Exams Know-how

Best Free GRE Resources in 2024: Know Free GRE Study Materials for Preparation

Sumeet Jain

GRE exam is one of the most widely taken tests worldwide. However, the ideal 300 is not a far-fetched thought! With proper planning and resources, you can ace the test and inch close to your goals.

Yocket GRE Prep

The most integral part of your preparation for the GRE exam is the identification of and purchasing/acquiring study material. Most of these are paid and quite expensive, and when added on top of the GRE registration fees, the total amount climbs up the ladder pretty high. We, at Yocket, bring you the ultimate list of free GRE prep resources available online. Download them to begin using and ace the test with ease!

  Table of Contents

  1. Advantages of Free GRE Study Matarial
  2. Free GRE Prep Resources: Study Material, Quizzes, and Mock Tests

Before diving into the best free GRE resources list, let us first look at the reason why you should use these. The short answer will be simply because they provide us with what to study, but what if we told you there is so much more to real and legit free GRE resources?

Advantages of Free GRE Study Matarial

Preparation resources for the GRE exam are usually composed of multiple types of material: study material, quizzes, pop charts, previous years’ papers, mock tests, flashcards, etc. All have different usage and advantage during the study period of a typical GRE preparation routine.

  • The first step will be to use the actual study material, notes, textbooks, etc., get explanation videos online on YouTube for free, and learn it as the first step in your GRE preparation online free. This will acquaint you with the subject matter and you will gain information and knowledge about the content of your text.

Suggested: Guide to GRE General Test 2024

  • Next up, use quizzes, question papers, mock tests, and charts to test how much you know. These are available online as free GRE resources and can significantly equip you with the pattern and time management of the examination. Especially if you’re attempting GRE for the first time, having a look at mock tests and previous question papers can help you significantly get an idea about what to expect.

Free GRE Prep Resources: Study Material, Quizzes, and Mock Tests

Cutting to the chase let us now have a look at the best free GRE study materials available online. This list will help you prepare the material required before you sit to behind your preparation. It is extremely important to obtain free GRE prep resources from trustable sites and platforms to avoid any important portion missing out or getting wrong data and information.

Go through this list, where we have summarized the best GRE free material for your use, and only then decide which ones to get.

  1. ETS Power Prep Tests: Launched by the test takers of the GRE, these online free GRE resources help students get a fair idea about the content and scope of the tests. You can use the calculator, flag questions, do more and experience the test prior to the final day.
  2. Quizlet: Has thousands of flashcards on important subjects, especially ideal for GRE subject test takers.
  3. ETS Essay topic pools, Argument, and Issues: This section is again released by the test takers of the GRE paper and has the best topics for essays and arguments. You can choose one and practice one daily, having full confidence that you’ve chosen one of the test topics.
  4. Free GRE study materials from academies: Many tutoring classes and coaching centers offering preparation aid for GRE aspirants release GRE free material from time to time. You could compare the best and choose any.
  5. ETS Official Free Resources: These include the actual study material, and the content of the test available to obtain online for free. It includes section overviews, solved examples, content reviews, and practice books.
  6. Universities also release questionnaires and flashcards from time to time available to download for free online.
  7. Free full-length tests and ace GRE exam by the leading study abroad consultants, crafted and evaluated by experts

Note that downloading, purchasing, and keeping more than two books per subject/section might not be a great idea. This only induces panic and anxiety over the subjects and leave you with no time to actually understand the content well. You could also book a free consultation call from Yocket’s top experts to understand and decide which material to get.

It is best to choose one or two best GRE free material online, prepare them thoroughly, and then use time in solving question papers and mock tests. Divide your time smartly between the learning and testing procedure and avoid not being familiar with the test content and pattern in the end.

If you’re anxious over time management during the GRE, don’t be. Anxiety will only worsen the situation for you and weaken your preparation. The best way to deal is to plan better, organize, set goals, and stop comparing your progress with other students and focusing only on your own preparation. All the best!

Frequently Asked Questions about GRE Preparation Online Free

How many days are needed for GRE preparation?

Is math important for GRE?

What is the minimum age to appear for the GRE?

Should I practice essays for GRE?

Should I be a reader to score well on the GRE?

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