Exams Know-how

SAT Exam Eligibility 2025: Age Limit, Qualification & Requirements for SAT

Kashyap Matani

While the College Board hasn't established any specific SAT exam eligibility criteria, these exams play a role in admitting international students to undergraduate programs. Those in their 11th or 12th standard usually take these exams. SAT exam after the 12th standard can also be given. There's no age limit for the SAT, but the majority of attendees fall between 17 and 19 years old. Countries like the USA, Canada, the UK, the Netherlands, Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand highly value SAT scores.

  Table of Contents:

  1. What is SAT Eligibility Criteria?
  2. SAT Exam Age Limit
  3. What is the Required Qualification for SAT exam?
  4. SAT Exam Eligibility for ID Proof
  5. SAT Exam Eligibility for Passport Size Photo
  6. SAT Exam Eligibility for Students with Disabilities

What is SAT Eligibility Criteria?

While there are no fixed criteria for SAT eligibility, there are certain parameters to consider before taking the test. Indian students in can choose SAT exam dates on seven Saturdays throughout the year based on their readiness. It does not require any specific SAT qualifications.

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SAT Exam Age Limit

The SAT exam does not have specific age requirements. Generally, students aged 17 to 19 are the most common test-takers. However, the College Board has outlined eligibility criteria for students below 13 years of age or studying below eighth grade. Notably, there is no defined minimum or maximum SAT age limit for the exam set by the administering body. Regarding age-based SAT exam eligibility criteria:

  • Test-takers aged 12 years or younger can register through mail.
  • Test-takers aged 13 years or younger can register by creating a free account.
  • Test-takers aged 21 or younger need to present a Government-issued photo ID, driver’s license, or passport during registration.

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What is the Required Qualification for SAT exam?

As it has already been mentioned, there is no specific SAT exam requirements. Since its purpose is to enhance the chances for students to pursue a bachelor’s degree at the best colleges in the world, most of the SAT aspirants are class 11th or 12th qualified. Again there is no SAT exam age limit. Hence, one may appear for them without being worried about their age. 

Again, there is no such frequency or number of times you may apply for SAT. But it is advisable to start your preparation early and take the test at least twice before you complete high school. For that you must keep the following points in mind to ensure that you fulfill all the criteria for SAT exam:

  • Try to figure out your future plans at an early stage and start with your SAT preparation in advance.
  • Gather all latest information and data about the syllabus, scores and SAT eligibility criteria.
  • Put extra effort into the sections that you lack expertise in.
  • Lastly, follow the golden rule of “Practice makes a man perfect."

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SAT Exam Eligibility for ID Proof

The SAT exam's ID proof requirements are stringent. There are some documents required for the SAT exam: only government-issued ID proofs are considered valid for SAT. Specifically for Indian students, a valid passport is the sole acceptable proof for SAT registration. It's important to note that the SAT ID proof must be unexpired, presented in its original physical form, and not a photocopy.

Below are examples of unacceptable ID proofs for both Indian and International students:

  • Damaged, torn, or worn-out IDs
  • IDs displayed on electronic devices
  • Digitally altered or manipulated documents
  • Birth certificates
  • Social security cards
  • Employee ID cards
  • Missing child ID cards
  • Temporary ID cards of any kind

SAT Exam Eligibility Criteria for Passport Size Photo

As per the SAT eligibility requirements outlined by the College Board, candidates are required to submit a photograph that will be utilised for generating their admission ticket and for security checks at the SAT centers.

However, there are specific guidelines set by the College Board regarding the acceptable photograph. The photograph should not include the following:

  • Wearing sunglasses
  • Another person visible in the photo
  • Being unrecognisable due to low picture quality
  • Head covered by a hat or any other object (excluding religious reasons)
  • Any form of digital alteration or tampering

On the other hand, an acceptable photograph should possess these features:

  • The candidate should be instantly recognisable
  • The candidate should be the sole person in the photograph
  • The photograph should showcase the candidate's head and shoulders with clearly visible eyes, hair, face, and head covering (if applicable)
  • The picture should be well-focused
  • There should be no presence of dark shadows

Black and white photographs are also considered acceptable according to the eligibility criteria.

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What is SAT Eligibility Criteria for Specially-Abled Students?

Candidates are required to inform the College Board about their disabilities in advance. All extra accommodations must receive approval from the College Board's Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) unit. Once approved, these accommodations can be utilised for both the SAT General and SAT Subject Tests.

Facilities for Disabled Students in the SAT Exam include:

  • These accommodations are not limited to the listed ones. As long as a student qualifies for testing accommodations, the College Board will consider reasonable accommodations for any verified handicap.
  • The process of requesting accommodations remains the same.

Timing and Scheduling

  • Extended Time: Time and a half (+50%), Double Time (+100%), More than Double Time (>+100%)
  • Extra/Extended Breaks

Reading/Seeing Text

  • Text to Speech
  • Braille with Raised Line Drawings, Contracted

Recording Answers

  • Writer/Scribe to Record Responses
  • Braille Writer with Modified Setting
  • Small-Group Setting
  • Wheelchair Accessibility

Other with Permission for Food/Drink/Medication

  • Permission to Test Blood Sugar with Auditory Amplification/FM System.

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Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities who meet the SAT exam eligibility criteria and receive approval from the administering body are eligible for accommodations. These accommodations encompass various provisions, such as Braille and large print exams for individuals with visual impairments, extended time, the use of a computer for essay writing, and additional breaks. Additionally, all accommodation requests from candidates with disabilities are evaluated and sanctioned by the College Board.


SAT exam eligibility for Indian students as well as its application process is simple and flexible. Although there is no specific set of requirements or age limit to take the SAT test, it is advisable to prepare in advance to qualify it with high scores and at the right time. So, analyse the information above and begin with your SAT exam preparation at the earliest to apply for undergraduate programs of your choice at best the top universities abroad.

It's essential to be well-informed about these criteria when planning to take the SAT exam. So that was all about the SAT exam, its eligibility, and the documents required for it. We hope this article could serve its purpose of providing insights into SAT. For more guidance and assistance to ease your study abroad journey, our counsellors at Yocket are always at your service.

Frequently Asked Questions About SAT Eligibility Criteria

What is the Eligibility Criteria for SAT exam?

How to apply for SAT?

What is the age limit for the SAT?

How many times can I take the SAT exam?

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