Rahul has diverse interests and is constantly ready to learn new things. He likes discussing literature, art, and cultural trends but is open to more serious topics like history, politics, and social concerns. What distinguishes Rahul is his ability to establish common ground with individuals from all backgrounds, making each conversation feel educational and entertaining.

It's special that Rahul can make the most ordinary times feel special, which is why I enjoy hanging out with him. Whether we're eating at a neighborhood café or on an unplanned road trip, Rahul's contagious enthusiasm and cheerful perspective never fail to improve my mood. His sincere curiosity about my ideas and viewpoints also gives me a sense of value and appreciation as a friend.

In conclusion, Rahul's love of talking and genuine interest in others make him a valued friend and confidant. His capacity to deeply connect with others and his openness to listen and sympathize distinguishes him as a genuinely outstanding person. We have a lot of interesting talks and special times ahead of us, and I'm glad Rahul is in my life.

Sample Answer 4: Describe a Person Who Likes to Talk Cue Card


Emily is a coworker whose lively demeanor and infectious laugh consistently bring joy to the workplace. Emily and I initially met during a team-building event provided by our employer. Her contagious energy and eagerness for discussion left an indelible impact on me from the first time we met.

Where did this individual meet you?

Emily and I first met during a team-building event hosted by our work. Among the numerous activities and icebreaker games, Emily's enthusiastic personality and cheerful manner stood out, and we started up a discussion during a break.

Why do you believe this guy enjoys talking a lot?

Emily enjoys having conversations because she genuinely cares about other people and is naturally curious about the world. She enjoys social engagement and learning about other people's experiences. Whether it's talking about work-related concerns, sharing personal experiences, or simply engaging in lighter banter, Emily tackles every interaction with energy and kindness.

What type of things does this individual prefer to discuss?

Emily is keen to learn about new subjects and has various interests. She likes discussing multiple topics, including pop culture, travel, and cuisine. Emily's diverse interests and curiosity make her chats both fascinating and informative, and she has a talent for finding connections with individuals from many walks of life.

Why do you appreciate spending time with this individual?

Emily can make even the most regular situations into unforgettable reports, so I revel in putting them out with her. Emily's upbeat mindset and contagious humor continually brighten my emotions, whether running on a task at paintings or eating lunch together during our break. Furthermore, I feel appreciated and respected as a friend and coworker because of her sincere interest in my ideas and opinions.


In conclusion, Emily's love of discussion and genuine interest in people makes her a valued coworker and friend. Every encounter she has is filled with happiness and positivity because of her contagious energy and profound connection to others. We will have many more interesting talks and memorable adventures together, and I am grateful that Emily is in my life.

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IELTS Speaking Part 3: Describe a Person Who Likes to Talk Cue Card Follow-up Questions

Q1. How do you believe talking a lot affects interpersonal relationships?

Excessive speech can sometimes overwhelm people and impede efficient conversation. It may make the other person feel unheard or irrelevant, which can strain relationships. However, when tempered with attentive listening, talkativeness may develop deeper connections by allowing for significant discussions of ideas and feelings.

Q2. In what instances do you believe it is more essential to be an effective listener than a talker?

Active listening is essential in circumstances requiring compassion and comprehension, such as comforting a distressed friend or settling problems. It enables people to understand others' points of view, create trust, and foster healthy relationships. An excellent observer is essential for effective cooperation and issue resolution in the workplace.

Q3. Do you think there are cultural variations in talkativeness?

Yes, social customs and values considerably impact communication patterns, especially talkativeness. For example, some cultures favor direct and aggressive communication, while others value nuance and indirectness. Individuals in talkative cultures may engage in vigorous debates, but silence may be prized as a show of respect or reflection in more reserved traditions.

Q4. Can being very chatty be viewed as a bad trait? Why, or why not?

Yes, being too chatty can be seen negatively in some situations. It may appear self-centered or rude if the individual dominates talks without enabling others to speak. Furthermore, excessive speech can impede good communication and generate misconceptions, resulting in anger or annoyance.

Q5. How can one properly regulate their talkativeness in work settings?

To regulate talkativeness in professional situations, people can practice active listening, be mindful of their speaking time, and enable others to participate in discussions. They can also request input from coworkers to improve their interpersonal abilities, such as speech clarity, conciseness, and relevancy.

Q6. Do you believe technology, such as networking sites and messaging applications, influences how often people communicate in person?

Yes, technology has changed communication patterns, positively and negatively affecting face-to-face encounters. While messaging apps and social media make it easier to communicate constantly, they may also shorten attention spans and reduce participation in in-person interactions. As a result, some people may rely more on online interactions, reducing their desire to speak in person.

Q7. What function does nonverbal communication have in talking with someone who enjoys talking?

Nonverbal clues such as gestures, facial expressions, and body language play an important part in communicating with chatty people. They can express listening attention, curiosity, or disengagement, influencing the conversation's dynamics. Effective nonverbal communication can assist in managing encounters with chatty people and promote mutual comprehension.

Q8. How can introverts converse well with someone who is extremely talkative?

Introverts may effectively connect with chatty people by setting limits, carefully listening, and vocally expressing their views and opinions as needed. By posing open-ended queries and providing thoughtful answers, they can promote thoughtful involvement in talks that keep participants engaged without becoming overly aggressive.

Q9. Do you believe the capacity to participate in small conversations is connected to talkativeness?

Yes, the capacity to participate in small talk is frequently connected with being animated, as it entails starting and maintaining informal conversations about various topics. However, being chatty does not ensure success in small talk, as good small talk necessitates social skills, sympathy, and situational awareness to navigate social encounters effectively.

Q10. Can being chatty be beneficial in particular vocations or professions? If so, how?

Occupations involving public speaking, networking, and regular communication can benefit from talkativeness. For example, salespeople, instructors, and public presenters profit from the ability to explain concepts clearly, establish relationships with a wide range of audiences, and deliver information effectively. 

Tips to Answer IELTS Cue Card 

To properly respond to the IELTS Cue Card, read the prompt attentively and find crucial topics to discuss. 

  • Use your one-minute preparation time effectively by brainstorming topics and organizing your response. 
  • Organize your answer into an introduction, major body, and conclusion to maintain coherence and clarity. 
  • Present the person or issue, then add particular information and examples to support your description. 
  • Make your response more interesting by using descriptive language and a diverse vocabulary. 
  • Concentrate on presenting important information while remaining on topic. Improve your fluency and pronunciation by practicing speaking aloud. 
  • Remember to keep eye contact and talk effectively during the speaking test. 

Yocket, a trustworthy portal that provides unique insights and aid to prospective test takers, offers resources and services for thorough IELTS preparation and advice. Their experienced advice and personalized materials will help you improve your performance and pass the IELTS exam.

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To summarize, mastering the “Describe a Person Who Likes to Talk Cue Card” needs strategic planning and good communication abilities. Test takers may comfortably pass this portion and demonstrate their language skills by following the suggestions and practicing regularly. Yocket's experience can provide complete guidance and specialized tools to help you excel in the IELTS exam. With their expert advice and individual coaching, you may improve your performance and reach your target score. Take the next step toward success with Yocket and start your road to academic or career fulfillment.

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FAQ's on Describe a Person You Know Who Likes to Talk a Lot - IELTS Cue Card

How can I properly manage my time throughout the IELTS Speaking test, particularly while responding to the Cue Card prompts?

Is it vital to know extensive terminology, or should I focus on communicating concepts well during the speaking test?

Can the examiner repeat the Cue Card prompt if I did not grasp it correctly throughout the test?

Are there any special tactics for thinking of ideas in the one-minute preparation period for the Cue Card segment?

What should I do if I run out of things to say when replying to the Cue Card topic?

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