Exams Know-how

Describe Something You Did Interesting or Exciting - IELTS Cue Card

Yocket Editorial Team

The International English Language Testing System is a worldwide recognized test that assesses a candidate's ability in the English language. One part of the IELTS exam is a speaking test, which includes many exercises to evaluate a candidate's English communication skills. Among these activities, the IELTS Cue Card is very significant.

Describe Something You Did Interesting IELTS cue cards are crucial since they evaluate a candidate's speaking abilities while also fostering the development of their quick thinking and practical communication skills under pressure. Yocket, a portal committed to assisting students in achieving academic success, offers excellent tools and information for IELTS planning, including ideas and tactics for efficiently tackling Cue Card themes.

Table of Contents 

What is an IELTS Cue Card?

An IELTS Cue Card is an essential part of the speaking exam that assesses an applicant's ability to talk smoothly and clearly on a topic. During the speaking test, the applicant must speak on a cue card for one to two minutes with a specified topic or job. The Cue Card assesses the candidate's speaking abilities, including organising their thoughts, explaining their perspectives, and offering relevant examples or information to support their claims. Candidates are required to speak confidently, clearly, and coherently on the issue. Examiners can evaluate a candidate's English communication skills with the Cue Card section, which considerably adds to the candidate's final speaking test score.

The duration of the IELTS Speaking Cue Card is as follows:

Total Duration

3-4 minutes

Preparation Time

1 minute

Speaking Time

2-3 minutes

Why are IELTS Cue Cards Important?

Cue cards are precious tools in the IELTS speaking test because they provide students with a systematic framework for clearly articulating their thoughts and ideas within a time restriction. They assist candidates in improving their critical thinking abilities, logical information arrangement, and effective English communication. Cue cards help candidates build their confidence and skill as speakers by simulating real-world settings. They also help examiners evaluate candidates' general speaking talents by assisting them with fluency, coherence, vocabulary usage, pronunciation, and grammar. 

Finally, knowing cue card subjects is essential for passing the IELTS speaking test. Consider enrolling. Yocket enables you to successfully traverse the cue card task and succeed in your IELTS journey by providing individualised advice, professional resources, and interactive sessions.

Suggested: Top 10 IELTS Coaching Centers in India

Sample Answer 1: Describe Something You Did Interesting Cue Card


I just had an exciting event that left me feeling fulfilled and exhilarated. It was a beautiful Saturday morning when I spontaneously decided to go on an extraordinary journey: a hot air balloon trip.

Where did this activity take place?

This incredible endeavour occurred over a relaxing weekend retreat with dear friends in the serene countryside. While roaming the picturesque village, we encountered a thriving hot air balloon festival. We were enthralled by the notion of floating gently above the scenery and jumped at the chance to participate in this airborne experience.

Why were you interested in this activity?

The fascination of hot air ballooning stems from its perfect combination of tranquillity and adrenaline. As the balloon softly climbed, I was surrounded by a profound sense of peace, contrasting with the exciting rush of flying into the vast sky. The panoramic view of rolling hills, beautiful meadows, and far horizons unfolded, inspiring awe and astonishment.

What thoughts did you have during the experience?

My thoughts were freed from the confines of the commonplace as I succumbed to the beautiful beauty of the earth below, enveloped in the ethereal calm of the sky. Enticed by the rhythmic swing of the balloon and the kaleidoscope tapestry of scenery spreading beneath me, I felt a great sense of thankfulness and satisfaction. It was a short moment of pure ecstasy that I will remember for the rest of my life.


The hot air balloon journey proved sublime, providing a momentary peek into the world's vast grandeur. The harmonic combination of spectacular views, calm tranquillity, and intense adventure resulted in an experience of incomparable splendour. As I ponder this extraordinary excursion, I am reminded of life's innate ability to bestow moments of utter splendour and awe. And so, with enthusiastic expectation, I look forward to the next chapter of my journey, led by the spirit of inquiry and the quest for the unusual.

Sample Answer 2: Describe Something You Did Interesting Cue Card


Take a fascinating trip with me to an incredible adventure in the peace of the countryside not too long ago. Imagine lush landscapes painted in vivid greens, where the soft rustle of leaves and the beautiful singing of birds create a symphony of peace. During one such exquisite weekend getaway, I was dragged into an adventure that would leave an indelible impression on my mind.

Where did this activity take place?

The scenery was nothing short of breathtaking, with rolling hills that seemed to stretch for miles and an azure sky providing the ideal background. Amidst this gorgeous scenery, I stumbled across an unexpected opportunity: the possibility to participate in the thrilling activity of paragliding.

Why were you interested in this activity?

The fascination of paragliding stems from its ability to mix adrenaline-pumping exhilaration with periods of profound calm effortlessly. The thought of soaring over the sky, supported only by a canopy of cloth, filled me with awe and anticipation. I was enthralled by the idea of defying gravity and seeing the world from a viewpoint usually only enjoyed by dreamers and birds.

What thoughts did you have during the experience?

As I rose further into the limitless expanse of the sky, a flood of emotions came over me like waves crashing on the shore. With each blast of wind, I felt an incredible adrenaline coursing through my veins, sharpening my senses and increasing my awareness of the landscape below. Despite the excitement, there was a profound sense of calm, as if time had stopped, allowing me to savour every second of this incredible voyage.


Finally, the paragliding experience was a sensory symphony—a mind-blowing combination of exhilarating adventure and peaceful reflection. It provided a moving reminder of the limitless beauty and opportunities that lie ahead for those who dare to dream big and aim high. I am grateful for the chance to soar beyond the clouds and take in my surroundings' breathtaking beauty as I reflect on this incredible adventure.

Suggested: Universities Accepting IELTS Score 5.5 to 6

Sample Answer 3: Describe Something You Did Interesting Cue Card


In the background of a busy city where life is pulsating through every street, I vividly describe an exciting event that happened not long ago. I was attracted to an activity that promised thrills, mysteries, and adventures in the middle of a bustling metropolitan scene where buildings stood tall and streets hummed with bustle.

Where did this activity take place?

This enthralling adventure happened in the city's centre amidst its convoluted alleyways and towering skyscrapers that seemed to reach the sky. Amidst this urban jungle, I was dragged into a fantastic escape room adventure. The city's dynamic vitality heightened the excitement of the encounter, making it the ideal setting for a mystery-filled journey. Amidst the rush and bustle of the city, the escape room provided a haven of mystery, enabling guests to discover its mysteries behind its walls of tension and expectation.

Why were you interested in this activity?

The immersive experience that the escape room promised to challenge my problem-solving abilities and fast thinking was what drew me in. The thought of solving a mystery under the constraints of a time-limited assignment was tempting. Furthermore, the opportunity to participate in an interactive adventure that required collaboration and innovation piqued my curiosity. The appeal of entering a realm of mystery, where each hint held the key to solving the next problem, piqued my interest and enthusiasm. It was an opportunity to go on an incredible adventure of discovery with an unpredictable end, and the excitement of the unknown drew me to continue exploring.

What thoughts did you have during the experience?

As I walked into the dimly lit room, excitement and expectation dominated the air. With each clue uncovered and the barrier conquered, excitement propelled us forward. Each instant was a race against the clock, with each revelation propelling us closer to triumph. The intensity of the task kept my mind fresh and focused as we worked together to solve the issues before us. Immersed in the atmosphere of mystery and intrigue, my mind raced with excitement and resolve. There was excitement in the air as we dug further into the mystery, propelled by the thrill of the hunt and the urge to come out on top despite the strain of the clock running down.


To summarise, the escape room challenge was an exciting experience requiring wit and collaboration. It reminded me of the thrill and pleasure that comes with overcoming obstacles. I am excited about the experiences ahead and can't wait for more adventures. The recollections of this urban adventure will live on in my mind as a tribute to the excitement of discovering and exploring the city's vivid terrain.

Sample Answer 4: Describe Something You Did Interesting Cue Card


Let me offer a fascinating experience from a recent journey in a remote woodland. In the shade of towering trees and soft sunlight, I set out on an enthralling treasure search in the peace of nature. The appeal of solving puzzles and discovering hidden truths pulled me to this fascinating adventure. It was a voyage full of suspense and thrill, with each hint leading me deeper into the jungle. 

Where did this activity take place?

This enthralling adventure occurred in the stunning splendour of a quiet woodland far from the bustling metropolis. The tall trees in the forest, covered in vivid foliage, created a spectacular backdrop for the journey. It was a site where sunlight streamed through the deep canopy, creating a fascinating interplay of shadows and light on the forest floor below. The tranquil surroundings and the sense of mystery in the air offered the ideal setting for a thrilling adventure. The treasure search took place in the embrace of nature's splendour, with each step taking them further into the heart of the forest's mysteries.

Why were you interested in this activity?

The draw of the treasure hunt stemmed from its promise of discovery and exploration, which piqued my interest and excitement. The prospect of delving into the jungle, pursuing clues, and unravelling riddles aroused a great sense of enthusiasm in me. I've always been interested in the unknown, enjoying the excitement of discovering undiscovered treasures and solving puzzles. The notion of embarking on a real-life trip surrounded by nature's magnificence was just alluring. Furthermore, the opportunity to share this experience with companions and start on a group adventure piqued my curiosity, creating a sense of togetherness and enthusiasm that spurred me ahead on the voyage.

What thoughts did you have during the experience?

I was excited and full of anticipation with every step I took as I made my way more into the forest. The flutter of leaves and the delicate sway of branches overhead appeared to whisper secrets, increasing the sense of mystery and adventure. My thoughts raced excitedly as I unearthed each clue, attempting to solve the puzzle before me. The exhilaration of the pursuit kept my senses alert as I moved into the deep undergrowth, guided by resolve and curiosity. Each discovery fueled my determination, propelling me forward in search of the ultimate prize concealed deep beneath the forest's mystical embrace.


To summarise, the treasure search in the forest was an extraordinary journey that rekindled my curiosity and discovery. It was a reminder of the enchantment in our surroundings and the delight of going on a trip full of mystery and adventure. I am very grateful for the chance to explore the depths of nature and discover the mysteries that lie inside as I reflect on this enthralling experience.

IELTS Speaking Part: Describe Something You Did Interesting Cue Card Follow-up Questions

Q1. What skills do you believe are required for someone to participate in adventure activities?

Engaging in adventurous activities necessitates a mix of mental, physical, and emotional abilities. Hiking, rock climbing, and surfing all need good physical fitness. Cognitive skills such as problem-solving and making decisions are essential, especially in situations requiring fast thinking, such as survival in the wild. Mental toughness is also necessary to deal with the obstacles, uncertainties, and concerns that may develop during risky activities.

Q2. Do you believe people are growing more interested in adventurous activities today?

Yes, there has been an increase in the popularity of adventurous activities in recent years. People are becoming more aware of adventure sports and outdoor activities as technology advances and information becomes more accessible. Furthermore, there is a societal movement towards pursuing experiences rather than material goods, which has led many people to choose activities that provide excitement, challenge, and opportunity for personal growth.

Q3. What are the benefits of participating in adventurous activities?

Participating in adventurous activities has several benefits. First, as many adventurous activities require physical effort and outdoor exploration, they encourage physical health and fitness. Furthermore, adventurous activities develop a stronger bond with nature, increasing environmental awareness and respect. 

Q4. Are there any hazards involved with daring activities?

Yes, adventurous activities are inherently risky, ranging from minor injuries to life-threatening scenarios. Unpredictable weather, rough terrain, and equipment failure can all lead to accidents or disasters. However, with good planning, training, and attention to safety requirements, many dangers may be reduced or eliminated. 

Q5. How do you believe adventurous activities help with personal growth and development?

Participating in adventurous activities allows people to get out of their comfort zones, encounter obstacles, and test their boundaries. These experiences help people become resilient, confident, and feel like they've accomplished something. One might develop a high sense of success and increase their self-esteem by, for instance, finishing a strenuous walk or overcoming a fear of heights through rock climbing. 

Q6. What recommendations would you provide to someone who wants to attempt adventure activities for the first time?

Conducting extensive studies on the activity, recognizing the hazards, and hiring credible guides or instructors who prioritise safety are critical. Furthermore, adequate preparation and training are required, so attending basic classes or getting advice from more experienced persons may increase confidence and abilities. 

Q7. Can you provide instances of popular adventure activities in your country?

My nation offers a variety of exciting activities that are popular with locals and visitors. Trekking in the Himalayas, for example, is popular among adventurers due to the stunning vistas of snow-capped peaks and verdant valleys it provides. Water activities like river kayaking and rafting also attract thrill seekers to the country's abundant rivers and lakes. 

Q8. How can cultural variations impact what kinds of fascinating activities people enjoy?

Cultural variations considerably impact the sorts of intriguing or exciting activities that individuals love, as traditions, values, and societal conventions frequently impact them. For example, in cultures where community meetings and festivities are prized, activities like festivals, celebrations, and cultural events may be widely anticipated and treasured. 

Q9. How do you believe technological improvements have affected the fascinating activities individuals participate in?

Technological advancements have significantly influenced the sorts of intriguing or exciting activities that individuals participate in, creating new opportunities for exploration, amusement, and connection. One innovative and engaging approach to partake in adventurous activities from the comfort of home is through virtual reality (VR) technology, which, among other things, allows users to immerse themselves in virtual worlds and experiences fully.

Q10. Do you believe participating in fascinating activities is more essential for children or adults? Why?

Engaging in engaging or exciting activities benefits children and adults, but for different reasons. These activities help youngsters develop creativity, curiosity, and social skills while allowing physical and cognitive growth. Exploring new interests, engaging with new activities, and having enjoyable experiences are critical for their development and learning. 

Suggested: Universities Accepting IELTS Score 7.5 and above

Tips to Answer IELTS Cue Card 

Here are some strategies to help you appropriately respond to the IELTS Cue Card:

  • Understand the prompt. Make sure you comprehend the prompt on the cue card by carefully reading it and making sure you know what to describe. 
  • Plan Your Response: Before speaking, take a minute to consider and organise your ideas. Consider the format of your response and the main issues you wish to cover. 
  • Stick to the topic: Concentrate on the issue in the cue card question. Stay away from going off on tangents and discussing irrelevant issues. 
  • Provide particular information: Use descriptive and specific information to help the examiner visualise the situation. 
  • Use a Variety of Vocabulary: Showcase your vocabulary by utilising a variety of words and expressions to describe your views. Aim to use the exact words or phrases sparingly. 
  • Speak Clearly and Fluently: Speak at a natural speed and pronounce your words. Work on your pronunciation, intonation, and emphasis to ensure you are readily understood. 
  • Be Confident and Enthusiastic: Discuss your chosen topic excitedly and confidently. Talk to the examiner and show that you are passionate about the material.
  • Active Listening: Focus on the questions and cues from the examiner and adjust your response accordingly. 

Yocket, a trustworthy portal that provides unique insights and aid to prospective test takers, offers resources and services for thorough IELTS preparation and advice. Their experienced advice and personalised materials will help you improve your performance and pass the IELTS exam.


Finally, Describe Something You Did Interesting Cue Card might be an engaging way to demonstrate one's narrative and linguistic abilities in the IELTS Speaking test. Test takers can successfully communicate their experiences, feelings, and points of view to the examiner by using vivid descriptions and captivating narratives. Candidates may improve their ability to reply to cue card prompts with confidence and coherence by practising frequently and according to the suggested guidelines. This will help them score better overall in the speaking segment of the test. Remember, planning and practising are essential for success in the IELTS Speaking test. Consider exploring sites like Yocket for additional resources and assistance in your IELTS preparation journey. You may gain access to helpful learning resources, practice tests, and professional coaching to help you attain your goal score.

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FAQ's on Describe Something You Did Interesting or Exciting - IELTS Cue Card

How can I properly manage my time throughout the IELTS Speaking test, particularly while responding to the Cue Card prompts?

Can the examiner repeat the Cue Card prompt if I did not grasp it correctly throughout the test?

What should I do if I run out of things to say when replying to the Cue Card topic?

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