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SOP for Design: How to Write Statement of Purpose for MFA/MA/Masters in Design?

Sumeet Jain

Students with a background in architecture, interior design, user-experience design, and other design-related majors aspire to go for MFA/MA in Design abroad. Here, a design SOP plays a crucial role in application to some of the top design schools like Parsons, Royal college of Art, University of Arts London, etc.

This is because these schools assess student’s capabilities like critical thinking and creativity through the writing samples along with design skills evident from their portfolios. Similarly, other key capabilities can be highlighted and substantiated through your statement of purpose design.

But how can one write an effective SOP for a design program? Let’s discuss that at length and understand the intricate facets of SOP for masters in design.

Decoding your SOP for Masters in Design

What is the accepted word count for an MA/MFA in Design SOP?

Ans. Keep the length of the statement of purpose design within 800-1000 words. However, universities abroad have word counts defined as part of the online applications.

For example, the University of Arts, London requires a 500 word personal statement.

What can lead an SOP  for design to be rejected right away?

Ans. Plagiarism and poor syntax can get your  SOP for masters in design rejected.

What is the best writing style of a statement of purpose for masters in design?

Ans. Conversational writing keeps the narrative engaging. So, write your SOP effectively maintaining a positive tone.

Creative and critical writing abilities are a plus!

How many SOPs to write for Design?

Ans. Each university requires a separate and original SOP. Hence, you need to write a different SOP for every university you’re applying to. Along with SOP, Universities require program-specific writing samples as part of applications. Besides, you can also share your design portfolio, if available.

How to save and submit your statement of purpose for design course?

Ans. SOPs have to be uploaded in PDF as part of the applications. This makes your SOP look professional and eliminates the possibility of any formatting inconsistencies. Universities may also provide forms to paste contents of SOP as part of applications with or without the option to upload it.

How to Draft a Design SOP?

To start writing your statement of purpose for masters in design, brainstorm, free-write, and collect your thoughts. Your SOP should be a dive into relevant life experiences, academic and professional background (if applicable), career goals, co-curricular activities, volunteering/community involvement, and more.

Refer to these effective guidelines to draft a stellar SOP for masters in design programs.

How to Draft a Design SOP


What motivated you to choose design as your interest? What is the strongest experience that led you to choose this field? For example, how on a trip to Barcelona, Spain you were awestruck by Antoni Gaudí’s monumental designs and how this formative experience eventually translated into your passion for architecture/design.

  • Begin your introduction with an attention-grabbing experience that is evocative of your journey into the field.
  • Alternatively, you can also begin with a research problem statement that you consider exploring in your future MA/MFA design program.
  • This is because some programs directly seek an SOP for design that is more of a research proposal than it is otherwise.

For example, The School of Design, University of Illinois – Urbana Champaign clearly instructs applicants to devise the SOP in the form of a research proposal with research questions and interests that resonate with one or two of the faculty members. So, research is the key ingredient in the recipe of your design SOP!

Second Paragraph

Building on the onset of interest in design/architecture, discuss relevant academic and life experiences that have augmented this interest. How has each of these experiences pivoted your thought, streamlined it, or transformed it?

  • Here, you can discuss relevant undergraduate experiences or courses in which you developed a particular interest. For example, you must have developed an interest in interior design or colour psychology.
  • Touch upon a few course specifics and how these led you to develop your portfolio and inspired you to work on projects relevant to these interests.
  • You can discuss interesting projects you worked on or relevant co-curricular experiences worth sharing. Make sure that your experiences align with your interest in the Design program you’re applying for.

For instance, if you are applying for an MFA in Design for Responsible Innovation, your project on designing the user experience interface for a certain app intended for people suffering from speech disability will be a relevant experience to illustrate.

Third Paragraph

Have you faced any setbacks in your academics? If you just made the cut or have lesser scores, you can mention that here.

  • Have you faced any other unique challenges or setbacks that have redefined your perspectives or interests?
  • How did you overcome these challenges and what is/are the positive outcomes of these experiences?
  • It’s essential to reflect on the lessons from these experiences to underscore your resilience.

Fourth Paragraph

You can discuss extracurriculars in this paragraph. Remember that Universities are interested to know more than just academics. So, go ahead and speak about your hobbies, social work, volunteering, etc, here. You can also discuss workshops or certifications which you have taken to upgrade your skills.

However, it’s very important to not make the statement of purpose design an embellished version of your resume.

Fifth Paragraph

If you have work experience, add it here. But if you do not have work experience, you can also discuss your internship experiences, reflecting on your specific learnings and take-aways. Identify a knowledge gap and the need for you to go for MFA/MA in design.

  • How has the work experience/s influenced your career goals? Why do you wish to go for MFA/MA in design now?
  • Define your short-term and long-term goals.
  • How will the MFA/MA program from a specific design school help you achieve these goals?
  • How does the program align with your areas of interest?

Design schools like to assess your conviction in applying to their programs. Justify your reasons for the choice of the school and the program. Make an effort to understand the values of the school and devise this paragraph accordingly.


Your conclusion needs to be equally engaging as your introduction in a design SOP. Let’s chcek the pointers that can be included.

  • What capabilities equip you to contribute to the University?
  • How can you be an asset to the University?
  • What activities, clubs, sports, student associations, groups, etc, piqued your interests?
  • What diverse experiences do you bring to your future graduate community?

Sign off with your expectations from the program and how you look forward to receiving, assimilating, and contributing to new knowledge at the University.

Suggested: How to Write a Good SOP?

Do’s and Don'ts for a Design SOP

Your SOP for design should be truthful, concise, engaging, and well-written. Remember that every experience that you present should be coherent and well connected. This leaves no space for grey areas. So follow these Do’s and Don’ts in your SOP and make it more professional.

Maintain a positive tone throughout the SOP?

Should you include your name in your Design SOP?

Can you write your SOP at the last minute?

Is it imperative to stick to the word limit?

Can you opt for a friendly tone while writing SOP for MFA/MA in Design?

Should you strictly adhere to the given SOP format?

Should you include your work experience in your SOP?

Should you be honest about your strengths and weaknesses?

Can you be extremely direct or casual?

Suggested: Common mistakes in Writing SOPs and Application Essay

Skills to Include in Your Design SOP

Your SOP for MFA/MA in Design should be in-depth and research-intensive. Design is a creative and fascinating field of study. From UX/UI design, motion graphics, digital entrepreneurship, animation, to museum art curating, advertising, filmmaking, gaming, the career opportunities are diverse.

Therefore, your SOP should portray these skills to become unique and appealing in respect to other candidates.

  • Creativity
  • Research Aptitude
  • Academic/Research Writing Skills
  • Knowledge of Design Specialisation (applying for)
  • Relevant Technologies/Software (CAD, Adobe Illustrator, etc.)
  • Experiential Mindset
  • Critical Thinking
  • Meticulous
  • Attentive
  • Confident
  • Problem-solving

SOP Requirements of Top Universities for Design

Most universities have similar SOP requirements as part of their respective applications. However, we’ve shortlisted a few top universities for MFA/MA in Design with their SOP requirements below.

1. Parsons School of Design 

If you are applying for MFA in Design at Parsons School of Design, follow these guidelines. Also, note that the SOP requirements for other design Universities in US is the same.

  • What are your reasons for applying to the course?
  • How will you contribute to your class at the New School of Design and beyond?
  • A succinct narrative of your background with emphasis on clearly defined academic and career goals.
  • The SOP should focus on ideas rather than extensive background/personal information and should be forward-thinking in vision.
  • Evidence of motivation for the proposed area of study.
  • Applications to specialisations within Design have specific prompts which need to be addressed in the SOP.

2. University of the Arts, London

The University of the Arts, London requires a personal statement as part of MA in Design Applications. Let’s chcek the pointers to be included.

  • The personal statement should be 500 words.
  • Elucidate your reasons for applying to the program and the University.
  • What is your current creative practice or your design career and how will this help you in future career goals? How has the current creative practice inspired your future career goals?
  • If you can not substantiate formal educational background or qualifications to apply to the program, describe relevant academic and professional experiences underscoring motivation to apply to the chosen design program.

3. Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)

RISD requires an SOP of 500 to 750 words in length. Further, this statement should demonstrate the following aspects.

  • Your interest in applying to the chosen program.
  • Clearly defined goals (in the program and after the program.)
  • What are expected outcomes of the program and how do these align with or help achieve your career aspirations?

Apart from these general instructions, every program specialisation in Design has unique requirements for SOP. Besides, the program-specific SOPs have different word limits.

Suggested: How to Draft an SOP for Architecture?

We understand writing an SOP can be daunting. But don’t worry, Yocket is here to help you understand the nuances and draft a succinct SOP in terms of the format and guidelines. The SOP writing style for most countries remains the same. However, in the case of program-specific statement of purpose for Design, you can re-engineer the original draft to suit the University requirements.

Our counselors at Yocket Premium can guide you through the entire process, on how to write SOP just to make it perfect!

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