Exams Know-how

Describe a Time You Were Very Busy - IELTS Cue Card

Yocket Editorial Team

The IELTS Speaking test assesses the English language skills of non native English speakers, who wish to pursue further studies abroad. IELTS cue card also known as IELTS speaking part 2, tests the ability of a candidate to articulate their thoughts comprehensively. The cue card is a difficult part of the IELTS speaking test, as here you will have to present your views within a short period. 

In this blog, we will discuss an important cue card - Describe a Time you were very busy. It is important to speak with confidence but students may feel anxious due to the short period. This blog has four sample answers which will help you understand how to answer cue cards.

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Table of Contents

What is a Cue Card in IELTS?

A cue card is a subject given by the examiner that the candidate should talk about for two minutes in the IELTS Speak Me test.

It tests the candidate's potential to prepare their mind and communicate at duration with minimum guidance.

After exceeding the cardboard, the candidate is given 1 minute to prepare and might make notes.

The cue card carries the topic and may incorporate factors to cover or questions to reply

Some examples of cue card subjects are "Describe a Time you have been very busy," "Talk approximately an early life memory," "Describe an important celebration in your country ." etc.

Suggested: Describe a Period When You Got Up Early - IELTS Cue Card

Why are Cue Cards Important in IELTS?

They test your capability to prepare your thoughts coherently and talk fluently with minimal preparation. You must be able to comprehend the topic, think of ideas, structure them logically, and articulate them under pressure. The cue card accounts for a sizable portion of the speaking test, and being well-prepared for cue cards can significantly boost your speaking score.To keep your score intact, please finish the 2-minute cue card speech or stammer.

Yockеt builds knowledge & communication skills to help you structurе thoughts logically and articulatе idеas fluеntly undеr prеssurе. Sign up and gеt thе prеparation you nееd to acе thе spеaking tеst. 

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Describe A Time You Were Very Busy: Sample Answer 1


In my final year of graduation, I was involved in various extra curricular activities along with my studies. I was organising a charity event and it was the busiest time of my life.

When Was the Duration?

The duration of organising the event was from September to November. I was having my final year projects and had to prepare for the examinations as well. 

Describe the Tasks That Kept You Busy.

In the charity event, I had to work with sponsors. I had to find venues, manage volunteers, and promote the event through many channels. Along with this, I have to manage my academic studies as well. I attend classes, complete my assignments and prepare for exams.

Explain How You Managed The Time During The Period.

I took a structured approach for time management. For my everyday tasks, I created precise schedules. I set aside time for studying, organising events, and relaxing. Tools like Google Calendar and Trello helped me keep organised. They also assisted me in meeting deadlines.

Share How You Cope Up With The Busy Schedules.

For two months, I used to set reminders n create to-do lists to manage my day for my studies, extracurricular activities and organising a charity event. I also looked to my friends and family for help and they always encourage me when needed.


It was a busy month with my studies and organising events. I had first given up on managing both things, but I could work both with my friends and family’s support. It was tough to manage both academics and extracurricular activities. But, organising the charity event was very satisfying. It helped me learn time management, teamwork and resilience. 

Describe A Time You Were Very Busy: Sample Answer 2


I was working full-time and decided to pursue a master's degree along with my job. This led to a time where I was very busy in managing both my work responsibilities and academic commitments.

When Was the Period?

The busy period lasted from January to June. It happened as soon as I started my master’s program.  

Describe the Tasks That Kept You Busy.

I had to manage graduate-level coursework with a demanding marketing job. This brought with it an abundance of tasks. I managed advertising campaigns. At work, I spoke with clients and analysed market trends. For my master's program, I had to do assignments, attend lectures, and do research. It took the coordinated effort to do this.

Explain How You Managed The Time During The Period.

Time management was essential during this period. I made a schedule to do tasks of work and study. I prioritised tasks based on deadlines and importance. I break my work into several intervals, which helps me stay focussed and productive throughout the day.

Share How You Cope Up With The Busy Schedules.

I was very busy during those months so I had to divide my day into two halves. My first half of the day was occupied in the office by completing the task, and the other half went by focusing on studies, managing acadamics.


It was hard to balance a full-time job with part-time studies, but it helped me in my professional and personal growth.

Describe A Time You Were Very Busy: Sample Answer 3


My marketing internship last summer was one of the busiest times of my life. It was a unique experience that pushed me to grow and gain experience in the fast-paced corporate world. 

When Was the Period?

I was in my last semester at that time. In order to increase my academic performance and get ready for the corporate sector, I concentrated on my professional development during this year. 

Describe the Tasks That Kept You Busy.

I was given a variety of responsibilities during my employment, such as creating marketing strategies, conducting market research, and giving client presentations. There were projects that I worked on that had deadlines. I also had to actively coordinate with team members and attend team meetings. 

Explain How You Managed The Time During The Period.

I adopted a variety of strategies to effectively manage my time. For example, I've utilised project management software like Asana to track activities and prioritise them based on deadlines. I've scheduled and managed client meetings using software and digital calendars. In addition, I divided difficult jobs into manageable chunks and worked on one at a time.

Share How You Coped With The Busy Schedules.

It was important for me to look after my own health and allow myself enough time to get through those difficult period. My first concern has always been maintaining a work-life balance, and I take constant care of my health to stay active. To cope with stress and remain active, I engage in a variety of useful activities such as cycling, walking, playing outdoor games, and listening to music.


It was a busy time for me along with the internship. I had given up on managing things as it was difficult, but it gave me valuable understanding og having a work-life balance. This experience will help me in the corporate world to balance between work and personal life. 

Describe A Time You Were Very Busy: Sample Answer 4


During a hectic time, I led an important project for my company. This project pushed me to my limits as I worked through challenging tasks and short deadlines, requiring all of my attention and dedication.

When Was the Period?

The three months of July through September were the busiest months. It coincided with the project's timeline. I balanced other work obligations throughout this period by giving the project my full attention to ensure its effective completion.

Describe the Tasks That Kept You Busy.

I supervised the project. It was my responsibility to organise work, form teams, create plans, and supervise projects. In addition, I had to control stakeholder expectations. I had to mitigate risks while adhering to project timeframes and budgets.

Explain How You Managed The Time During The Period.

To meet the needs of the project, efficient time management was essential. I set deadlines and divided the work into manageable chunks. Regular check-ins with team members and stakeholders allowed me to track progress and quickly resolve any difficulties or roadblocks.

Share How You Coped With The Busy Schedules.

To keep up with the busy schedule, I prioritised self-care and stress management techniques. I made an effort to maintain a good work-life balance. I achieved this by establishing limits and scheduling fun events. Regular exercise, mindfulness meditation, and quality time with loved ones all helped me refresh and remain mentally robust in the face of project challenges.


I led the high-stakes project, which was both challenging and rewarding. It pushed me to advance in both my career and personal spheres. I overcame difficulties and achieved success for my company. Strategic planning, resilience, and effective time management helped me achieve this. This busy period, emphasised the importance of adaptability and perseverance.

Sample/Follow Up Questions

Candidates must answer follow-up questions about the discussed topic after completing the cue card task. Potential questions for "Describe a Time you were very busy" include:

Q1. Can you provide examples of tasks that needed immediate attention during your busy period? How did you handle them?

Ans: One example was when we experienced a technical issue just days before the event. In order to guarantee the event ran smoothly, it was imperative that it be resolved. I spoke with the technical team. We then identified the primary problem and delegated tasks to resolve it. We quickly fixed the problem by working as a team and reallocating resources.

Q2. Did any unexpected obstacles arise during your busy time? How did you adapt to overcome them?

Ans: Yes, we did experience unexpected terrible weather on the day of the outside event. It posed a threat to our plans. o adapt, we quickly rearranged logistics. We moved activities indoors and adjusted the schedule. Also, we updated attendees through social media and email. This ensured they were informed and could participate despite the changes.

Q3. How did you keep your team on the same page and focused on goals during busy times?

Ans: The secret to our success was communication. Team meetings were held regularly. We discussed challenges, set priorities, and addressed progress using them. We also used Trello and Slack as project management tools. They provided real-time task tracking and communication. This ensured that everyone was aware of their roles. 

Q4. Did you have to make sacrifices or compromises in other parts of your life during the busy period? If so, how did you manage those trade-offs?

Ans: Yes, there were compromises to be made in order to balance employment, school, and personal obligations. I gave up social interactions and relaxation. I had to learn how to manage my time and prioritise my tasks. This required reducing socialising and leisure activities. 

Q5. Can you discuss a very stressful moment from your busy time? How did you cope with it?

Ans: One of the most difficult times was when we experienced logistical issues with venue bookings. This was only a few weeks before the occasion. There was a lot of pressure to find alternatives immediately. I managed to remain composed and concentrated. I worked with the team to come up with ideas. In addition, I sought assistance from our network. We communicated effectively and found prompt solutions to issues. This allowed us to identify alternative locations and minimise event disruptions.

Tips to Answer IELTS Cue Card 

Answering an IELTS Cue Card may seem difficult, but with practice, you will be able to ace it. Give enough time to the preparation, and follow the following tips to present your ideas :

  • Tip 1: Understand the topic. Make sure you address every question.
  • Tip 2: Improve your pronunciation and intonation. Speak clearly, without interruptions.
  • Tip 3: Be conscious of your pace. Speaking very fast can lead to mistakes. Speaking slowly may make it seem like you're struggling to speak.
  • Tip 4: Expand your vocabulary. Present your ideas clearly and avoid repeating the same words.
  • Tip 5: Demonstrate your English proficiency by using compound and complex sentences.
  • Tip 6: Stay calm. It’s okay to be nervous, but don’t let it overwhelm you. Practise sufficiently to answer the question.
  • Tip 7: Be sincere in your engagement with the issue. Personal experiences and examples may help you provide a more persuasive solution.
  • Tip 8: Prepare for follow-up questions by adding details to your cue card responses.


The IELTS Speaking Part 2 - Cue Card helps interviewers to evaluate the candidate’s communication skills. It is a challenging task for the test takers due to the pressure to perform in a limited time. To succeed in the IELTS speaking part, thorough preparation is required. You should practise before the examination, as it will allow you to remain calm on test day.

If you want to know more about the IELTS score required for admission at the top institutions, reach out to Yocket Premium. Yocket experts will help you streamline your preparation and will guide you through the complex process of studying abroad. Connect with Yocket experts today!

Read More on IELTS Cue Cards

Describe Your First Day At School - IELTS Cue Card

Describe a game you played in your childhood - IELTS

Describe A Creative Person you Admire - IELTS Cue Card

Describe a festival in your country - IELTS

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Frequently Asked Questions on Describe a Time You Were Very Busy - IELTS Cue Card

Should I talk about being busy at work or in daily life?

How much time do I get for preparation?

How long should the answer be?

How many main points should I include?

Should i summarise my experience in the answer?

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