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Describe Your Favorite Drink - IELTS Cue Card

Yocket Editorial Team

IELTS is an English language test that evaluates a candidate’s proficiency in English. IELTS is divided into four sections: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. The IELTS Speaking test is assessed based on four criteria - Fluency and Coherence, Lexical Resources, Grammatical Range and Accuracy, and Pronunciation.  As per the official IELTS report, in 2023, more than 4 million people took the IELTS test. Students from more than 100 countries take this test. This blog shows four sample answers on the cue card “Describe Your Favourite drink” to help you prepare for the IELTS Speaking part 2.

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Table of Contents

What is an IELTS Cue Card?

The IELTS Speaking test is divided into three parts - the questions about the test-taker, the cue card topic, and follow-up questions. The IELTS Cue Card evaluates a candidate's English language abilities, including fluency, vocabulary usage, grammatical structure, and the ability to think and speak on a topic promptly. This test can be challenging and often causes anxiety or nervousness since candidates have only 1 minute to prepare. A cue card presents a topic you must discuss for 2 minutes, followed by follow-up questions.

The breakdown of the IELTS speaking part 2 is tabulated below.




1 minute


2-3 minutes

Are you still unaware of the IELTS test's exam pattern? Yocket has brought a short video in which we answer all your questions. Click on the link attached below!

Why Are IELTS Cue Cards Important?

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How to Answer the IELTS Cue Card: Describe Your Favourite Drink IELTS cue card

While answering the IELTS Cue Card, keep the following points in mind.

  • Plan Your Response: Use the 1-minute prep time to outline your main points.

  • Stay Relevant: Ensure your response addresses the topic and all bullet points.

  • Use a Variety of Vocabulary: Incorporate a range of synonyms to avoid repetition.

  • Use Complex Sentences: Demonstrate your grammatical range with varied sentence structures.

  • Maintain Fluency and Coherence: Speak clearly and connect your ideas logically.

  • Mind Your Pronunciation: Focus on clear and correct pronunciation of words.

  • Include Personal Experiences: Relate the topic to personal experiences for authenticity.

While answering the cue card - Describe Your Favourite Drink, you can break down your answer into the following questions: 

  1. What is it?

  2. Do you buy it or prepare it at home?

  3. What type of people drink it?

  4. Explain why this is your favorite drink.

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Describe Your Favourite Drink: Sample Answer 1

What is it?

One of my favorite all-time drinks is a cup of hot chocolate. Hot Chocolate is a warm, rich beverage made from cocoa powder, sugar, and milk. Sometimes, I like adding a pinch of salt and cinnamon, a whipped cream dollop, and some added marshmallows. It makes it better. 

Do you buy it or prepare it at home?

I usually prepare it at home because I enjoy making it and customizing it to my taste. I start by heating milk on the stove, then slowly whisk the cocoa powder and sugar until it’s perfectly blended. Occasionally, I enjoy trying different variations from cafes, but nothing beats the homemade version.

What type of people drink it?

Hot chocolate is a beloved drink enjoyed by people of all ages worldwide. Children often love its sweet and creamy taste, while adults appreciate it as a comforting and nostalgic beverage. It’s a beverage. It is trendy during the colder months. 

Explain why this is your favorite drink.

I love this drink because it brings back fond childhood memories.  My mom used to make hot chocolate for my brother and me after we came home from school in the winter, and that tradition has always stayed with me. Even in college, I used to make hot chocolate for myself. Secondly, the rich cream texture makes it comfortable and warm, and it’s so relaxing after a long day. The drink is highly worse. I’ll canter the sweetness, and marshmallows are experimenting with flavors like mint caramel. Overall, hot chocolate is not just a drink for me. It’s a source of comfort and joy.

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Describe Your Favourite Drink: Sample Answer 2

What is it?

My favorite drink has to be a refreshing glass of iced green tea. It is a chilled beverage made from green tea leaves. It’s often made in boiling water and then served over ice. It can be sweetened with honey or flavored with the size of a lemon or some mint leaves.

Do you buy it or prepare it at home?

I usually prepare it at home because it’s simple to make and allows me to adjust my sweetness and flavors, but I also drink it in a cafe nearby. My sister often makes it for me when I’m studying. She makes coffee, which is her favorite drink.

What type of people drink it?

Ice steel is quite popular among health-conscious people, especially older adults. People who have gained a lot of weight and are trying to lose. It also drinks this kind of beverage. It starts with antioxidants and other health benefits. When I add lemon, it gives a very citrusy flavor. 

Explain why this is your favorite drink.

Ice tea is my favorite beverage because it’s healthy and highly refreshing. The subtle flavor of green tea is incredibly rejuvenating, especially on a hot day. It has many health benefits, and having less calorie content makes it a guilt-free choice. I can customize it, sometimes adding lemon, honey, sugar, or even caramel. Ice cream tea is a versatile and rejuvenating beverage that perfectly suits my lifestyle and taste preferences.

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Describe Your Favourite Drink: Sample Answer 3

What is it?

My favorite drink is a frothy cappuccino. Cappuccino is an espresso-based coffee drink that originated in Italy. It can be found in many cafes nearby worldwide. It uses coffee beans, which are roasted, and then the coffee is made. People often make this coffee with steamed milk and some part of water.

Do you buy it or prepare it at home?

I don’t prepare it at home. It often gets significantly diluted when I make it at home, so I prefer to drink it outside in cafes and restaurants. Cafes have espresso machines that make this cappuccino, and then a dash of cinnamon is added to the whipped cream.

What type of people drink it?

I have often seen corporate people and students drink a lot of coffee because it helps them stay awake, and many students prefer frothy cappuccino. Students and college, especially bring it into the class in the coffee mugs. Old people do not drink it very often because they prefer tea to cappuccino.

Explain why this is your favorite drink.

It is my favorite drink because I feel rejuvenated after drinking it. I can stay awake for four hours and complete my assignments and work-related chores. It is also very cheap to get and is the best alternative to coffee, in my point of you. Coffee is bitter, but cappuccino is not as bitter.

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Describe Your Favourite Drink: Sample Answer 4

What is it?

My favorite drink is a glass of freshly orange juice with a dash of lemon. This beverage is made by squeezing fresh oranges, adding sugar to your preference, and, surprisingly, a pinch of salt. This drink is consumed all over the world.

Do you buy it or prepare it at home?

At home, my mother makes me a glass of orange juice. She pours it into a fancy glass and serves it to our family in the morning for breakfast. It is rich in vitamin C, a healthy need for every other soft drink. It helps you have a glowing skin.

What type of people drink it?

People of all ages drink orange juice, from infants to old orders. When I go to a hotel buffet, orange juice, cranberry juice, and watermelon squash are always present. It is popular among health enthusiasts and anyone who aspires to consume vitamin C.

Explain why this is your favorite drink.

I prefer orange juice to other drinks and beverages because it’s healthy. It has vitamin C. It’s rejuvenating and refreshes you. It was suggested to me by my dermatologist for glowing skin. The sweetness of the juice makes it a delightful way to start the day. 

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Follow Up Questions

The candidates must answer the follow-up questions about the topic discussed after the cue card task completion. Potential questions for “Describe Your Favourite Drink" include:

How often do you drink your favorite beverage? 

Answer: Cold coffee is my favorite drug beverage, and I drink it at least twice daily. I carried a cup holder in the class to concentrate better and not feel sleepy. I also cared with me in the library. During the exam times are required, heavy doses of coffee are required, so I make a concentrated cup of coffee.

Do you think your favorite drink is popular in your country? 

Answer: my favorite drink, orange juice, is not quite popular in my country, but the people in my country, specifically, love tea. Tea is made by boiling milk. Add tea leaves, dust, sugar, and additives like ginger, cinnamon, etc. Tease off as soon as you go to a meeting or visit somebody. It is not wrong to say that most people in my country are addicted to tea.

Are there any health benefits associated with your favorite drink?  

Answer: My favorite drink is lemonade, a very healthy beverage. It is rich in vitamin C and can act as a hydrating agent to your body with the right concentration of sugar and salt. It is also often suggested that you have it if you are trying to achieve glowing skin. It is a rich source of antioxidants.

How has your taste in drinks changed over the years? 

Answer: When I was little, I was crazy about soft drinks, but as I grew up, I became more health-conscious and started consuming drinks that were beneficial to my body. Healthy drinks. Includes orange juice, apple juice, lemonade, etc. 

Tips to Answer IELTS Cue Card 

Practice and follow these tips to ace an IELTS cue card, ensuring enough time for preparation and effective presentation of ideas.

From the Desk of Yocket

Cue cards are an essential component of the IELTS Speaking test. The examiner thoroughly evaluates your proficiency in speaking English. They also scrutinize factors like fluency, vocabulary range, coherence, and pronunciation. Adewaiete preparation is imperative to perform well, instilling confidence on exam day. 

IELTS is only one component of admission to universities abroad. There are a lot more things. You have to choose the right university, apply to them, draft a statement of purpose and letter of recommendation, and apply for visas and scholarships. Did you get scared with all this information? Yocket is there for you! With Yocket's proven track record of guiding students to secure admissions to top universities, including Oxford, UCL, and many more, our personalized counseling and comprehensive support will empower you to succeed. Unlock your potential with Yocket Premium Services, your trusted partner in the journey to higher education abroad.

FAQ's on Describe Your Favourite Drink - IELTS Cue Card

Is my accent a concern in the IELTS Speaking test?

When will the examiner decide my score?

Can I get a repeated IELTS Cue Card?

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