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US News National rank

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Average Living Expenses

The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee provides an affordable, world-class education to 27,000 students from 85 countries. Its 15 schools and colleges include Wisconsin’s only schools of architecture, freshwater sciences, and public health. As one of the nation’s top research universities, UWM partners with leading companies in Wisconsin and beyond to advanced knowledge, bring new discoveries to market and prepare students for work in a global economy.

What is the Acceptance Rate of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee?

The acceptance rate of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is 95%.


Cost of Studying at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Average tuition fee


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5000+ Students

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3000+ Cr

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100% Free

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Living expenses

Average living expenses (Bachelors)


Average living expenses (Masters)


Admissions at The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Avg acceptance rate (Bachelors)


Application Fee

$70 - $150

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Rankings for The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

US News Ranking


US News National rank

The World University Rankings


The World University Rankings

QS World University Rankings


QS World University Rankings

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Students University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee


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Premium Yocketer profiles

Rohith Reddy Chittepu

Rohith Reddy Chittepu

Data Science

Fall 2025

Anvay Sharma

Anvay Sharma

Computer Science

Fall 2025

Kshitij Kumar

Kshitij Kumar

Computer Science

Fall 2024

Sahil Kakad

Sahil Kakad

Computer Science

Fall 2024

International Students

% of international students in the university


Total International Students in the university


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A Rm
A Rm

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UWM Spring intake Whatsapp group
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2 years ago

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Nevin Selby

2 years ago

How good is the MS ESDS program at SUNY buffalo compared to TAMU MSDS or MSU MSDS or UWM MSDS
siri ch
Siri Ch

2 years ago

Seattle university vs university of wisconsin milwaukee ------computer science
Which one do you think is better for ms in cs and why? #uwm #seattleUniversity

Reviews for University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

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