1. How do I get the status letter confirming I have enrolled at the university?
If you have finished the matriculation procedure, please get in touch withiPoint team by emailing iPoint@napier.ac.uk or stopping by their desk at each campus, and they will be able to provide you with this letter.
2. How do i register as a Student?
To finish the matriculation process, you need to log in and follow a few straightforward procedures. Once you've done so, you'll receive a message outlining the steps you need to take during your first few days at the university.
3. What should I do after setting up my password?
You will be sent to the Security Info page of your Microsoft 365 account to set up Multi-Factor Authentication once you have successfully set your password. Use the following format for your email address when signing in:
4. What is my timetable for the module?
Teaching schedules are posted on My Napier (Web Timetables), the Edinburgh Napier App, and Office365 calendars three times per year.
5. What books do I need to buy?
During your first few weeks at university, reading lists for each of your modules will be provided to you. You can consult and borrow copies of the books on the reading list from the library. You can access the Library's large collection of e-books online from any location.