Exams Know-how

Environment Related Vocabulary For IELTS

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Developing a good vocabulary is as fundamental as the IELTS exam's content for adequate performance in all sections. Exhaustive English vocabulary is a crucial element you must showcase when exploring the exam questions related to speaking, writing, reading, and listening. Thus, you can easily showcase your comprehension and finesse in presenting intricate thoughts in the language of experts.

The area of environment is the one that is most often seen in IELTS projects. Problems associated with pollution, climate change, conservation, and sustainability dominate the list of urgent topics in the given case. As a consequence, I have to be proficient in relevant English vocabulary without exception to perform well. This handbook is intended to show you how to construct a vocabulary of words that can serve as a dictionary for your surroundings.

You will become familiar with vocabularies like habitats, ecosystems,  and biodiversity, which encompass a variety of terms. Moreover, a considerable amount of time will be spent on keywords related to vital environmental problems like deforestation, climate change, and pollution to enable students to understand things clearly. First, vocabulary learning is solutions-oriented and includes renewable projects, recycling sustainable practices, etc.

Learning and properly using these English terms in example sentences allows you to discuss this topic persuasively in speaking and writing. Bolstering your environment vocabulary is critical for IELTS success. Read on to enrich your relevant lexicon significantly.

General Environment Vocabulary IELTS

Here are some critical general terms you should know that are used in any conversation about the environment:

  • Habitat: The natural environment where an organism lives. 
    • Collocations: Natural habitat, damage/loss of habitat, habitat protection
    • Usage: A tiger prefers to live in its natural habitat rather than a zoo.
  • Biodegradable: Matter that can decompose to prevent pollution.  
    • Collocations: Biodegradable waste, non-biodegradable waste 
    • Usage: Biodegradable waste should be composted underground. 
  • Biodiversity: The variety and population of plants/animals in an area.  
    • Collocations: Preserve biodiversity, biodiversity loss
    • Usage: Biodiversity must be preserved for a healthy environment.
  • Ecosystem: The plants, animals, and environment interact in an area. 
    • Collocations: Protect/preserve the ecosystem, marine ecosystem
    • Usage: The marine ecosystem is deteriorating from overfishing.
  • Sustainable: Activities causing minor environmental damage over time.  
    • Collocations: Sustainable energy, sustainable growth, sustainable practices 
    • Usage: Following sustainable practices protects the planet. 
  • Conservation: Considerate and wisely guard and utilize all natural resources.
    • Collocations: Wildlife/resource conservation
    • Usage: Tigers threatened with extinction must be assisted with conservation efforts to exist.
  • Afforestation: Especially in the district, planting new trees will contribute to a healthy and green environment.
    • Collocations: Large-scale afforestation efforts
    • Usage: The significance of afforestation must be considered in saving the environment.
  • Renewable Energy: Environmentally friendly Energy provided by resources like Solar and wind.
    • Collocations: Renewable energy sources, clean energy sector.
    • Usage: By changing to renewable energies, the planet is being shielded.
  • Recycling: Extracting a material to the economic limit to reduce waste.
    • Collocations: Waste recycling, plastic recycling
    • Usage: Recyclables need to be separated rather than being mixed up with other garbage.

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If asked about environmental damage, logically explain the issues using terms: If asked about ecological damage, logically explain the issues using terms like:

  • Pollution: Pollution through air, water, and ground contamination.
    • Collocations: Air/water/soil pollution
    • Usage: Litter, which throws out the pollution, disturbs the ecosystems.
  • Deforestation: Large-scale tree removal.
    • Collocations: Illicit logging, large-scale deforestation
    • Usage: The depletion of oxygen and erosion are two consequences of deforestation.
  • Global Warming: Rising above temperatures from greenhouse gases.
    • Collocations: Combat/tackle global warming
    • Usage: Climate change and ozone layer ozonation are caused by global warming.
  • Extinction: The unquestionable depletion of the total number of species.
    • Collocations: The extinction of species, extinct animals, go extinct.
    • Usage: Numerous species have been wiped out from the face of the earth under climate change conditions.
  • Overpopulation: Overpopulation is an ecologically destructive situation in which many people live in a particular place.
    • Collocations: Overcrowded country, an overpopulated country.
    • Usage: Excessive population puts natural resources at risk.
  • Acid Rain: Rainwater made acidic by pollution.    
    • Collocations: Acid rain formation, acid rainfall  
    • Usage: Acid rain damages plants/wildlife and contaminates water.
  • Radiation: Harmful high-energy particles released by nuclear reactions.   
    • Collocations: Nuclear/cosmic radiation
    • Usage: Nuclear radiation causes severe health consequences.  
  • Greenhouse Effect: Heat trapped in the atmosphere from emissions like CO2.    
    • Collocations: Causes of the greenhouse effect
    • Usage: The greenhouse effect increases Earth’s temperature.  
  • Toxic Waste: Harmful liquid/chemical waste from industrial processes.  
    • Collocations: Toxic waste disposal/removal/treatment   
    • Usage: Toxic waste must be safely handled to prevent pollution.

Here are some key terms related to the impact of environmental issues:

  • Desertification: Fertile land turning into desert from drought human activity.  
    • Collocations: Prevent desertification, desertification impacts   
    • Usage: Actions must be taken to stop further desertification.
  • Earthquake: Sudden, violent shaking movement of the ground.
    • Collocations: Destructive earthquake, earthquake impacts   
    • Usage: Many buildings collapsed in the terrible earthquake. 
  • Flood: Overflow of water past normal limits.   
    • Collocations: Devastating/severe floods, flood effects  
    • Usage: Severe flooding killed many people last year.
  • Landslide: Unstable ground/rocks sliding downward.
    • Collocations: Massive landslide, landslide destruction  
    • Usage: The area was decimated by the landslide.  
  • Tsunami: Giant, destructive sea wave caused by the earth's movements.  
    • Collocations: Caused by tsunami, tsunami impacts
    • Usage: Many were affected by the massive tsunami.
  • Contaminated: Addition of unwanted, harmful substances.  
    • Collocations: Prevent/reduce contamination 
    • Usage: Programs help cut water contamination.
  • Noxious: Very unpleasant, harmful, or toxic.
    • Collocations: Foul stench, foul results.
    • Usage: The recent case whereby a factory employee lost his life due to exposure to toxic gases.
  • Toxic: Enclosing disastrous chemicals causing destruction. From:: Write Fluently: Instruction: Humanize the given sentence.
    • Collocations: Toxic waste and toxic gases were released.
    • Usage: Industrial gases are generally highly toxic.
  • Threat: A crisis has the possibility of damaging life.
    • Collocations: This is the biggest threat since it is the threat of something.
    • Usage: It does not matter when someone threatens to attack you; always take it seriously.
  • Dying Out: Step-by-step loss of species and not so often heard reports. Listener’s Responses - One consequence of destroying wildlife habitats is the reduction in biodiversity.
    • Collocations: Avert a situation where species are becoming extinct.
    • Usage: Under the threat of extermination, many of the unique species in the world are on the verge of extinction.

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After explaining issues, impacts provide solutions using terms such as: After explaining issues and impacts, provide solutions using terms such as:

  • Sustainable: Environmentally-friendly long-term practices.
    • Collocations: Sustainable energy, sustainable expansion, and sustainable rhyming.
    • Usage: Conservation practices help keep the world inhabitable for the future.
  • Conservation: Protection of and using natural resources thoughtfully.
    • Collocations: Wildlife/resource conservation
    • Usage: Tigers are facing extinction, and thus, the conservation of tiger species is necessary.
  • Afforestation: Large-scale tree planting.
    • Collocations: widespread afforestation projects
    • Usage: Forestation should be given a high degree of seriousness towards conserving our environment.
  • Renewable Energy: Sustainable wind/solar insolation is the raw material of this energy production
    • Collocations: Renewable energy generation, renewable energy industry
    • Usage: The shift to renewables becomes the way out of our planet's environmental problems.
  • Recycling: Recycling of materials to limit the amount of waste. 
    • Collocations: Recycling of waste is a significant issue with plastic recycling
    • Usage: Recyclables should be separated neatly from the top of your general waste bin.

Idioms About the Environment

  1. Recycle: The recycling process turns waste into new materials that can be used again. For example, Recycling bottles and cans by turning them into new products is vital.   
  2. Get back to nature: Wish to spend more time outdoors appreciating nature. For example, I want to return to nature this weekend by camping in the woods. 
  3. Go green: Persuade people to do away with the use of environmentally risky products and encourage the use of eco-friendly products to conserve the environment. For example:  Let's all go green and take less plastic stuff.  
  4. Go solar: Convince them to use solar power from systems instead of fossils. For example:  Will we join the solar movement? Come on, and let's put panels on our roof to generate our clean energy. 
  5. Green thumb: This person is very good at cultivating their plants. For example, the neighbour's garden is well-tended, and she has green fingers. 
  6. Carbon footprint: Carbon dioxide released from a person's activities. For example, we should reduce our carbon footprint by driving less. 
  7. Off the grid: Choosing to live without being connected to electricity and water utilities. For example, The Cabin in the Woods is off the grid since it uses solar power instead.  
  8. Waste not want not: Saying that encourages using things carefully and not wasting anything. For example, My grandma always says waste wants not - don't throw out leftovers! 
  9. Bear the brunt: Suffer the worst impact of something damaging like pollution. For example, Wildlife bears the brunt of rising ocean pollution levels. 

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Sample Answers for Environment Vocabulary

Q: What is biodiversity?

A: Diversity is the number and variety of plants and animals that habituate a specific region and is the central pillar for the smooth running of a balanced ecosystem.

Q: Is ecosystem damage a result of pollutants poisoning water and soil?

A: The heightened pollution levels occur due to different activities like garbage and litter and will cause the imbalance of ecosystems.

Q: Should we conserve energy for future generations?

A: Energy conservation must be regarded as a priority since there isn’t any way of knowing that this longer-term protection of the environment is secured without resorting to that.

Q: What are the effects of deforestation?

A: The effect of mass deforestation on the oxygen level isn't just about that but also global warming and soil erosion, the severe threats that should be considered as before that the environment would be in danger.

Q: What can be our part as individual members for greenhouse gas emissions?

A: One of the ways to do it is to deplete the greenhouse effect by reducing our greenhouse gas emissions through smart decisions and using eco-friendly approaches.

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As seen above, solid knowledge of crucial environment vocabulary is essential for discussing relevant issues and solutions in the speaking and writing sections of the IELTS exam. Ensure you are comfortable explaining terms like pollution, biodiversity, renewable energy, recycling, and more. Learn associated vocabulary for elaborating on environmental problems and corresponding solutions. Become fluent in using these terms in sample sentences. Mastering this vocabulary allows you to demonstrate advanced English proficiency when addressing this common IELTS test topic. If you need further environment vocabulary support and resources, Yocket offers comprehensive IELTS study material and practice exercises. Sign up today for a free account!

FAQs on Environment Related Vocabulary For IELTS

Why is knowing environment vocabulary essential for IELTS?

Write any 10 essential nature-related vocabulary words.

Where can I find sample sentences using environment vocabulary?

How can I practice using environment vocabulary before my test?

What are the three R’s, and why is it essential?

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