PR and Career opportunities

Part Time Work for Students in Ireland: Ultimate Guide To Part Time Jobs In Ireland for International Students

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Ireland has always been students' favourite destination because of the perks the country has to offer. Apart from the excellent education system and welcoming atmosphere, the country offers many avenues for students to fund their higher education. One such way is to look for part time jobs in Ireland. If you’re planning to study in Ireland and are looking for part-time jobs, this blog will be your guide. We have covered all the essential information you require to get started with part time jobs in Ireland for students.

Table of Contents:


  1. Why should International Students consider Part Time Jobs in Ireland?
  2. Eligibility Criteria for Finding Part Time Jobs in Ireland for International Students
  3. Types of Part-Time Employment Opportunities Available in Ireland
  4. Average Pay Scale for Part Time Jobs in Ireland
  5. Top Tips for Finding Part Time Jobs in Ireland for Students
  6. Frequently Asked Questions about Part Time Jobs in Ireland for Students

Why Should International Students Consider Part Time Jobs in Ireland?


Before we go into the details of the rules and regulations of finding part time jobs for international students in Ireland, here is a quick look at why a student should consider working part-time:


  1. Additional Income: As an international student, the expense of living in a foreign country is high. From accommodations to groceries to transportation and school supplies, international students can live easy with a few more financial resources. Thus to cater to this, part time jobs in Ireland for international students proves beneficial.
  2. Develop skills: As you start working, you tend to develop the essential skills with time. These essential skills help you do better in your work life and also add an additional opportunity to your resume. Once you’ve graduated, these additional experiences can leverage you better than other potential candidates who don’t have the skills developed yet for the job.
  3. Explore fields: As a part-timer in Ireland, you have the option to explore multiple fields. Based on your preference, you can choose which occupation best suits you or can add value to the course you’ve enrolled in. Doing this gives you the exposure you need to achieve career success.
  4. Balance life: It’s always great to have a work and personal life balance. This process prepares you well ahead of time so that when you have a full-time job, the balance is well catered to.
  5. Gain expertise: Part time jobs in Ireland for Indian students and other international students prove to be a great career experience. While they learn on how to develop the right skills, they also convert on becoming an expert in the field.


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Eligibility Criteria for Finding Part Time Jobs in Ireland for International Students


Students can get two types of visas in Ireland. The part time job conditions differ for both of these. Let's take a look -


Visa Type

Part-Time Work

Stamp 2

Working part-time is allowed up to 40 hours per week on holidays and 20 hours per week during the school year.

Those holding this visa need to study a full-time course that is mentioned in the list of eligible programs.

Stamp 2A

Not allowed for a part-time opportunity since the full-time course that was opted for isn’t mentioned in the list of eligible programs.


Here are the eligibility conditions that need to be followed for part time jobs in Ireland for international students:


  • Registered to GNIB (Garda National Immigration Bureau)
  • Accepted to study a course that is well recognized by the Ministry for Education and Skills
  • Enrolled in a full-time course which is higher or at an NFQ Level 7
  • Enrolled for a course for a minimum of one year
  • Student is attending between 8 AM to 6 PM/ week
  • Students need to have a PPS (Personal Public Services) number. Your employer will be able to pay you only if you have a PPS number.
  • Students need to have an Irish bank account. The salary earned will only be sent to an Irish bank account.


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Types of Part Time Employment Opportunities Available in Ireland


There are two types of part time jobs in Ireland for Indian students:

  • On-campus
  • Off-campus


On-Campus Part Time Jobs in Ireland


On-Campus part-time jobs refer to job opportunities that can be applied for within the campus. Students need to check the university website regularly to apply for any of the job vacancies listed.


Some of the top available on-campus part time jobs in Ireland for international students are:

  • Research assistant
  • Teacher assistant
  • Barista
  • Administration
  • Library attendant
  • Campus tour guide
  • Peer tutor

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Off-Campus Part-Time Jobs


Off-campus part-time jobs are job opportunities that students can apply for outside the university. These are job roles that can be applied online or any of the popular Ireland job search portals.


For off-campus, these are the part-time job opportunities:

  • Call centers
  • Cleaning
  • Tutoring
  • Waiter
  • Secretary
  • Store assistant
  • Community support worker
  • Parking agent
  • Househelp


Top Part-time Jobs in Dublin


Most international students in Ireland are enrolled in programs in Dublin, therefore, it's only fair to discuss the part time jobs in Dublin.


Having some sort of experience is preferable if you are a student looking for part time jobs in Dublin. Having references from your friends who have had similar jobs can also help in job hunting.


Here is a quick run-through of the top part time jobs in Dubin for international students :


Job Role

Average Salary Per Hour 

Sales associate

10 EUR


12 EUR

Community support worker

12 EUR

Store Assistant

10 EUR


12.76 EUR


Average Pay Scale for Part Time Jobs in Ireland


To help you understand better the salary expectations from part-time jobs, this information will give you better insights.


Pay Scale


The minimum wage in Dublin varies with the city you are residing in. Part time jobs in Ireland for Indian students especially in cities like Dublin and Cork have a minimum wage of 10-20 EUR/hour. If you apply for part-time jobs in cities outside Dublin, the minimum wage will be 8-9 EUR/hour.




If you’re earning a minimum wage in Ireland, you enter the tax bracket. The tax you’ll be paying is the income tax. Depending on the job you opt for, most part-timers are treated as full-time employees. There are three types of tax brackets that you would enter depending on the job you’re working and the salary you receive:


  • PAYE- This is an income tax that will deduct from your salary based on the tax credits and your income
  • PRSI- PRSI stands for pay-related social insurance. This tax is paid on your salary and the type of job you’re working.
  • USC- USC stands for universal social charge. This tax is paid on your gross income. If your gross income is above 13000 EUR/year, USC needs to be paid on the full income


Top Tips for Finding Part Time Jobs in Ireland for Students


Before you can get started with your part-time job, there are a few checklists you need to keep in mind to make this process smooth.


The top tips are covered below:


  1. Use E-recruitment platforms: Despite you not having a degree certificate yet, ensure that you are registering on e-recruitment platforms in Ireland. Choose the keywords of the job right, set your locations and the type of work you wish to apply for. By personalizing in this manner, you’ll be able to receive the right kind of jobs.
  2. Learn your rights: As stated above, understand the complete requirements before you take up the part time jobs in Ireland for students. As of 1st February 2020, the minimum hourly wage should be 9.15 EUR/hour.
  3. Watch out for on-campus vacancies: Constantly check your campus website for any job vacancies so that you can apply at the earliest.
  4. Visit career fairs: Part time jobs in Ireland for students can be easily found in career fairs. These fairs are on the lookout for interns, full-time as well as part-time workers for their company.
  5. Build your resume: Build your resume with the right details about your qualifications and skills so that organizations can have a better understanding of you. Ensure that you’re always listing out information that can add value to your job search such as achievements and more.

Doing part time jobs while studying  in Ireland will work on enhancing the career experience you need to join a full-time well-established company. While multiple students claim to find the process difficult, with the insightful information stated above, you can easily commence your part-time job process in a hassle-free manner.


Frequently Asked Questions about Part Time Jobs in Ireland for Students

What are the best part time jobs in Ireland?

How much can we earn by doing part time jobs in Ireland?

How many hours is a part-time job in Ireland?

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