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Founded in 1477 by Count Eberhard V and later re-established by the first Duke of Wurttemberg after being absorbed in the deep history of the renaissance period, this University is among the top eleven German excellence universities. It is widely known as a hub for the studies of plant biology, archaeology, theology, philosophy, law, ancient cultures and religions, and medicine. This University has even excelled as one of the best universities for studying Artificial intelligence in the present times. Eberhard Karls University is also associated with eleven Nobel laureates, particularly in the medicine and chemistry fields.

What is the acceptance rate of the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen?

The acceptance rate of Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen is 100%.

Top Reasons to Study in the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen

The main reason is its inclusion among the top eleven German excellence universities, there are several other reasons why one must go for this University over any other.

  • Research is a part of regular classroom learning as the teaching staff here are widely recognized and respected. They also teach effective methods and critical thoughts into their academic line. The students are always actively included in the research-related projects and also given the freedom to confront issues related to research early.
  • Effective international networks, meaning a wide range of international partner universities, allow students to intake knowledge and gain experience even outside Germany. 
  • A pragmatic approach is the way to go here at this University. Here the faculty members ensure that the students experience a practical application of whatever they are studying and a smoother transition towards their career and job life.
  • The Eberhard Karls University QS rankings are also impressive.

Besides these,

  • Innovative teaching formats, a wide variety of counseling services,
  • High quality of life here,
  • Enhanced diversity, and
  • Ever-expanding horizons are the other important reasons to study here


Cost of Studying at Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen

Average tuition fee


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Living expenses

Average living expenses (Bachelors)


Average living expenses (Masters)


Admissions at The Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen

How to Apply at Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen

The Eberhard Karls University requirements for UG and Graduate courses vary. To apply, one must follow the mentioned steps stated below:

  • Sign up at the university’s online portal and fill out the application form.
  • Upload your official high school/ secondary/ college academic records directly via the institution’s portal.
  • Get your transcripts evaluated by the concerned authorities.
  • Submit your German/ English proficiency scores.
  • Submit all other necessary documents, as mentioned in the portal.

Note: application cost: NIL

Eberhard Karls University cost/fee: ranges from EUR 3,105 (INR 2.56 Lak)h per year to EUR 3,639 (INR 3 Lakh) per year. With various exceptions for both national and international students. 

Documents Required to Apply to Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen

  • Completed application form.
  • Secondary education transcripts (for bachelor’s degree).
  • Post-secondary education transcripts (for master’s degree). 
  • Language proficiency proof (German/English).
  • Copy of your passport and valid study permit.
  • Financial support proof.
  • International students’ health insurance.

Exams Accepted By Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen

 Taking admission into Eberhard Karls University is worth all the praise. Ensure that before applying to the University, you check for all the requirements and the eligibility criteria that will help you apply to a Eberhard Karls University course of your choice. 

English Proficiency Requirements

For the Eberhard Karls University admission, students must qualify for the following English proficiency tests:


Minimum Test Requirements


6.0 or higher


60 or higher


79 or higher

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Rankings for The Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen

The World University Rankings


The World University Rankings

QS World University Rankings


QS World University Rankings

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Students Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen


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Premium Yocketer profiles

Simaya Muthuraja

Simaya Muthuraja



Winter 2025

Rayyan Ahmed

Rayyan Ahmed


International Business

Fall 2024

Anushka Dandawate

Anushka Dandawate


Neural and Behavioural Sciences

Winter 2025

Anushka Dandawate

Anushka Dandawate


Computational Neuroscience

Winter 2025

International Students

% of international students in the university


Total International Students in the university


Alumni at Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen

The alumni of Eberhard Karls University are known to stay true to their words and remain connected with its students or staff members, whether they are still studying, researching, or working at the university or have left for a better opportunity. The Eberhard Karls University supports you in your career prospects and connects you worldwide thanks to its immense, constantly expanding network. This university gives you a feeling of home no matter where you are.

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Reviews for Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen

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Services offered by the university

Some of the notable services offered at the Eberhard Karls University include:

  • Student counseling service (ZSB).
  • Subject-specific counseling.
  • Student administration.
  • Eberhard Karls University Admission and advice of international students.
  • Examination offices.
  • Student admission for students with trade qualifications.
  • Advice for prospective teachers (TUSE).
  • Career service.
  • The student union (StuRa).
  • Equality and diversity office.
  • Family office.
  • Foreign language center (FSZ).
  • IT centers (ZDV).
  • University Library (UB).

Student life at Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen

The university students make up about a third of the total population of Tubingen, and the culture of this town is observed to be largely dominated by these students. Around thirty German types of fraternities are associated with this institution, and there are regular parties, public lectures on academic issues, and a boating race on the Neckar River. There are also several notable student choirs and theater groups besides the presence of political parties.

  • Campus life – Eberhard Karls University is equipped with the latest technologies and constantly evolving to make it a better experience for its students. Next to nothing are high-tech classrooms, extensive lounge areas, eateries, dormitories, study halls, and libraries.
  • Student life - It is a university renowned for its diverse culture. As a result, there’s rarely any form of partiality or biased behavior among the members of this town or the college itself.
  • Sports activities – Games and other outdoor sports activities are an intrinsic part of any student’s life at Eberhard Karls University. Regular parties, public lectures over academic issues, and a boating race on the Neckar River.

On campus accomodation at Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen

Eberhard Karls University provides student accommodation on the Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen Campus itself. The dormitory or the student residence hall rooms are good value for your money. However, the student residence centers are self-catering, and you share a common kitchen and other sanitary facilities. Students are given their rooms as well. Some of the leading options of living at the university as a student are:

  • student residences
  • shared apartments
  • living alone
  • living as a lodger

You can come across dedicated student residences that are managed by the Studierendenwerks Tübingen-Hohenheim, A.d.Ö.R. -the main student services organization. 

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1. What is the tuition fee for an Eberhard Karls University international student?
Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen Fees for international students ranges from INR 2.56 Lakh per year to INR 3 Lakh per year Including exceptions.

2. What are the intake sessions at Eberhard Karls University?
There are two intake sessions, namely Fall (September) and Spring (January or march).

3. What are the most popular courses at Eberhard Karls University?
The most popular courses at Eberhard Karls University include natural sciences and mathematics courses, social science courses, business and management courses, and computer science and IT courses. 

4. How many courses are offered at Eberhard Karls University?
Over 200 courses from dentistry to Egyptology are provided at Eberhard Karls University.

5. Are there any scholarships for international students?
Yes, Eberhard Karls University scholarship known as Deutschlandstipendium for international students provides a stipend of 300 euros per month.