Exams Know-how

ACT Superscore: Tips & Colleges that Superscore ACT

Sumeet Jain

The ACT exam is a multiple-choice-based test used by many colleges and universities across the USA to determine the eligibility of the students applying for admission to universities for graduate courses. It is an opportunity to stand out with a unique STEM score to attend any university in the USA . The ACT exam is quite different from SAT exam, but both are equally beneficial for you to gain acceptance to an American university.

But do you know the concept of ACT superscore? In brief, it is the process of taking the ACT test multiple times and average of the highest points scored by in each section.

In this blog, we have discussed everything related to ACT superscore including commonly asked questions like: Do colleges superscore ACT? If so, then what colleges superscore ACT? What is the application process? etc. 

  Table of Contents

  1. What is an ACT superscore?
  2. Universities and Colleges that Superscore ACT
  3. Tips to Apply for Colleges that Superscore ACT?

What is an ACT superscore?

An ACT superscore is a combined score that considers your highest section scores from different test sittings. Unlike the traditional composite score, it showcases your best performance in each section across multiple tests, potentially enhancing your overall score for college admissions. The ACT Superscore is beneficial because it takes the average of the four best subject scores from each ACT test attempt and counts it as your official score

  • Let’s explain this with an example:

Suppose a student gives the ACT exam three times and acquires the following scores:

ACT Exam sections

1st Attempt Scores

2nd Attempt Scores

3rd Attempt Scores

















Overall average score




(*if a student scores 0.5 and above, then the score averages a point above; here the score was 30.25, so it was rounded off to 30)

In the above example, the average ACT scores are 30, 31, and 30. But if we take the average of the highest scores in different attempts, then, 34 in science (1st attempt), 32 in mathematics (3rd attempt), 36 in English (2nd attempt), and 30 in reading (3rd attempt), our average score will become 33. This is the superscore. 

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Universities and Colleges that Superscore ACT

It is essential to know what colleges superscore ACT before applying to them. For that, make a list of your preferred colleges and their cut-offs in previous years to move forward. To know which colleges accept superscore ACT, refer the list of ACT colleges below:

So, that was all about the colleges that superscore ACT. Although every university in the USA accepts ACT scores, not all universities are open to the idea of ACT superscores.

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Tips to Apply for Colleges that Superscore ACT?

Wondering what to do, or how to go about applying to colleges that accept superscore ACT? We have so much information available over the internet that it is very easy to feel lost. But not to worry, we have got you covered. Here are a few pointers to keep in mind when applying to any college that accepts ACT superscore:

  • First, it is very important to know the schools you want to apply to and what the cut-offs were in previous years. Make a list of the colleges, their ACT score cut-offs in the past couple of years, and other requirements, like GPA, extracurricular activities, etc.
  • Apply to multiple colleges. 
  • Just like how you made a list of what the college requires of you, make a list of what you require from your college as well. What kind of scholarship program do they have, the additional courses, placement opportunities, etc. If you are a sportsperson and would like to pursue it in college as well, it is essential to know if your college has a sports program. Try to find out more about the college from seniors or alumni.
  • For some students, the cost of going to college might be burdensome. Although there are student loans available, students need to look at the fees of the colleges they want to apply to and learn about the fee structure and the additional costs of the dorms, etc., before applying.
  • As mentioned in the previous point, some students might not be able to pay the fees, so it is essential to have information about any scholarship programs and apply early. Some colleges in the USA are tuition-free too. 

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ACT scores are important for admission to colleges and universities in USA. Even if you get a bad average once, it does not mean you cannot get into a good college. The ACT superscore gives an advantage to students who are trying to improve their scores and apply to better colleges. The higher the ACT score, the better the college you’ll get into. The key is to study well, prepare yourself, and keep a clear goal in your mind. For any guidance and assistance get in touch with our counselors at Yocket


Frequently Asked Questions About ACT Superscore

What is superscore ACT?

How to prepare for the ACT exam?

How is ACT superscore beneficial?

What schools superscore ACT?

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