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Describe A Famous Person That Is A Role Model For Young People - IELTS Cue Card

Yocket Editorial Team

The IELTS is designed to evaluate the English proficiency of non-native students and professionals. The Cue Card is a part of the speaking test, designed to assess the examinee’s ability to speak at length on a topic. The answers must be spontaneous and clear to the listener.

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Table of Contents

What is an IELTS Cue Card?

An IELTS Cue Card is a prompt given to a candidate on a specific topic and they are asked to elaborate on it for a given amount of time. The speaker must have clarity of thought and ensure fluency and expressiveness while speaking because their ability to maintain coherence, be spontaneous, and use proper grammar and vocabulary are being tested here. Regular practice will enable you to handle the exam well, and a good score on the IELTS Cue Card section increases your chances of scoring high on the IELTS.

Sample Answer 1: Describe A Famous Person That Is A Role Model For Young People


I would like to talk about Shah Rukh Khan, one of the most popular Bollywood actors ever. People of all ages admire him.

Who is the person?

Shah Rukh Khan, also known as SRK, is considered one of the greatest Bollywood actors ever. His debut film, Deewana, was released in 1992, and his popularity has only increased ever since.

Why are they famous?

Shah Rukh Khan is famous for his acting style and his expressions. At a time when toxic masculinity was glamourized in cinemas, he flipped the script on masculinity by laying a more human character who was not afraid of expressing their emotions. Also, unlike many other actors, his fame is owed to him alone because he did not have connections within the industry.

Why are they considered a role model?

The king of Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan, is considered a role model mostly because his hard work alone got him this far. He was just another boy with big dreams who turned them into reality without personally knowing anyone from the industry. He was a middle-class boy who started from scratch and is a man of great fame and fortune today. He is also known for his humility and chivalric attitude.


Sample Answer 2: Describe A Famous Person That Is A Role Model For Young People


I would like to talk about Malala Yousufzai, the youngest Nobel Prize winner in history.

Who is the person?

Malala Yousufzai won the Nobel Peace Prize at 17 years of age and is the youngest to have done that till today. She was born in Pakistan and was a feminist and human rights activist when Pakistan was under the Taliban. Inspired by her father, an education rights activist, she advocated for everyone’s right to education, documented her life under Taliban rule, and was targeted by them for the same. 

Why are they famous?

Once Malala rose to fame after her documentary on her life was published internationally, she was shot by the Taliban one day while returning from school. There was international outrage on this. Fortunately, she recovered and made a stronger comeback as a human and education rights activist. She co-founded a non-profit organization and graduated from Oxford University with a degree in philosophy in 2020.

Why are they considered a role model?

Malala is considered a role model because of her grit and determination to promote human rights despite facing the most difficult situations possible. She sets an example of how far human strength can take us. She is a reminder that we all can make a difference and it doesn’t matter where we come from. 

Sample Answer 3: Describe A Famous Person That Is A Role Model For Young People


I would like to talk about Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam, ex-President of India, also known as The Missile Man of India.

Who is the person?

Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam was the 11th President of India. He studied Physics and Aerospace Engineering and later worked as a scientist and administrator of the ISRO and the DRDO.

India achieved several breakthroughs under his leadership.

Why are they famous?

Dr. Kalam was famous for his contribution to the field of science. He expanded India’s space program on a much larger scale. He supported the education of youth and launched initiatives for youth development. He delivered speeches at the European Union. He is popularly called “People’s President” because he reverted to a normal civilian life after his presidential term and continued his work on education and public services. 

Why are they considered a role model?

Dr. Kalam is considered a role model because he reminds us of the impact educated leaders can have. He was a humble man who believed in education. Anyone from any background can bring about a change if they work hard, and he is the perfect example of that.

Describe an Interesting Person You Know

Sample Answer 4: Describe A Famous Person That Is A Role Model For Young People


I would like to talk about Indra Nooyi, the former CEO of PepsiCo.

Who is the person?

Indra Nooyi was the CEO of PepsiCo for 12 years. She was born in India and completed her education at top institutes like IIM Calcutta and Yale School of Management. She has consistently ranked in the top 100 most influential women of all time. 

Why are they famous?

Indra Nooyi is famous for being one of the CEOs under whom PepsiCo flourished. She managed the operations of PepsiCo globally and was recognized as one of the best CEOs of all time. She was one of the 11 female CEOs of Fortune 500 companies. She was also on the board of the International Cricket Council.

Why are they considered a role model?

Indra Nooyi is considered a role model, especially by women, due to her leadership skills. At a time when women were still made to doubt their abilities, she proved the grit and capability that women can have. She was one of the fiercest women the financial sector has ever seen.

Sample Follow-Up Questions

Q: Do we have potential role models in today’s youth?

A: Yes, we do. Today’s youth, like every other generation, has the potential to become role models. There are a lot of problems to be solved and we have a lot more access to resources, which means they are more empowered to make informed choices.

Q: Why is it important to have role models?

A: Role models remind us of the heights we can achieve irrespective of where we come from and who we are. They give hope to many of us who wish to achieve something great but don’t know how to start. They have traveled the path and paved the way for future generations who want to do the same.

Q: Can regular people be role models?

A: Definitely. Anyone can be a role model. Any person who has fought the circumstances and won can be considered a role model and that can be anyone from any section of the society. 

IELTS 2024 Registration Explained

From The Desk of Yocket

The IELTS is an important exam and the Cue Card section is essential to perform well in the IELTS. Regular practice and proper guidance will help you step up your scores. Many resources are available and you should know where to look, otherwise, you may come across the wrong information.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Describe A Famous Person That Is A Role Model For Young People

Is it easy to get 7.0 in IELTS?

What is the purpose of the IELTS Speaking Part 3?

How many follow-up questions can one expect in IELTS Exam?

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