Exams Know-how

SAT Test Day Tips: Know Tips & Tricks for SAT Test Day

Sumeet Jain

SAT Test Day Tips: Know Tips & Tricks for SAT Test Day


Meta Description: Nervous about the SAT exam day? We at Yocket are here to help you with the last-minute SAT test day tips to keep you calm. Read the blog to know more about SAT tips before test day. 

The Scholastic Aptitude Test is a crucial Undergraduate admission exam. It is natural to experience different emotions on exam day. Some students are confident and eager and can’t wait to take the exam; on the other hand, some of us may be anxious and overwhelmed about SAT examination. So here, we have got you some doable SAT day tips to help you maximise your performance during the test. 

Suggested Reading: SAT Exam Dates 2022

  Table of Contents:

What is SAT?

Students must take the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) to pursue undergraduate studies at a foreign university. The SAT is a test that assesses a candidate's written, verbal, and mathematical abilities. It is graded on a scale of 400 to 1600 points, with 400 being the lowest. It's a three-hour test. The SAT exam is required at most Canadian and American universities.

There are two types of SAT exams: SAT-1 and SAT-2. The first is a general test that evaluates candidates' written, verbal, and mathematical skills. The SAT 2 is a subject test that is used to demonstrate knowledge of a subject.

What to Do A Day Before SAT Exam?

How you choose to spend the day before the exam impacts your performance on the exam day. Here are a few SAT tips before test day.

  • Have a Good Sleep: No one wants to be sleep deprived while writing SAT examination. A good sleep on the previous night will keep you fresh and active. 
  • Organize the Bag: Carry all the required items like admission ticket, ID proof etc to avoid any confusion. The bag shall be prepared the previous day itself. 
  • Schedule your Travel: Have a plan to reach the test center on time. Ensure that you have checked the local transportation/ the route for the destination.
  • Avoid Screen Time: The excess screen time can lead to fatigue, affecting performance the next day. It is advisable to have minimal screen time. 
  • Relax: Try practising relaxation techniques to avoid stress. Avoid overloading of information or last-minute preparations. 

Suggested Reading: Checklist for SAT Exam Day

Top 5 Tips for SAT Exam Day

If you follow the above-mentioned SAT day before test tips, you should be quite prepared for the D-Day. However, here are the top 5 SAT tips for test day to help you feel more confident and at ease. 

  • Wake Up On Time: It's critical that you focus on waking up both your mind and body in the morning so that you're fully prepared to take on a long test. 
  • Have a Healthy Breakfast: Having a nutritious breakfast before the exam shall help you to focus during the test. Avoid experimenting with it on exam day if you do not consume coffee/ tea. 
  • Read the Questions Carefully: Before answering any section of the test, read all the questions carefully and perhaps underline the important aspects of the question for clarification. 
  • Dress Comfortably: Avoid wearing uncomfortable clothes for the exam. Carry an extra jacket if the weather permits. 
  • Reach SAT Test Center on Time: Be aware of your test center, you can search them on google maps, know the exact location and reach SAT exam center on time.
  • Pace Yourself: Before starting the exam, ensure that you have organised your time as per the sections and have a plan for answering the questions. You can spend the first 5 - 10 minutes organising your answers. 

Suggested Reading: Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) – FAQs

Few More Tips For SAT Exam

In this section, there are a few more SAT test day tips to help you prepare:

  • Trust your instincts while answering the questions.
  • If you have extra time, use it wisely. 
  • When you leave the testing room for a break, leave your answer sheets, scratch paper, and calculator on your desk.
  • Avoid last-minute revisions and overloading of information.
  • Do not discuss your answers as soon as the exam ends. 

We hope that the following day before SAT tips helps you with the SAT examination. Putting the following tips into practice will keep you organised and help you meet your goals. If you need any more assistance, you can always reach out to Yocket consultants. Good luck!


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