Rankings for The Teesside University

The World University Rankings


The World University Rankings

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Teesside University is regarded as one of the best universities in the United Kingdom. Some well-known rating agencies have awarded Teesside University rankings, which are listed below:

  • As per the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2023, Teesside University's ranking is 1001-1200 among the other 1,799 global universities. This ranking is done under 104 regions and countries. Further, this Teesside University Ranking is based on four main areas-Teaching, Research, Knowledge Transfer, and International Outlook. 
  • As per the Times Higher Education Young Universities Ranking 2022, Teesside University's ranking is 301-350 among the other 32 universities. These universities are more than 50 years old and among the best ones in the world. As per the UK University Rankings 2023, the Teesside University Rankings is #86th. These rankings are based on criteria like entry standards, student satisfaction, staff/student ratio, academic services, facilities/expenditure, etc.