Rankings for The School of Visual Arts

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The School of Visual Arts is a private art school in New York City. It was founded in 1947. The school is a member of the Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design where members have a curriculum with full liberal arts and sciences requirements complementing studio work, and all are accredited to grant Bachelor of Fine Arts and/or Master of Fine Arts degrees. The school has buildings in the Gramercy Park neighborhood, on Manhattan's east side, and in the Chelsea neighborhood, on the west side. The continuing education division offers noncredit courses from most departments. The school offers short-term study abroad programs in various creative fields.


QS Rankings: The school’s QS Rankings are as follows:


Ranking 2023

Ranking 2024

Art and Design



Times Higher Education (THE) Rankings: The Times Higher Education has yet to assign a rank to the school.

US News and World Reports Rankings: The US News and World Reports has ranked the school in several categories in 2024. The rankings are given below:



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Awards, Rankings, and Honors

  • Six SVA Community Members were bestowed Prestigious 2024 Guggenheim Fellowships.

  • 86 students received $62,000 to fund their thesis or portfolio projects through the SVA Alumni Scholarship Awards 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions on School of Visual Arts Ranking 2025

1: Is the School of Visual Arts hard to get into?

A: The School of Visual Arts has an acceptance rate of 91%. This means it’s a less selective school and you have a high chance of securing admission with a good academic record.

3: What is SVA famous for?

A: SVA has been a leader in educating artists, designers, and creative professionals for over seven decades. It has a faculty of distinguished working professionals, dynamic curriculum and an emphasis on critical thinking, SVA is a catalyst for innovation and social responsibility.

3: Does SVA give scholarships?

A: Yes. SVA awards partial tuition merit scholarships to help talented students realize their dreams of becoming professional artists. Scholarships are primarily available to full-time students seeking admission to the fall semester and are based on academic and creative merit.