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Montpellier Business School is a Montpellier-based French business school (grande école). One of the first French Écoles Supérieures de Commerce, the Grande école was established in 1897 by the Montpellier Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Many programs are available through Montpellier Business School, including a Bachelor's, Master's (Grande Ecole), 15 Masters of Science, and Executive MBA. EQUIS, AACSB, and AMBA are all three accreditations held by the business school.

What is the acceptance rate of the Montpellier Business School?

The acceptance rate of Carnegie Montpellier Business School is 58%.

Montpellier Business School was first established by the Montpellier Chamber of Commerce and Industry to teach economic managers who would aid in developing activities and businesses in its region. As of 2017, Montpellier Business School is recognized as a Private Higher Education Institution of General Interest (EESPIG).

The French State provided this mark to guarantee that all of its resources were allocated solely to the public service mission of higher education.

Since 2013, Montpellier Business School has been a corporation under the statute of 1901.

Top Reasons to Study in the Montpellier Business School

The differentiating factors of the Montpellier Business School, as compared to any other university, are:

  • A business school with three accreditations (AACSB, EQUIS, AMBA)
  • 56th Best Management Master's Program Worldwide (Financial Times 2021)
  • Over 1500 students are enrolled in apprenticeships as a pioneer and leader in professionalization.
  • 180 additional overseas locations.


Cost of Studying at Montpellier Business School

Average tuition fee


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Living expenses

Average living expenses (Bachelors)


Average living expenses (Masters)


Admissions at The Montpellier Business School

Avg acceptance rate (Bachelors)


Application Fee


How to Apply at Montpellier Business School

  • Click for an online application
  • Sign up online.
  • Fill out the application and include all the necessary paperwork.
  • We will email you a link to take the MBS logic and reasoning test if you do not have a score on the post-baccalaureate TAGE, TAGE 2, GMAT, GRE, or TAGE MAGE (free).
  • You will receive a link to take the English test if you did not offer an IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, or Duolingo score (less than 2 years) (free).

Documents Required to Apply to Montpellier Business School

  • CV (in English)
  • Address letter (in English)
  • One identity photograph (jpeg)
  • A copy of the highest degree earned, written in the original language, as well as the latest three years' worth of academic records.
  • A copy of your last three years' worth of academic transcripts
  • A photocopy of your ID (e.g.passport)
  • English test (if you have one)

Exams Accepted By Montpellier Business School

Exams with typical passing marks for admission to the Montpellier Business School include the following:

Name of Exam




Score > 770


Score > 68


Score > 6


Score > 5

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Rankings for The Montpellier Business School

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Students Montpellier Business School


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Premium Yocketer profiles

Tarun Linga

Tarun Linga


International Business

Spring 2025

Vishnu Priya

Vishnu Priya



Fall 2025

Deeksha Gowda

Deeksha Gowda


International Business

Spring 2024

Kareti Prudhvi Kali Krishna

Kareti Prudhvi Kali Krishna


International Business

Summer 2024

International Students

% of international students in the university


Total International Students in the university


Alumni at Montpellier Business School

Our Grande Ecole is proud of its extensive network of available and helpful alumni from more than 70 countries, representing all business sectors and professions.

As soon as they enroll at MBS, students become lifelong members of the alumni association. The notable alumni are: Benzari Alexandre-assistant professor, Benzari Alexandre-full time professor, Bhatt Deepa- associate professor, Blavatskyy Patrick-full time professor, and Bourdil-Resch Maryline-assistant professor.

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Reviews for Montpellier Business School

Campus life

Number of campuses the university has

Campus locations

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Transportation in the city

Montpellier has a well-developed and effective public transportation system that serves the entire city (TAM). A four-line tramway also serves the conurbation in addition to the numerous bus lines.

Both a TGV (high-speed) train station and an airport serve the major cities in France and Europe. Montpellier also boasts two TGV (high-speed) train stations, one in the city center and the other six kilometers out.

Services offered by the university

The services offered by Montpellier Business School are:

  • A habitation platform
  • A language institute
  • A snack bar and a cafeteria
  • A school that includes a library
  • A forest park
  • A trading room known as "Bloomberg"
  • Coworking space

Student life at Montpellier Business School

Our sport, cultural, solidarity, and exchange associations participate in more than 60 initiatives each year and give students as many opportunities to commit, feel satisfied, and outperform themselves. 19 associations exist.

The spectacular things that contribute to student life at the Montpellier Business School area unit are as follows:

  • Co-curricular Activities
  • Ambassador students.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Student Care.
  • Campus security and student behavior.
  • Learning Assistance.
  • Employer Services

On campus accomodation at Montpellier Business School

The university does not provide students with on-campus housing while discussing the on-campus amenities. To ensure that they have no problems upon arrival, they do provide the students with the names of their trusted agents.

The representative chosen by the Singapore University of Management assists in creating housing for university students. If the student has given the university confirmed flight information, a SIM meet and greet companion can meet the student at the airport and transport them to the pre-arranged lodging so they don't run into any problems.

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Faculty Information

Jobs and Opportunities


1. What are the Learning Center and the various Learning Center areas' hours of operation?
Three areas in the school's building A are under the management of the Learning Center:

  • Level 3 is the coworking space.
  • Library: second floor
  • Library hours are 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday (6 p.m. on Friday)
  • From 8 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, in the Bloomberg room.
  • Coworking area: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday.

2. Are double degrees offered abroad, and which universities allow me to pursue a double degree?
There are more than 30. Here are a few partners to give you an idea: Pace University in Canada, Laval University in Canada, or Southwestern University of Finance and Economics in China.

By choosing one of the Masters of Science programs, you can complete a double degree within the MBS program. Additionally, you may decide to work with the University of Montpellier.

3. Do I pursue the same degrees and courses as current students at Montpellier Business School?
Yes, you pursue the same education and earn the same diploma, but you do so in a work-study class called an "equivalent UB" that follows an alternating pattern.

4. What Courses will I have in my first year?
If you are a part of MBS in PGE1 (L3 equivalent), you'll begin with all the fundamentals: management, CSR, property development, marketing, ethics, political economy, accounting, taxation, and marketing research.

5.Are there language exams?
Yes, students must pass the TOEIC with a score of 790 before the end of their last year to validate their diploma. Tools and language courses will be at your disposal to help you train as much as possible.