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Harsh Vyas
spring 2025
Suggest me some universities for masters in physiotherapy or occupational therapy in Aus; Can; US
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WhatsApp link for Concordia University, Montreal (Fall22 admits)
Is there any What's App link for Concordia University, Montreal (Canada) for Fall 2022 intake newly admitted students??
I'm a fresh Graduate with an Undergraduate Degree in Business Administration. I do not have substantial work ex but have internship experience in Marketing. I have admits from US universities for MS in Marketing (STEM).
Is it ok to go for a 1 year MS Degree? Would it affect my job prospects?
I got an admit into neu boston for mscs. I am awaiting other universities like ncsu, stony brook and umbc. I have binghamtom admit as well. I am terrified by the cost of living at boston.
1200 dollars fo a 1bk apartment with 5 person sharing looks horrible. What are your thoughts fellas? I am asked to pay f
Pls Suggest Uni that will accept below 6cgpa for MS CS at USA
Please help me suggest universities that will accept Low GPA (5.94CGPA/10) for Master’s in Conputer Science in USA!! C