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Describe an Aquatic Animal - IELTS Cue Card

Yocket Editorial Team

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a vital evaluation tool for students, professionals, and those relocating to English-speaking nations worldwide. The IELTS Cue Card, part of the speaking phase, provides a platform for eliciting spontaneous, understandable student responses. As examinees investigate numerous topics, their ability to properly communicate their perspectives becomes increasingly important. 

Here's an example of a Cue Card prompt: "Describe an Aquatic Animal." We believe a series of sample responses and insightful guidance will allow test-takers to excel in this part. Yocket is a wonderful friend on your IELTS journey, offering focussed assistance to improve your performance and comprehensive preparation materials like tips, guides, and community support.

Table of Contents

What is IELTS?

The full form of IELTS is the "International English Language Testing System." It is an important test that assesses your English language skills. It is widely accepted by prominent universities and colleges throughout the world. The test is critical for students and those seeking better opportunities beyond their countries. Thus, the IELTS test evaluates your ability to communicate in English successfully. It shows potential employers that you are confident in your English communication abilities. The IELTS examines four key areas:

  • Listening
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Speaking

In a nutshell, IELTS is a key that opens doors to new opportunities. Whether you're a student looking to study abroad or someone looking for improved job possibilities, IELTS allows you to showcase your English abilities to the world.

What is an IELTS Cue Card?

An IELTS Cue Card is required for the speaking section of the exam. It acts as a stimulus, providing the test-taker with a specific topic or task and asking them to speak freely for a given amount of time, usually 1-2 minutes. These cards assess a candidate's ability to explain concepts, express perspectives, and maintain coherence under time limits. Each cue card contains timely and important facts or questions to assist the candidate's reply. This section assesses the candidate's speech for fluency, vocabulary range, grammatical accuracy, and coherence. Successfully handling these questions is important for performing well in the IELTS speaking section.




1 minute


Up to 2 minutes

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Why are IELTS Cue Cards Important?

IELTS Cue Cards are critical during the speaking component of the exam because they assess a candidate's flexibility and ability to communicate effectively and simply in English. Cue cards simulate real-life communication situations by presenting a variety of subjects, ranging from personal interactions to abstract concepts, demonstrating the test-taker's readiness to participate in English-speaking surroundings. Mastering cue card responses demonstrates verbal skill, adaptability, and critical thinking. 

Aspiring test takers may benefit immensely from studying cue card topics to boost their speaking abilities and confidence for the exam. Yocket is an invaluable companion on your IELTS journey, providing comprehensive preparation materials, individual guidance, and a supportive community. Using Yocket, candidates may swiftly navigate through cue card subjects, ensuring optimal performance in the speaking portion and achieving their aim.

The following are some sample answers to make an easy understanding:

Sample Answer 1: Describe an Aquatic Animal


I've always been fascinated by dolphins.

What it looks like?

These highly intelligent marine mammals are found in oceans and seas worldwide. With their sleek, torpedo-shaped bodies and distinctive gray coloration, dolphins are well-adapted for swimming swiftly through the water.

When did you see it?

I can't recall a specific instance, but I've had the chance to observe dolphins in their natural habitats on several occasions while traveling.

Where did you see it?

Some of the places where I've seen dolphins include the coastal waters of California, Hawaii, and the Caribbean.

Explain why it is interesting?

One of the most interesting aspects is their ability to communicate using a range of whistles and clicks. Dolphins are also known for their playful and social nature, often seen swimming in pods and occasionally riding the waves created by boats.


They are carnivores, feeding mainly on fish, squid, and crustaceans. Unfortunately, many dolphin species are threatened due to factors like pollution, overfishing, and habitat loss.

Sample Answer 2: Describe an Aquatic Animal


For this cue card topic, I'd like to describe the sea turtle.

What it looks like?

These remarkable reptiles have a streamlined shell that allows them to glide gracefully through the ocean currents. They come up to the surface to breathe air, as they are reptiles, not fish. One of the most striking features is their powerful flipper-like limbs that propel them forward.

When did you see it?

I had the opportunity to observe sea turtles up close during a snorkeling trip a few years ago.

Where did you see it?

This was in the warm waters of the Caribbean, near Costa Rica.

Explain why it is interesting?

Sea turtles migrate long distances between feeding and nesting grounds, with females returning to lay eggs on the same beaches where they hatched. It's remarkable how they can navigate across vast expanses of ocean.


Sadly, their numbers have declined due to threats like plastic pollution, bycatch in fishing nets, and loss of nesting beaches. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect these ancient mariners.

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Sample Answer 3: Describe an Aquatic Animal


An aquatic animal that fascinates me is the great white shark.

What it looks like?

As one of the ocean's apex predators, it commands respect and awe. Great whites have a distinct torpedo-shaped body and powerful tails that allow them to swim at high speeds. Their massive jaws are lined with rows of serrated, triangular teeth, perfect for tearing into prey like seals and dolphins.

When did you see it?

I haven't had the chance to see a great white shark in person, but I've seen them in documentaries and at aquariums.

Where did you see it?

While I haven't observed them in the wild, I did get to see a few great whites up close at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California.

Explain why it is interesting?

Despite their fearsome reputation, these sharks are an important part of marine ecosystems and play a role in maintaining balance. Their power and evolutionary adaptations as top predators are truly remarkable.


Great whites are found in cool, coastal waters in most of the world's major oceans. However, overfishing and other threats have led to declining populations in some areas, underscoring the need for conservation measures.

Sample Answer 4: Describe an Aquatic Animal


The clownfish is a small and colorful aquatic animal that I find quite captivating.

What it looks like?

Native to the warm waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans, clownfish live among sea anemones, establishing a symbiotic relationship. Their bright orange coloration, accentuated with white stripes and black outlines, allow them to stand out against the anemone's tentacles.

When did you see it?

I first saw clownfish during a visit to an aquarium when I was a child, and I was immediately drawn to their vibrant appearance.

Where did you see it?

In addition to aquariums, I've had the pleasure of observing clownfish in their natural habitat while snorkeling in the Maldives.

Explain why it is interesting?

Clownfish are able to swim among the stinging tentacles unharmed due to a mucus coating on their bodies. This symbiotic relationship with the anemone is fascinating, as both species benefit from the arrangement.


These fish are omnivores, feeding on algae, plankton, and small crustaceans. Popularized by the movie Finding Nemo, clownfish have become iconic symbols of tropical reef ecosystems, though they face threats like habitat degradation and the aquarium trade.

IELTS Speaking Part 3: “ An Aquatic Animal Cue Card” Follow-Up Questions

1. What first sparked your interest in this particular aquatic animal?

As a child, I was fascinated by nature documentaries featuring this animal's unique behaviors and striking appearance. That early exposure sparked a lifelong interest.

2. Can you describe this animal's unique behaviors or adaptations?  

One fascinating adaptation is its ability to communicate using specialized vocalizations like whistles, clicks, or songs. This animal also has incredible navigation abilities and can migrate long distances.

3. How does this animal interact with other species in its environment?

It has various ecological interactions, serving as prey for larger predators and feeding on smaller fish, crustaceans, or plant life. Some species also have symbiotic relationships with other organisms.

4. What role does this animal play in the overall marine ecosystem?

As an apex predator or key species, it helps regulate populations of other marine life and maintains the balance of the ecosystem. Its presence is vital for ecological stability.

5. Have you ever had any personal experiences or close encounters with this animal?

Yes, I was fortunate to observe this animal in its natural habitat during a scuba diving or snorkeling trip. Seeing it up close was an awe-inspiring experience.

6. Are there any conservation efforts in place to protect this animal and its habitat?

Various organizations work to protect this species through habitat preservation, reducing bycatch, banning harmful fishing practices, and raising public awareness about threats like pollution.

7. How have human activity or environmental changes impacted the population of this animal?

Overfishing, coastal development, plastic pollution, climate change, and loss of breeding/feeding grounds have all contributed to declining populations in many regions.

8. Is this animal found in specific regions or ecosystems, or does it have a wide distribution? 

While some species have very localized distributions, others are found across multiple oceans and ecosystems ranging from tropical to polar waters.

9. Are there any interesting cultural or historical connections associated with this animal?

In some cultures, this animal holds symbolic importance and is featured in mythology, art, or traditions. Certain species were also historically overhunted for products like meat or oil.

10. would you like to study or work with this animal more closely if you had the opportunity? Why or why not?

Absolutely. As someone deeply passionate about marine life, the chance to actively contribute to research, conservation, or educational efforts focused on this species would be incredibly rewarding.

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Tips to Answer IELTS Cue Card

Here are some tips to effectively answer the IELTS cue card:

  1. Understand the question: Read the cue card carefully and make sure you understand the topic and the specific instructions. If any part is unclear, ask the examiner for clarification.
  2. Plan your answer: Before you start speaking, take a moment to organize your thoughts and plan your response. Decide on the main points you want to cover and the structure of your answer.
  3. Use the outline: The IELTS cue card usually provides an outline to guide your response. Follow the outline closely and address each part systematically. This will help you provide a well-structured and coherent answer.
  4. Provide relevant details: While answering, provide relevant details and examples to support your points. This will make your response more informative and engaging.
  5. Use appropriate vocabulary: Try to use a range of appropriate vocabulary related to the topic. This will demonstrate your language proficiency and score you higher marks.
  6. Mind your grammar and pronunciation: Pay attention to your grammar and pronunciation. Speak clearly and accurately to ensure that the examiner can understand you easily.
  7. Maintain fluency: Aim to speak fluently without too many unnecessary pauses or fillers. Practice speaking naturally, and try to connect your ideas smoothly.
  8. Manage your time: Monitor the time and pace your response accordingly. Ensure you have enough time to cover all the points without rushing or exceeding the allotted time.
  9. Be confident: Maintain a confident and positive attitude during your response. This will help you deliver your answer more effectively and make a better impression on the examiner.
  10. Practice: Practicing with sample cue cards and recording your responses can help you identify areas for improvement and build your confidence for the test.

Remember, the IELTS cue card assesses your ability to speak on a given topic coherently and effectively. Following these tips can improve your chances of delivering a well-structured and impressive response.


In conclusion, the aquatic animal I have described, whether a dolphin, sea turtle, shark, or clownfish, is a remarkable creature that plays a vital role in the health of marine ecosystems. These animals have evolved over millions of years with incredible adaptations, allowing them to thrive in the ocean. However, many species now face serious threats from human activities like overfishing, pollution, habitat loss, and climate change. We must take action to protect these aquatic animals and their habitats through conservation efforts, sustainable practices, and raising public awareness. By preserving the diversity of life in our oceans, we can ensure that future generations can appreciate and learn from these fascinating creatures. Ultimately, the fate of aquatic species is interconnected with our own, as the health of the oceans has a profound impact on the entire planet. We must be the responsible stewards of the marine environment and the incredible animals that call it home.

Yocket offers complete coaching and support for academic pursuits and exam preparation, including IELTS, to help aspiring individuals achieve their objectives and make meaningful contributions to their communities.

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FAQ's on Describe an Aquatic Animal - IELTS Cue Card

What key things should be included when describing an aquatic animal?

How much scientific terminology or jargon should be used?

Is it okay to discuss threats or conservation issues for the animal?

What if I can't remember many specifics about the animal?

How can I structure my response in a clear, organized way?

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