Exams Know-how

PTE Results 2025: Know About Your PTE Scorecard & Test Results

Rohan Deshmukh

PTE is a standardized English language proficiency test designed by Pearson Inc. and administered by Edexcel in test centers worldwide. The test is computer-delivered, and patented AI-driven technologies automate the scoring of test-takers’ performance. All the major universities and institutes accept PTE for its test reliability and the reputation of Pearson. VISA and immigration process in many countries like UK, Australia, New Zealand receive PTE academic result.

Thus once you receive the PTE result, an immediate submission will align your admission process to your dream university. It is very simple to check your PTE score card. This blog covers all the essential information you need to help you answer, how to check PTE result?.

PTE Scoring Methods

     Before you proceed towards checking your PTE result, there is one factor you need to keep in mind. PTE is machine-scored, based on years of human-verified AI technologies. PTE marking system follows TWO marking rules:

  • Correct or Incorrect

  • Partial Credit

Marking Rules in PTE Exam:

Correct or Incorrect type marking

Partial Credit type marking

These items are purely objective, having only one correct answer. You score (1 point) when you answer correctly. Otherwise, you score ‘0’.


These do not carry any single correct answer; the score can be - CORRECT, PARTIALLY CORRECT or INCORRECT depending on 1) formal aspect and 2) response quality.

     For the ‘Correct or Incorrect’ type of test items, test-takers get full marks for responding with the CORRECT answer and ZERO marks for INCORRECT responses.

          For example, in each ‘Short answer questions’ item, you get 1 for appropriate response and 0 for a wrong answer.

     The other marking rule is of ‘Partial credit’ type. Here, a test-taker gets marks depending on the correctness of content, formal aspects and quality of responses.

          For example, in ‘Summarize written text’ you get marks based on,

  • Form - Score 1 mark for summarizing in a single complete sentence; 0 for using multiple sentences, an incomplete sentence, sentences having less than five words or more than 75 words.

  • Content - Score 2 marks for a good complete summary; 1 mark for missing some points but covering others; and 0 for misrepresentation.  

  • Grammar - Score 2 marks for entirely correct grammatical structure; 1 mark for some errors but overall proper grammatical structure meeting communication objective; and 0 for bad grammar and inability to communicate meaning.

  • Vocabulary - Score 2 marks for an appropriate choice of words; 1 mark for lexical errors but no-obstacle in communication; and 0 for defective word usage and lexical incompleteness. 

Test item types categorized as per marking rules:

Partial credit type marking

Correct/Incorrect type marking

Read aloud

MCQ - single answer

Repeat sentence

Highlight correct summary

Describe image

Select missing words

Re-tell lecture

Answer short questions

Summarize written texts


Write essay


Fill in the Blanks


MCQ - multiple answers


Re-order paragraphs


Summarize spoken text


Highlight incorrect words


Write from diction


     Majority of test items belong to the partial credit type marking. It helps to score an item from a broader skill assessment perspective.

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An Overview of PTE Scorecard

To help you understand the PTE score card better, keep this in mind. A score report on PTE test result has THREE sections:

  1. The first section includes Score Report Code, Test Taker ID, along with the overall score.

  2. The second section covers scores on communicative skills and enabling skills.

  3. The third section includes information on the test centre and the candidate. 

     The PTE score reports include:

  • An overall score

  • Scores for each of the 4 Communicative skills

  • Scores for each of the 6 Enabling skills

PTE Scorecard

     An Overall Score is a holistic measurement of a test-taker’s language proficiency in any university-level instructional environment in the English language. It ranges on a scale of 10 to 90. Calculation of the score depends on marks obtained in every test item answered. Contrary to popular belief, the PTE Overall Score is not an average of scores obtained in 4 individual communicative skills, nor is it a PTE total score of all the individual scores.

     Communicative Skills scores cover 4 essential language skills - Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing. Each of these scores also range from 10 to 90. These scores have their utility in VISA application and entry. Some universities and institutes use a combination of the overall score and communicative skills scores in their selection criteria.

     The Enabling Skills scores guide test-takers to identify their language strengths and weaknesses so that they can improve on them, if necessary. These scores also indicate language traits of test-takers. 

When are the PTE Results declared?

 Coming to the most common question, what is the PTE exams result time? Every test taker has this common question in mind – What is the PTE test results time period? Officially, PTE exam results are available within 5 working days from the date of taking the test. Many test-takers (as high as 90%) in India have received their PTE results within 48 hours after taking the test. Every test taker gets notified by email as soon as their test result is available making it simpler for students who are anxious waiting for the PTE result time. Test takers can check the result and report cards by securely logging into their myPTE account online.

What is the validity of PTE Results?

     Test takers can check the score report in their myPTE accounts for TWO years as the PTE exam score remains valid for TWO years. Beyond that, it requires to retake the test. For immigration purpose, some countries like Australia accept PTE scores for 3 years. 

How to send your PTE Score? 

     PTE publishes score online through the secure online portal. The Score Report Code in PTE Scorecard allows universities and institutes to verify a score online securely. Test-takers do not need to share prints or PDF files.

     Steps to follow for sending PTE scores:

  1. Login to PTE account. 

  2. View Score Reports.

  3. Choose ‘Send Scores’.

  4. Type the institute name in ‘Institution/Organization/Department/School’ field and search.

  5. Select the name of the institute in the search result list.

  6. Review your details and click NEXT. 

  7. Follow the instruction for each of the institutes.

How to Rescore PTE Results?

     PTE allows rescoring of tests if a test-taker is not satisfied with the result. Rescoring request needs to be submitted through PTE customer service within 14 days from the test date. Customer service team informs the rescore fee which test-takers need to pay.

     PTE rechecks only test items with spoken responses and open-ended written responses. If rescoring changes test result, test-taker gets revised PTE score report and a refund of the rescore fee. However, PTE evaluation is highly automated with minimal chances of error. So, a rescore hardly yields. 

     You know have a clear understanding of PTE score reports, PTE marking system and other necessary information on PTE exam results and scores. It’s time to move on to other important topics like PTE exam booking and PTE exam dates. Also, you must finalize PTE test prep materials and mock tests if you have not already.

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