Exams Know-how

SAT Study Plan for 3 Months: Know How to Study for SAT in 3 Months

Rohan Deshmukh

The Scholastic Aptitude Test is among the highly prestigious and most taken exams by students willing to complete their higher education in the US. While preparing for such a competitive exam, students tend to wonder how much time is exactly enough to have a good preparation for the exam. 

With little time left in hand before the SAT exam date, can you actually have a 3 month SAT study plan? Yes! 3 months is enough time for an excellent SAT preparation. A well-planned study routine spread over the entire period of time and the right study material can help you get through your SAT exam with flying colours! 

Don’t believe us? Stay with us till the end to get to know the minutest details of SAT study plan 3 months! 

Table of Contents

  1. An Optimum SAT Study Calendar
  2. Week-Wise SAT Study Plan for 3 Months
  3. How Long to Study for SAT in 3 Months

An Optimum SAT Study Calendar

Before you blindly start flipping through pages of numerous SAT preparation books, you want to sit down and make a proper plan. In the last 3 months, you need a really smart way of studying and not laborious hard work. Your top priority should be a detailed study plan that covers all the topics in a way that assures you a great SAT score. Let us have a look at the ‘musts’ of your SAT 3 month study plan: 

  • Incorporate enough practice tests in your study plan
  • Make sure to cover all topics
  • Do not spend excess time on a single topic
  • Become familiar with the SAT exam papers

Suggested: All about the SAT Exam Pattern! 

Week-Wise SAT Study Plan for 3 Months

It can be difficult to know where to start your SAT prep. The key is finding the right resources, staying organised, and sticking to your plan. But how to study for SAT in 3 month? We have got you covered with a weekly plan approved by SAT experts for the next 12 weeks, keep reading! 

Week One

Week one is about assessing your baseline score to get a sense of where you are starting from and how far you will need to go in your SAT prep

  • Take up full-length SAT papers and grade yourself on the lines of real SAT gradings and get acquainted with your least possible scores. 
  • On a separate day or two this week, set aside about 3 hours to review your practice test. This is the step that many students skip, but it is vital if you want to become as familiar with the SAT as possible. 
  • Start with the questions you got wrong, didn’t answer, or guessed on. One-by-one, review each question using the explanations provided.
  • Take note of where you went wrong.
  • Review the questions you got right. Read the explanations provided to see if there was a more efficient way to get to the right answer. Remember, since the SAT is standardised, reviewing all questions—even those you got correct—will help you master its structure and question types.

Refrain from getting low over below-the-mark grades. You have enough time to up your game. 

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Week Two-Four

Week one gives you an idea about your shortcomings. Week 2 onward is your time to work on them. 

  • Make sure to refer to the note of where you went wrong, you made in the first week. 
  • Strengthen the foundation concepts that you repeatedly missed during your week one practice tests. 
  • While doing so, do not ignore the topics that you were strong with. 

The SAT is a standardised test, meaning it is always the same. The same types of questions are asked with new numbers or words. The more familiar you become with the structure of the SAT and its various question types, the more prepared you’ll be for Test Day.

Suggested: Check Out the SAT Exam Syllabus 2022! 

Week Five

This week is again your practice test week. 

  • Take up full-length SAT papers like you did in week one. 
  • Know that you have worked on your initial shortcomings of the first week during the next 3 weeks and make sure to go well beyond your previous scores of the first week. 
  • Also try and improve your time management.
  • As done earlier, evaluate your paper again and make a note of the mistakes you made.
  • If your scores go down, do not lose hope. It is common to witness a dip in their learning curve in the middle of their preparation. 

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Week Six - Eight

Use the results from your second practice test to guide your studying these next three weeks. Be sure to cover all sections of the SAT, and to take some time in these three weeks to review all the SAT papers that you have given until now. Try covering the following topics of each of the subjects:

  • Maths- Rates, Ratios, Proportions, and Percentages / Scatter Plots / Two-way Tables, Statistics, and Probability / Exponents, Radicals, Polynomials, and Rational Expressions and Equations
  • Evidence Based Reading-Connections and Vocab-in-Context Questions / Rhetoric 
  • Writing-Organisation / Development / Effective Language Use

Suggested: A Complete Guide on SAT Subject Test

Week Nine

This is time for another practice test. Make sure now you give the tests in a near actual test environment with a timer. Do not slack now as this might be your last chance to gauge yourself and estimate your final performance in the SAT exam. 

  • Fully review the practice test in separate sessions, taking note of concepts that you still need to study. 
  • Rework problems you got wrong until you really grasp the steps taken to get to the right answer. 
  • For questions you got right, make a note of any strategies you can employ for those question types to get to the right answer quicker. 

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Week Ten-Eleven

These two weeks are your last chance to study foundational concepts, so prioritise that work, especially with topics you are still getting wrong at least 50% of the time. Then, make sure to cover all remaining SAT topics, even those you get consistently correct. Run an eye through synthesis questions, functions, quadratic equations, conventions of usage, conventions of punctuation, and other tricky topics.

Week Twelve

It’s the week of the SAT! With at least one week until Test Day, take one last practice test. Then, spend a day or two reviewing the test. You should be a pro at doing this by now. Take notes of any missteps you may have taken and lightly brush up on foundational concepts as needed.Then, take a few days off. 

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Be sure to block off 1-3 days before Test Day. Do not cram. Instead, take some time to yourself to rest and recharge. In the days leading up to the test, do not change up your routine—go to bed when you usually do, eat the same breakfast, etc.

How Long to Study for SAT in 3 Months?

We have clearly understood that 3 months is enough time to prepare and crack the SAT with flying colours. The next question that comes up is how long to study for SAT in 3 months. Experts say 80 hours is the average or the baseline time that you need to invest for achieving a decent SAT score. This number would break down to something like 6 hours a week. We suggest you spend a bit more time just to be on the safer side.

A SAT study plan 3 months is enough for you to start from scratch and reach the top. Right guidance to work smartly is the key to a great SAT score and hence your ticket to your dream university in the USA. All you need to do is follow this 3 month SAT study plan and you are sure to come out with flying colours in your SAT exam!



Frequently Asked Questions About SAT Study Plan for 3 Months

What are the topics of maths that SAT covers?

Is 3 months enough to study for SAT?

Can you self-study for SAT?

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