Exams Know-how

Describe A Historical Period You Would Like To Know More About - IELTS Cue Card

Yocket Editorial Team

To gain admission to top institutions abroad, you need English language test scores. The IELTS test consists of four sections. The IELTS Speaking test assesses the English language skills of non-native English speakers, who wish to pursue further studies abroad. The IELTS cue card tests the ability of a candidate to develop ideas and articulate their thoughts within a short time. It also tests the language competency of the candidate. The cue card is a difficult part of the IELTS speaking test, as here you will have to present your views within a short time. 

This blog discusses an important cue card - “describe a historical period.”  Sometimes candidates get nervous due to less time to prepare for the topic, but It is important to speak with confidence to score well in this section. This blog has four sample answers, which will help you understand how to answer cue cards.

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Table of Contents

What Is an IELTS Cue Card?

The IELTS speaking test consists of three parts. The second part includes the cue cards, which last for four to five minutes. The cue cards evaluate a candidate's ability to express their opinions logically.

The cue card also contains pointers that you can use to structure your thoughts. Once you finish your response, part 3 of IELTS Speaking begins. This section will last 2 minutes. You will answer follow-up questions asked by the examiner. The table below shows the duration of the IELTS speaking cue card.




1 minute


Up to 2 minutes

Follow-up questions

Up to 2 minutes

Why are IELTS Cue Cards Important?

IELTS Cue Cards are important for several reasons:

  • The weightage of Cue cards is more in the IELTS speaking test. Out of the 9 bands in IELTS Speaking, cue card weightage is of 4 bands.
  • The cue card tests enable examiners to evaluate your English language proficiency by assessing how confidently and fluently you speak.
  • It tests your ability to think within 1-minute duration.
  • Your Cue Card task score affects your speaking score. This score is crucial for meeting language requirements in top institutions. 
  • The follow-up questions required you to use a wide range of vocabulary to discuss the answer in detail.

How to Answer the IELTS Cue Card: Describe  A Historical Period

The IELTS cue card section is of 4 to 5 minutes duration. You will have 1 minute time to prepare for the topic. Start speaking with a concise introduction, followed by details on the topic and lastly concluding your response. The following things are to be included in your answer:

  1. Introduction
  2. Features of the historical period
  3. Changes occurred during the historical period. 
  4. Conclusion

Describe a Historical Period: Sample Answer 1


The Indus Valley Civilization is one of the most fascinating historical periods, and I would like to discuss it. The Indus Valley Civilization is one of the oldest and most developed in history. It flourished from 3300 to 1300 BCE. It is also known as the Harappan Civilization. This civilization flourished in the northwest of India, Pakistan, and the rich plains of the Indus River.

Features of the Historical Period

This civilization's most impressive aspect was its well-planned cities. Examples include Mohenjo Daro and Harappa. These cities included roadways, multi-story structures with excellent architectural understanding, as well as drainage systems. The people of the Indus Valley traded by relying on farming, trade, and many crafts to run their economy.

Changes that occurred during the historical period.

Harappan cities were made using standard baked bricks. These bricks were used to build two and multi-story buildings. People became aware of grid layouts, well-organized street structures, and advanced drainage systems. These skilled farmers utilized irrigation techniques to harvest a variety of crops, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, barley, and wheat. The Harappan people showed skill as artisans. They made jewelry, statues, ceramics, and trade seals.


The Indus Valley Civilization captures the achievements of ancient human civilizations. It is interesting to study this because of the advances in city planning and infrastructure.

Describe a Historical Period: Sample Answer 2


In Europe, the Renaissance lasted from the 14th to the 17th century. It was a time of new ideas, art, and culture. It was a response to the Middle Ages' stagnation due to a lack of scientific and cultural development and it gave rise to the contemporary world.

Features of the Historical Period

A revival defined the Renaissance. People became interested in classical philosophy, literature, and art. This was due to the discovery of lost manuscripts from ancient times. Artists like Michelangelo, Raphael, and Leonardo da Vinci created masterpieces such as Monalisa, The School of Athens and others.. Their works still inspire artists today. Science and tech advances made it easier for ideas and knowledge to travel. For example, there was the printing press of Johannes Gutenberg.

Changes that Occurred During the Historical Period

The Renaissance caused a cultural revolution. It brought new views on the world and created a sense of humanity in the world. Humanism became the top intellectual movement. This was because it focused on individualism and human potential.


The European Renaissance changed the continent. It set up the framework for the modern age. The world today is still influenced by the works of literary, artistic, and scientific. They are examples of the city's legacy.

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Describe a Historical Period: Sample Answer 3


The late 18th and early 19th centuries saw the start of the Industrial Revolution. It saw a major shift in the manufacturing and distribution of commodities. Before the Industrial Revolution, most of the things were handmade. After the invention of new technologies, like the steam engine and the spinning jenny, industries began to emerge. This made it possible to produce items on a bigger scale.

Features of the historical period

Capitalism emerged as the main economic system during the Industrial Revolution. This was a key part of the Revolution. Factories and mass manufacturing expanded. They could now make products more cheaply and effectively. This created a big demand from consumers. It sparked the growth of new markets and businesses. Yet, the benefits did not spread equally. This caused a lot of inequality in capitalism.

Changes occurred during the historical period. 

The Industrial Revolution greatly changed society. It completely transformed how people interacted, worked, and lived. For example, manufacturing's growth created cities. In them, labourers could live and work together.


The Industrial Revolution expanded cities. It raised living standards for many. The growth of factories and innovations such as the steam engine led to a rise in pollution and environmental deterioration, which harmed public health.

Describe a Historical Period: Sample Answer 4


The Age of Enlightenment flourished between the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe. It represented a commitment to individualism, skepticism, and rationalism.

Features of the Historical Period

The Enlightenment popularised rational thinking. Intellectuals, such as Kant, Locke and Voltaire challenged old norms. They promoted new ideas such as religious tolerance and freedom of thought. They also voiced the separation of church and state. New science and philosophy emerged, and that brought a new perspective towards nature. This was the ground where Newton invented his seminal laws.

Changes that Occurred During the Historical Period

With the rise of democratic ideals and the fall of absolute monarchy, the Enlightenment sparked a surge of political and social reforms. The ideas born out of the Enlightenment directly inspired the American and French Revolutions. These revolutions ushered in a time of constitutional governance and individual freedoms. Intellectuals promoted the idea of an educated populace. This led to public education and more literacy.


The Age of Enlightenment shaped our ideas about democracy, individual rights, and the search for knowledge. It laid the foundation for the modern era. Even now, political, social, and intellectual conversations are still influenced by its legacy.

Sample Answer Follow Up Questions

Candidates must answer follow-up questions about the discussed topic after completing the cue card task. Potential questions for "Describe a Historical Period" include:

Q1. Do you think it is important to know about history?

Ans: Yes, the past is crucial. It helps us understand the foundations of our culture, society, and politics. This information gives us the background on current affairs. It lets us learn from the past to make wise decisions.

Q2. Through what sources can people get reliable historical information?

Ans: The best information is in books by famous historians. You can get them at museums and art galleries. Also, many trustworthy websites offer real information online.

Q3. Do people in your country like to visit museums?

Ans: Yes, a museum is a collection of historical items. Young people and teenagers enjoy visiting museums. They are interested in learning about history.

Q4. How do you think museums benefit society?

Ans: Educating and informing the public is the primary objective of museums. The educational benefit of a museum is academic learning. Museums act as the keepers of the past in addition to being links to the past. Children find it fascinating to listen to the stories given in museums.

Q5. Do you think museum entry should be free?

Ans: I think museums should have free entry. Museums are places of knowledge. Education should not be confined to only those who can afford to pay for it. I believe a small amount is feasible, but museums should not have huge entry fees.

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Tips to Answer IELTS Cue Card 

Answering an IELTS Cue Card may seem difficult, but with practice, you will be able to ace it. Give enough time to the preparation, and follow the following tips to present your ideas :

  • Tip 1: Understand the topic. Make sure you address every question.
  • Tip 2: Improve your pronunciation and intonation. Speak clearly, without interruptions.
  • Tip 3: Be conscious of your pace. Speaking very fast can lead to mistakes. Speaking slowly may make it seem like you're struggling to speak.
  • Tip 4: Expand your vocabulary. Present your ideas clearly and avoid repeating the same words.
  • Tip 5: Demonstrate your English proficiency by using compound and complex sentences.
  • Tip 6: Stay calm. It’s okay to be nervous, but don’t let it overwhelm you. Practise sufficiently to answer the question.
  • Tip 7: Be sincere in your engagement with the issue. Personal experiences and examples may help you provide a more persuasive solution.
  • Tip 8: Prepare for follow-up questions by adding details to your cue card responses. 


The IELTS speaking section is difficult for the test-takers. The candidates have pressure to perform within the allocated time. The IELTS speaking test is of lesser duration than other parts of the IELTS exam. But equal weightage is given to all four sections: writing, reading, speaking, and listening. Practicing the important cue cards beforehand will help you to stay calm on the test day.

Preparing for IELTS is not easy. You have to do many things. These include shortlisting and applying to universities, getting visas, finding scholarships, and more. If you are just starting on your academic journey, and feel overwhelmed with all these steps, get in touch with our Yocket experts. In 2023, Yocket helped  4,500+ students secure admissions to top universities worldwide. We can help you too. Reach out to us today!

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Frequently Asked Questions on Describe a Historical Period - IELTS Cue Card

Why would you talk about a historical period for the IELTS prompt card?

What period in history should I write about?

How should I structure my historical epoch description?

How can I prepare to narrate a historical era?

What can I do to develop my vocabulary and pronunciation?

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