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Kakani Hyndav yogi
fall 2023
University of Houston
Masters in Petroleum Engineering
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x, y, and z are consecutive even integers... (GRE Quants)
x, y, and z are consecutive even integers. Quantity A: xy Quantity B:yz A)Quantity A is greater. B)Quantity B is greater. C)The two quantities are equal. D)The relationship cannot be determined from the information given. Drop your answers below!! #GRE #TestPrep #LearnFromYocket #LFY #EasyGrade
DOs and DONTs during Visa Interview
The final element of the study abroad process, the visa interview, is just as vital as the other ones. It authorizes you to enter the country and study at the university of your choice. You will not be able to continue your study without the visa, no matter how hard you work on the other components of the admissions process. While acquiring a visa is not difficult, being prepared will boost your chances of obtaining one. The visa interview typically is about 3 to 5 minutes during which the student has to prove his eligibility to study in the Country. The student's main objective must be to make sure that he/she does not give the Embassy any reason to reject the visa. - DOs for the Interview: 1) Proper preparation: This is mandatory if you hope to answer all the presented questions in the interview with confidence. The previous night, check if all the documents which you will require are indeed present in your bag. 2) Arrange the Documents: Arranging the documents in proper order in a folder ensures that it can be produced as soon as it is asked for without confusion and chaos. 3) Dress: Neat and presentable appearance is very essential, so dress formally. 4) Body Language: The interview officers will, in addition to the tone of your voice, also check your body language. A good posture and a pleasant smile is a way to communicate that you are confident. 5) Memorize the details of your application: It is common to panic in the interview and forget your application details in moments of stress. Going through your application before-hand will save you from fumbling. - DON'TS for the Interview: 1) Never attempt to use falsified documents. The risks involved are too high and are just not worth it. Never misrepresent even the smallest information. 2) Don't submit any document unless you are asked to. Make sure the documents are presentable. Don't use torn or crushed documents. 3) Don't stammer or mug up answers. Answer honestly, fluently and precisely. Try to be calm and confident while you are answering the questions. Speak clearly and in an appropriate volume. 4) Try to avoid using conversation fillers such as ‘Like’, ‘Ummmm’, or ‘I guess’ in a sentence when you are responding to a question. Pay close attention to the questions asked and respond with just the answer. Keep it short and simple. Try to practice mock interviews before the real deal. 5) Never be late for the interview. Reach the visa interview location 30 minutes ahead of schedule. Familiarize yourself with the surroundings. 6) Do not carry any extra bags along: You will only be allowed to carry documents inside the consulate. Do not carry bags, food, gadgets or anything else. Proper planning will grant you the confidence you need for the interview. Keeping the above points in mind will help to make the visa interview less strenuous. All the best! #masters #ms #bachelors #phd #diploma #visa #visaInterview #us #Canada
Procedure to change the university after starting the visa process for USA
If you are an international applicant for the bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral program in the United States, then you will most definitely require an F1 visa to enter the country. To apply for an F1 visa, a student must have an i-20 form from the university he is admitted to. A standard time for an i-20 or DS-190 to get delivered is approximately 2-3 business weeks. When you fill out the DS-160 form, you will need to give the details such as the SEVIS ID from your i20 form. A situation may arise that a student needs to change the university mentioned in the US embassy student visa appointment application. Scenario 1: DS-160 is submitted. The SEVIS fee is paid. Visa payment is not made. The visa interview date is not booked. The Visa interview is not done. 1. You will have to transfer the SEVIS fee from one university to another through fmjfee website. 2. Log in to the fmjfee website(Department of homeland security website). Check your I-901 status. If there is a valid record of your I-901 fee, you will see a transfer button. You just need to click it. The FAQ section on the fmjfee website has the details on how to transfer. 3. The website will prompt you to fill in the SEVIS ID and the school code of the new university. 4. You will get a confirmation email for the transfer request. If rejected, the reason will be mentioned in the email. Scenario 2: DS-160 is submitted. The SEVIS fee is paid. Visa payment is made. The visa interview date is booked. The Visa interview is not done. 1. Create a new DS-160, fill it with the new SEVIS ID from the new university and submit it. 2. Log in to the CGI federal website. 3. Update the information on it by changing the DS-160 number and SEVIS ID. As you have already paid the SEVIS fee, you do not have to pay the SEVIS fee again. Instead, just follow the steps of scenario 1. 4. There is no need to pay the visa fee again as you have not attended the visa yet. 5. If you are not able to update the SEVIS ID on CGI federal website, contact them directly via email or call. Carry the old and new DS-160 confirmation pages for your interview. Explain the situation, the officials will update the details. Scenario 3: DS-160 is submitted. The SEVIS fee is paid. Visa payment is made. The visa interview date is booked. The Visa interview is done. If you have appeared for the interview and the F1 visa is approved. After that you receive an acceptance letter from a better university then you will have to start the visa process again. 1. Get an i-20 from your new university. 2. Transfer SEVIS fee (steps in scenario 1) 3. Fill and submit a new DS-160 with the details from the new university. 4. Pay the visa fees again. 5. Schedule and attend the visa appointment a second time. Important note - The SEVIS fee is $200 and you need to carry its payment receipt during your visa interview. SEVIS fees have nothing to do with scheduling your visa appointment. You can pay it anytime before your visa interview. This information was written as of mid-April 2022. The visa process might change anytime, if you have any new information, please add it in the comment section below. #masters #bachelors #ms #phd #applicationprocess #studyabroad #studentvisa #studyguide #studyinusa #USA
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