1. What are Nova Scotia Community College tuition fees?
The Nova Scotia Community College tuition fee is CAD 14,265 ( INR 8,80,838).
2. What are the Nova Scotia Community College's popular programs?
Nova Scotia Community College's popular programs include academic upgrading and skills development, building and manufacturing, creative industries, culinary and tourism, engineering technologies, environment, sustainability, and natural resources.
3. What is the academic upgrading program of the Nova Scotia Community College?
The academic upgrading program is responsible for helping the students earn a school diploma or their skillset. The students can explore a range of courses which can help them upgrade their maths and physics.
4. Does the Nova Scotia Community College provide business training?
Yes, under the training and development course the curriculum experts and instructors at the university participate with the private sector to enhance productivity by working on specialized training.
5. Does the Nova Scotia Community College teach in English?
Yes, the Nova Scotia Community College teaches in English.