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The University of Hohenheim in Germany is known to be the oldest university in Stuttgart. Having been founded in the year 1818, the university majored in natural science and agriculture. However, in the modern days, the University of Hohenheim has been able to offer more courses as students continue to enroll. The university has been working hand in hand with other universities not forgetting their involvement in research projects.

What is the Acceptance Rate of the University of Hohenheim?

The acceptance rate of the University of Hohenheim is 42%.

This public university has been doing well in their academic sector hence attracting students from various parts of the world. It majors in three faculties which include; Natural sciences, social sciences business and economics and finally Agricultural sciences. Each specific faculty is made up of various related departments and institutes. The University of Hohenheim is ranked position 289 in the regional ranking, position 48 in the country ranking and 719 in the global ranking.


Cost of Studying at University of Hohenheim

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Admissions at The University of Hohenheim

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Rankings for The University of Hohenheim

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Rayyan Ahmed


International Business and Economics

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Krishna Kompalli


Information Systems

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Aniruddha Sreeram

Aniruddha Sreeram



Fall 2025

Bhavya Patel

Bhavya Patel


Information Systems

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