Exams Know-how

GRE General Test: Exam Dates, Fee, Eligibility, Exam Pattern, Syllabus & More


Multiple students apply to write the GRE general test every year. The purpose of this exam benefits two people, one the students who are able to exhibit their skills and knowledge in the exam. The second are top graduate institutes that helps distinguish the ideal students that match their academic requirements.

Yocket GRE Prep

But before you can consider your decision about writing for the GRE general test, there are several factors that you should understand. To name a few are GRE general test syllabus, GRE general test fee, GRE general test dates, etc. Thus to help you capture all related information regarding this topic, this blog gives you the official guide to the GRE general test. 

  Table Of Contents:

  1. What Is GRE General Test?
  2. Who Takes The GRE General Test?
  3. What Is The GRE General Test Exam Pattern & Syllabus?
  4. Eligibility Criteria For GRE General Test Holders
  5. What Is The GRE General Test Dates?
  6. How To Register For GRE General Test?
  7. What Is The GRE General Test Fee?
  8. Which Are The GRE General Test, Test Centers?
  9. What Are The GRE General Test Scores & Results?

What Is GRE General Test

What Is GRE General Test?

Graduate Record Examinations or GRE General Test, conducted by Educational Testing Service (ETS), is a standardized test, taken to secure admission in many universities and graduate schools around the world. Since it is conducted all-round the year, candidates can appear for the GRE General Test as per their convenience. 

The sections covered under the GRE syllabus helps the Universities and Graduate Schools assess you on a holistic basis. It features questions that measure the overall ability of a candidate, to analyse whether he or she qualifies for admission into top graduate schools. So, the GRE General Exam will assess you based on how critically you can think and how focused your responses are under the given time limit. 

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Who Takes The GRE General Test?

The GRE General Test is taken by candidates who want to pursue a Graduate-level program, Master’s, MBA or PhD program overseas. The graduate schools here include Business and Law Schools as well. It helps schools and universities to measure the candidates’ qualifications on a common level as the applicants are from all over the world and they belong to different educational backgrounds.

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What Is GRE General Test Exam Pattern & Syllabus?

To give you a better overview we have divided this category into two phases, GRE general test syllabus and GRE general test exam pattern for your reference. 

Let’s learn about them one by one:

  • GRE General Test Syllabus

1. Verbal Reasoning

  • The verbal section tests your ability to evaluate how effectively you can interpret complex sentences and choose the right option from the given ones. 
  • The syllabus of Verbal Reasoning section is structured in such a way that it covers the following topics - Reading Comprehension, Sentence Equivalence and Text Completion. 

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2. Quantitative Reasoning

  • Most of the questions being “word problems”, the Quantitative Reasoning section will assess on the basis of how you model them mathematically.
  • The Quantitative Reasoning syllabus is structured in such a way that it evaluates your concepts and skills in the following areas: Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry and Data Analysis.

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3. Analytical Writing (AWA)

  • Under the Issue task, you will be required to make an argument with reasons and support your views with examples.
  • Whereas, under the Argument task, you have to evaluate an already given argument by assessing its claims and the evidence it provides.

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  • GRE General Exam Pattern

The GRE general test format is divided intwo two categories, Computer-based and Paper-based. Here is an overview of the two:

1. Computer-Based


Alloted Time

No. of Questions

Analytical Writing

(One section, two tasks)

30 minutes per task

Task 1: Analyse an Issue

Task 2: Analyse an Argument

Quantitative Reasoning

(Two sections)

35 minutes for each section

20 questions per section

Verbal Reasoning

(Two sections)

30 minutes for each section

20 questions per section








3 hours 45 minutes


2. Paper-Based


Alloted Time

No. of Questions

Analytical Writing

(Two sections)

30 minutes for each section

Question 1: Analyse an Issue

Question 2: Analyse an Argument

Verbal Reasoning

(Two sections)

35 minutes for each section

25 questions per section

Quantitative Reasoning

(Two sections)

40 minutes for each section

25 questions per section








3 hours 30 minutes


Eligibility Criteria For GRE General Test Holders

Before we can explore further on the official guide to the GRE general test, here is the list of eligibility criterias that is required to write the GRE general test. While there isn’t any specific requirements, these are the top ones that is followed by all:

1. Age Limit

There is no age limit when applying for GRE general test. However it is better to visit the universities official website to ensure there aren’t any specific requirements for this category. 

2. Identity Proof

Students should have a valid identity proof when writing the GRE general test. A valid passport is the main requirement but since 2021, even Aadhar is now accepted. 

3. Educational qualifications

Most students who apply for this program are looking to enroll themselves in top graduate institutes. Thus the previous educational qualifications for the same is required. In this case it is an undergraduate degree. 

What Is The GRE General Test Dates?

The GRE general test is again divided based on the students choice. The dates for GRE general test and GRE subject-based test differs accordingly. 

Here are the GRE general test dates:



Date as per the month chosen


May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 2022

  • June- 18
  • July- n/a


May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 2022

  • June- 18

  • July- 10, 16, 24


May, June, July, August 2022

  • June- 06, 13, 20, 27

  • July- 04, 05, 11, 12, 25, 26


May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 2022

  • June- 01, 02, 06, 07, 08, 09, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30

  • July- 04, 05, 06, 07, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29


May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 2022

  • June- 01, 02, 09, 14, 15, 18, 30.

  • July- 05, 10, 11, 14, 16, 22, 24, 25, 28, 29

Note: Please note that the GRE exam 2022 registration date shared above is for the upcoming months. For information related to the other months, visit the official website or online for the same. 

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How To Register For GRE General Test?

The easiest method to register for GRE General Test is the online registration method. A step-by-step method to register for GRE General Test is: 

Step 1: Account Creation

Create an account on the official ETS website: www.ets.org/gre. Login to your account and fill in the required details.

Step 2: Slot Booking

Once you have filled in the details, select your preferred test, "GRE General Test", and book your exam date and a slot. Make sure you carefully select the test center, date, and time best for you.

Step 3: Verification of Details

Verify your GRE registration details by reviewing your personal and background details.

Step 4: Fee Payment

Make the payment for GRE General Test Registration. You’ll receive a confirmation email once you’re done with the fee payment.

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What Is The GRE General Test Fee?

ETS accepts payment of fee through different sources for the GRE General Test. You can pay the GRE General Test fee online through these under mentioned sources:

  • PayPal 
  • Debit card
  • Credit card 
  • E-Check service (should be drawn against US bank accounts only) 

The GRE fee differs in a few countries while there is a fixed amount to be paid by the applicants belonging to other parts of the world. The below table highlights the General Test fee across a few different countries:













Other countries


Which Are The GRE General Test, Test Centers?

The great factor about writing GRE exam is that the test centers of the former is found in many of the popular cities in India. Here is an overview of the cities in which GRE test centers are found:

  • Bangalore
  • Chennai
  • New Delhi
  • Mumbai
  • Pune
  • Chandigarh
  • Kolkata
  • Trivandrum
  • Indore
  • Dehradun, etc.

What Are The GRE General Test Scores & Results?

In order to better understand how your GRE General Test scores will be calculated, you must know the pattern of marking and how the scores are evaluated.

Mentioned below is the section-wise distribution of the GRE General Exam score scale:


Score scale

Verbal Reasoning

130-170 score range, in 1-point increments

Quantitative Reasoning

130-170 score range, in 1-point increments

Analytical Writing (AWA)

0-6 score range, in half-point increments

Note: If any of the sections is not attempted, then you will receive a ‘No Score (NS)’ for that measure. Also, there is no negative marking for a wrong answer, so it is advisable to attempt every question.

The official result of the GRE General Test will be available in your ETS account after 10-15 days of your exam date. Additionally, you will receive a notification on your registered email when your GRE General Test scores are available. Once you receive the result, scores are valid for a period of 5 years from the day of the exam.

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Wrapping Up…!

A good score on the GRE exam can determine your acceptance to the chosen university. With the information listed above about GRE general test format, GRE general test pattern, and more gives you the ability to plan and structure your GRE exam better. You can even try the Yocket GRE prep to see how simple studying for the GRE exam is. 


Frequently Asked Questions About The Official Guide To The GRE General Test

Is the GRE general test pattern hard?

How do I do well in the GRE general test exam pattern?

Is it better to guess or leave blank on the GRE general test?

Should you study the day before the GRE general test?

Is two months enough for GRE studies?

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