Exams Know-how

Describe A Speech You Gave in IELTS Cue Card

Yocket Editorial Team

The IELTS Speaking test usually has a cue card title that asks you to explain the speech cue card you are given. This can be challenging, as you must slowly remember and talk about specific information. This article will examine a sample answer for the "Describe the speech you gave" indicator topic.

Table of Contents

How to Describe A Speech You Gave in IELTS Test

When you receive this cue, you have 1 minute to prepare your answer and 2 minutes to elaborate. The examiner will assess your ability to organise your thoughts and ideas while speaking fluently and coherently on a topic.

To answer this cue card well, you should describe:

  • When and where you gave the speech
  • What was the purpose of the speech
  • How did you prepare for delivering the speech
  • What the speech was about
  • How you felt while giving the speech
  • Any challenges you faced
  • How the audience reacted

Structuring your response this way will ensure you cover all the key points the examiner seeks.

Sample Answer for "Describe a Speech You Gave" in IELTS Test

Here are sample responses to the speech cue card

Wеll I rеmеmbеr a lеcturе I gavе a couplе of years ago when I was in my final year of university. It was an еvеnt organised by thе studеnt council of our dеpartmеnt. 

Thе purposе of thе talk was to say goodbyе to our tеachеrs and thank thеm for thеir guidancе and support ovеr thе last 3 years. It was hеld on thе previous day of our study bеforе our final еxam.

To prеp, I spеnt a lot of timе working on my spееch and going ovеr and mеmorising thе matеrial. I wanted my speech to go well and emphasise my gratitude to my teachers and the department. The talk lasted about 5 minutes.

In my spееch, I first wеlcomеd all thе tеachеrs to thе еvеnt and thankеd thеm for taking thе timе to join us. I thеn procееdеd to briеfly summarisе somе of our significant courses undеr еach profеssor, thе coursеs thеy taught and thеir tеaching stylе and how thеy inspirеd us and and so on.

I shared a few anecdotes of helpful guidance our professors gave outside class. I also thanked the department and university administration for all the resources and support over the 3 years.

Towards the end, I wished my batchmates good luck for the future and expressed hope that we would uphold the values and knowledge gained at our department. Finally, I once again thanked the professors and concluded the speech.

I was nervous before and during the speech to ensure I did get all the key points and conveyed my gratitude appropriately. However, I managed to speak slowly and clearly and maintained my composure. I maintained eye contact with the audience throughout.

The reaction from the professors and my batchmates was quite positive. I received applause at the end, and our professors came up to thank me personally afterward for the touching speech. Some of my friends congratulated me as well for doing a good job. Overall, I was happy with how I delivered the speech that day.

This sample covers all the essential details the examiner would expect for this topic - the situation, purpose, preparation, content, delivery and audience reaction. The candidate also expresses their feelings and challenges and provides a structured response.

You can use this sample answer as a model for the language and structure needed when you get the "describe a speech you gave" cue card yourself. Make sure to adapt the details and examples based on your experience of giving a speech. Practising public speaking through IELTS prepares international students like those on Yocket to communicate financial ideas.

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Analysing the Sample Answer

Let's analyse what makes this a firm sample answer:

  • Good opening line: The first line sets the context - when, where and why the speech was given. A good opening orientates the listener.
  • Precise sequence: The answer follows a logical structure, covering preparation, content, delivery and audience reaction step-by-step. This makes it easy to follow.
  • Rich details: Details like the length of speech, anecdotes, examples and descriptive language like "thanking them for their guidance" make the answer vivid and realistic.
  • Conveys emotion: By expressing nerves, happiness about the audience's reaction, etc., the candidate conveys appropriate emotion and avoids sounding robotic.
  • Good ending: A summary of key points and takeaways gives the listener a sense of completion.

Key Language Analysis

Let's look at some of the critical language and grammar patterns used in this sample that you can apply in your answer:

  • Use of passive voice - "The event was held on the last day of our course." This helps focus on the event details rather than yourself.
  • Idioms for public speaking - "I managed to speak slowly and clearly and maintained my composure." Using native-like phrases improves coherence.
  • Advanced vocabulary - Words like "anecdotes", "guidance", and "concluded" instead of simple words give an impressive style.
  • Complex sentences - "I wanted to ensure my speech flowed well and highlighted my gratitude towards all my professors and the department." Demonstrates ability to form longer, grammatically accurate sentences.
  • Appropriate tense selection - The answer uses past tense when referring to the speech event. This is more natural.

Useful Vocabulary and Phrases

Here are some additional helpful vocabulary and phrases for describing your speech:

  • I was invited to give a speech at...
  • It was an honour to be asked to...
  • I felt privileged to have the opportunity to...
  • The organisers requested me to...
  • My presentation focused on/touched upon...
  • I structured my speech into four main parts
  • I highlighted the key points of...
  • One anecdote I shared was about...
  • I incorporated some multimedia elements like...
  • My main message was to motivate/convince/thank...
  • I practised my speech cue card countless times to perfect the delivery.
  • I was initially anxious but grew in confidence as I spoke
  • The audience members nodded/clapped/laughed at the right moments
  • My speech seemed to resonate with people
  • I received praise/positive feedback for...
  • It was well received by those present
  • I was pleased with how eloquently I expressed myself

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Dos and Don'ts for Describing a Speech You Gave Question in the IELTS Speaking Test

Here are some dos and don'ts to keep in mind for your response:


  • Organise your response clearly into logical parts.
  • Provide specific details and examples.
  • Use appropriate vocabulary for public speaking.
  • Show your emotions and feelings appropriately.
  • Summarise at the end.


  • Give just 1-2 sentence answers
  • Speak vaguely without vivid details
  • Use informal language like slang terms
  • Go off-topic or provide irrelevant details
  • Finish abruptly without concluding

Follow Up Questions by the Examiner

After you speak about your experience of giving a speech, the examiner may ask some additional follow-up questions like:

  • Can presentation skills be improved? How?
  • How do you feel public speaking benefits young people?
  • What other skills are essential for giving good speeches?

Be prepared to answer 2-3 follow-up questions by the examiner about your cue cards in a speech. Think of how you can expand on the topic and give your opinion.


In summary, the "describe a speech you gave" cue card tests your ability to recall a relevant experience and narrate it fluently and coherently. Ensure your answer follows a logical sequence, provides vivid supporting details, conveys your emotions appropriately and demonstrates good vocabulary and grammar. Learn from the sample answer provided and prepare well for this commonly asked IELTS speech cue card topic.

With extensive preparation using sample answers and critical language tips, you can master speaking about a speech you gave and maximise your score. Yocket Finance believes that strong communication skills are essential for career success.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Describe A Speech You Gave in IELTS Cue Card

How can I make sure my speech is well organised and structured?

What are some tips for remembering a speech effectively?

What body language should I use when making a speech?

How can I beat nervousness before making a speech?

What should I do if I go blank during my speech?

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