Exams Know-how

Describe Something You Own Which is Very Important to You - IELTS Cue Card

Yocket Editorial Team

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a globally recognised English language proficiency assessment for non-native speakers. It evaluates an individual's abilities across the four essential language skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking. While all sections of the IELTS exam are crucial, the speaking component often poses a unique challenge for many candidates.

To help assess a test-taker's spoken English abilities, the IELTS employs Cue Cards during the speaking test. These task cards provide a specific topic or situation for the candidate to discuss for 1-2 minutes. One cue card prompt is "Describe something you own that is very important to you."

This cue card task tests a candidate's ability to effectively communicate their experiences, opinions and the significance of a particular item. The test-taker must demonstrate their English proficiency through coherent, fluent and engaging speech.

Table of Contents

What is an IELTS Cue Card?

An IELTS cue card is a task card presented to candidates during the speaking section of the IELTS exam. It provides a specific topic or situation for the test-taker to discuss for 1-2 minutes.

The structure and duration of the IELTS Speaking Cue Card are as follows:



Preparation Time

1 minute

Speaking Time

1-2 minutes

During the 1-minute preparation time, candidates can make brief notes on the cue card to organise their thoughts and structure their responses. After this, they must speak uninterrupted on the given topic for 1-2 minutes.

Why are IELTS Cue Cards Important?

The IELTS speaking test evaluates a candidate's ability to communicate effectively in English spontaneously. Cue cards play a crucial role in this assessment by presenting test-takers with a specific topic or scenario to discuss.

Practicing cue card tasks helps candidates develop essential skills for the IELTS speaking section, including:

  • Organising thoughts and ideas coherently
  • Speaking fluently without excessive hesitation or repetition
  • Using appropriate vocabulary and grammar structures
  • Expressing opinions and personal experiences clearly

By simulating the cue card experience during practice sessions, candidates can improve their confidence and language proficiency for the IELTS speaking test. For enhanced IELTS preparation, leverage Yocket’s personalised study plans and expert guidance to excel in the exam. Elevate your speaking skills with Yocket Finance and succeed in the IELTS speaking section.

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Sample Answer 1: "Describe Something You Own” Cue Card


The most important item to me is a small silver locket belonging to my grandmother. This locket holds immense sentimental value and is a cherished connection to my family's history.

Describe the item

The locket is made of sterling silver and is oval-shaped, about the size of a U.S. quarter. It has intricate floral engravings on the front, and when opened, it reveals two small spaces inside meant to hold tiny photographs. The locket hangs on a delicate silver chain that my grandmother wore daily.

Why is this item important to you?

This locket is essential to me because it was a treasured possession of my grandmother, who passed away when I was a young child. Whenever I hold the locket, I'm reminded of her warmth, her kind spirit and the love she shared with our family. It's a tangible connection to her memory and the values she instilled in me.

How did you acquire this item?

I inherited the locket after my grandmother's passing. It was one of the few personal items she left behind, and my mother gave it to me, knowing how much it would mean to me. Holding the locket and wearing it makes me feel close to my grandmother, as if a part of her is still with me.


This tiny silver locket is my most valuable possession, not because of its monetary worth but because of its deep emotional significance. It reminds me of my grandmother's legacy and her indelible mark on my life. Whenever I look at or wear the locket, I'm filled with gratitude and the desire to embody the same compassion and kindness that my grandmother exemplified.

Sample Answer 2: "Describe Something You Own” Cue Card


The most important item to me is an old, leather-bound journal belonging to my great-grandfather. This journal holds sentimental value and provides a window into my family's history and the life of a remarkable individual.

Describe the item

The journal is a well-worn, leather-bound book, approximately 8 inches by 6 inches in size. The cover is a deep, rich brown, with the initials "J.S." embossed in faded gold lettering on the front. The pages are yellowed and slightly crinkled, a testament to the journal's age and the many hands that have turned its leaves over the years.

Why is this item important to you?

This journal is essential to me because it belonged to my great-grandfather, John Smith, a man I never had the chance to meet but who has become a profound source of inspiration and admiration. Through his meticulously written entries, I've been able to glimpse into his life, hopes, struggles and values that guided his actions. Reading his words has given me a deeper understanding of my family's roots and the resilience passed down through generations.

How did you acquire this item?

After my great-grandfather's passing, the journal was passed down to my grandfather, who entrusted it to me, the eldest grandchild. Holding this journal in my hands feels like a sacred responsibility, a chance to honour the legacy of the man who penned its pages and to share his story with future generations of our family.


This weathered journal is a treasured possession that connects me to my family's history and the life of a remarkable individual – my great-grandfather. It is a tangible link to the past, a window into the thoughts and experiences of someone I never had the chance to meet but whose influence continues to shape my own life and values. This journal is a constant reminder of the importance of preserving our family's stories and honouring the wisdom and resilience of those who came before us.

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Sample Answer 3: "Describe Something You Own” Cue Card


The most important item to me is a well-worn baseball glove that belonged to my father. This glove holds immense sentimental value, representing the cherished memories we shared playing catch and the invaluable lessons he imparted to me through the sport.

Describe the item

The glove is a classic, tan leather baseball mitt, slightly weathered and softened from years of use. It has a sturdy, padded palm and a deep web, perfect for scooping grounders and making difficult catches. The laces are frayed, and the once-vibrant red stitching has faded, but the glove still maintains its supple, worn-in feel.

Why is this item important to you?

This baseball glove is essential because it symbolises the bond I shared with my father during childhood. Countless hours were spent in the backyard, tossing the ball back and forth, with my father patiently teaching me the fundamentals of the game. The glove was an extension of those cherished moments, a tangible reminder of the time we spent together, the lessons he imparted, and the memories we created.

How did you acquire this item?

After my father passed away several years ago, I inherited this glove as a precious memento of our relationship. Whenever I hold it, I'm immediately transported back to those carefree days, the sound of the ball slapping against the leather and the sight of my father's proud smile as I made a difficult catch. This glove is a physical embodiment of my father's indelible mark on my life.


This well-worn baseball glove is the most important item I own, not because of its monetary value but because of its profound emotional significance. It is a physical representation of the unbreakable bond I shared with my father, a testament to the invaluable lessons he taught me, and a constant reminder of his enduring impact on my life. Whenever I hold this glove, I'm reminded of the power of family, the importance of mentorship, and the lasting legacy we can leave behind.

Sample Answer 4: "Describe Something You Own” Cue Card


The most important item to me is a delicate, hand-stitched quilt that my great-grandmother made. This quilt is not only a beautiful work of art but also a cherished connection to my family's history and the legacy of strong, resilient women who have come before me.

Describe the item

The quilt is a stunning patchwork creation with intricate patterns and vibrant colours. Each square is meticulously sewn, with tiny, even stitches that showcase the incredible craftsmanship of its maker. The quilt comprises various fabrics, from delicate floral prints to sturdy denim, all carefully chosen and arranged to create a visually stunning and harmonious design.

Why is this item important to you?

This quilt is essential because it represents the enduring legacy of my family's firm, resilient women. My great-grandmother, who made this quilt by hand, was a testament to the power of determination, creativity and the ability to create beauty from the most humble materials. Wrapping myself in this quilt, I feel connected to the generations of women who have come before me, each contributing their unique stories and experiences to our family's tapestry.

How did you acquire this item?

This quilt was passed down to me by my grandmother, who had cherished it for many years. As a child, I often curled up under the quilt, listening to my grandmother's stories about her mother's life and the significance of this handmade treasure. Inheriting this quilt has been a profound honour, and I am committed to preserving its legacy and passing it on to future generations of our family.


This delicate, hand-stitched quilt is my most important item because it represents the strength, resilience and creative spirit of the women in my family. It is a tangible link to my family's history, a testament to the power of perseverance, and a source of comfort and inspiration. Whenever I wrap myself in this quilt, I am reminded of the rich tapestry of stories and experiences that have shaped my identity. I am filled with a deep sense of gratitude and a renewed determination to honour the legacy of the remarkable women who came before me.

Sample Follow-up Questions and Answers

In addition to the primary cue card response, candidates may also need to answer follow-up questions from the examiner. Here are some potential follow-up questions and sample answers:

  1. How do you think possessions can reflect a person's values and personality?

The items we cherish often say a lot about our values, experiences and the people who have shaped our lives. The locket, journal or baseball glove I described holds sentimental value and reflects my appreciation for family, history and the lessons imparted by loved ones. These personal possessions serve as tangible reminders of the important people, events and principles that have influenced who we are.

  1. How can passing down items between generations help preserve family traditions and values?

Passing down meaningful items between generations is a powerful way to preserve family traditions and values. When we inherit an object that once belonged to a beloved family member, it allows us to feel connected to their legacy and the experiences they had. It encourages us to learn about our family's history, understand the item's significance and consciously decide to carry on the associated traditions and values. This helps ensure that the wisdom and stories of our ancestors are not lost but rather woven into the fabric of our lives.

  1. What other examples of items could be important to people, and why might they be significant?

Other essential items could include an heirloom piece of jewellery, a treasured photograph, a musical instrument passed down through the family or even a beloved childhood toy. These items may hold significance because they represent cherished memories, significant life events or the legacies of our ancestors. They can serve as tangible connections to our past, reminders of our roots, and sources of comfort and inspiration as we navigate our journeys.

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Tips to Answer the IELTS "Describe Something You Own” Cue Card

To effectively tackle this cue card topic, consider the following tips:

  • Choose an item with personal significance: Select an object that holds deep emotional value for you, whether it's an heirloom, a gift from a loved one or a cherished memento from your past.
  • Provide vivid details about the item: Describe the physical characteristics of the object, such as its size, color, texture and any unique features. This will help the examiner visualise the item and better understand its importance to you.
  • Explain the sentimental value: Clearly articulate why the item is so meaningful to you, whether it's a connection to your family history, a beloved person or a significant life event.
  • Organise your response: Structure your answer with a clear introduction, body paragraphs that delve into the item's description and significance, and a concise conclusion.
  • Use emotive language: Employ descriptive and expressive language to convey the depth of your feelings towards the item. This will help you connect with the examiner and make your response more engaging.
  • Practice timing and fluency: During your preparation, practice delivering your response within 1-2 minutes, speaking fluently and avoiding excessive hesitation or repetition.
  • Maintain eye contact and body language: When delivering your response, maintain steady eye contact with the examiner and use appropriate body language to demonstrate your confidence and engagement with the topic.


Mastering the "Describe something you own” cue card is a testament to your ability to communicate effectively in English and share your personal experiences with clarity and emotion. Following the strategies and guidelines outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can develop the skills necessary to captivate the examiner and showcase your language proficiency.

Remember, the key lies in selecting a meaningful item, providing vivid descriptions and eloquently articulating the reasons for its significance. Embrace the opportunity to tell your story, connect with the examiner and demonstrate your command of the English language. With dedicated practice and a deep understanding of what the IELTS speaking test requires, you can confidently tackle this cue card topic and take one step closer to achieving your desired IELTS score.

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FAQ's on Title: Describe Something You Own Which is Very Important to You - IELTS Cue Card

How can I increase the fluency and coherence of my spoken English for IELTS?

What are some frequent speaking faults to avoid in the IELTS exam?

What are the best ways to respond to IELTS Cue Card prompts?

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