Rankings for The Arcada University of Applied Sciences

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Arcada University of Applied Sciences is a polytechnic university in Helsinki, Finland. It was founded in 1996. Classes are offered mostly in Swedish, but also in English. Bachelor’s and master’s level programs are available here and can be attended through open university. There are programs in health care, culture and media, social services, business, and technology. The majority of programs are full-time.


QS Rankings: The university’s recent QS Rankings are yet to be available.

Times Higher Education (THE) Rankings: The Times Higher Education has yet to assign a rank to the university.

US News and World Reports Rankings: Arcada University of Applied Sciences’ rankings for the US News and World Reports are unavailable. 

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Factors Contributing to the University’s Popularity:

  • Theoretical and Practical Learning: Arcada provides practical experience to students through their realistic lab and simulation environments.

  • Work-life experiences: Arcada provides its students with experience with business organisations where they gain invaluable work experience.

  • International exposure: Arcada students are from around the world and are sent on exchange programs for a wider range of experiences.

Frequently Asked Questions on Arcada University of Applied Sciences Ranking 2025

1: Why Arcada University of Applied Sciences?

A: Arcada should be your choice because it provides an innovative environment focusing on research-based innovation for business and the public sectors. They emphasise the connections between research and teaching involving students and the surrounding society.

2: Which country is Arcada in?

A: Arcada is a multi-professional University of Applied Sciences in Finland. It is a polytechnic university.

3: Does Arcada teach in English?

A: Swedish, Finnish, and English are the languages used at Arcada University of Applied Sciences.