post-category-General Discussion General Discussion

Sivaranjini R

fall 2025

3 years ago

Home-based tests or tests at the centers, which to prefer?

Home-based tests were introduced during the Covid-19 pandemic, due to the unavailability of the test centers. Right now, GRE and TOEFL can be taken at home. IELTS on the other hand, has increased the number of test centers for easier accessibility.

Home-Based Tests:
The at home test is identical to a test taken at a test center and is taken on your own computer at home. All at home tests are monitored by a human proctor online through ProctorU. At home testing is available around the clock, seven days a week.

* You must be alone in a room with no one else entering during the test.
* You must close all doors in the room before beginning the test. The room must be quiet and well lit. Surroundings should be clear. Your table and chair are positioned so that the door to the room will be visible to the proctor.
Your computer and keyboard must be on a desk or other tabletop surface.
* Notes can only be taken on a small desktop white board with erasable marker or a sheet of paper inside a transparent sheet protector, with an erasable marker. Pencils and pens are not permitted. At the end of the test, you will need to show the proctor that all notes have been erased.
* You need to be dressed appropriately with your ears visible to the proctor throughout the exam. Avoid wearing any jewelry or other accessories. Face masks may not be worn during check in or any part of the at home testing experience.
* For any technical issue, you can wave to your proctor and get it clarified.

* You can take the test anytime. If you are a night owl, you can take it at 2 AM and if you are an early riser, at 4 AM!
* All you need is a strong internet connection and some privacy. You can take the test in the comfort of your home. Anxious students can relax and prepare.
* You can avoid travelling to and from the test center.
* Need to make sure your table, surroundings are clearly visible to the proctor. In case you have pets or young children at home, it would be difficult to cultivate a silent room.
* You will need to have the right equipment and uninterrupted internet connection throughout the test duration.

At center Exams:
* You need not worry about the equipment for taking the test or the internet connection. Best choice for aspirants who don't have proper connections or coming from a place where internet stability is still a major concern.
* Tests are available only at slots of time, as they have only a limited number of seats and the tests must be scheduled at the daytime.
* Unfamiliar environment and equipment: The PC might be older, and the keyboards might be jerky. Also, sometimes the AC might be blasting off and other times it would be hot. So, if you are taking the test at the test centers, do remember to dress in layers to tackle any situation.

To pick the right one between the GRE at home and the testing center for study abroad, it is necessary for you to start with giving practice tests. If you have a proper internet connection with the required exam equipment and the privacy of your own room, then go for the home test. And if you don't have the proper equipment and won't have much time to buy it, or if you have young children at home, then the regular test is the best option. At home results should reach you 10-15 days from the date of the exam.

There are many students asking if GRE at home test scores are being cancelled. That should not be the case, as the scores are cancelled only if there has been misconduct, plagiarism or testing irregularities. If ETS cancels your score, they would be sending the reason why so. If they don’t, you can always email them and request for the reason. Sometimes, the scores might take longer than 15 days to reach because of the number of students taking up the tests. If one does not receive their scores by 20 or more days, they would need to send in an email raising concern to ETS.
Important thing to remember is that you need to give ample time for the tests. Do not try to give them only a month before the start of the application process. Give 1-2 months spare in case you might need to give the test again, or if there has been a discrepancy in the scores.

#examprep #GREprep #TOEFL


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