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Tarun singh
fall 2024
Need review of UAB Birmingham for MS in Computer Science?
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Hi , Which is better either TAMUCC or GMU ? Both got MS in CS
TAMUCC is less fess compared to GMU
What are my chances of getting in to MS CS fall 23 at USC?
Gpa : 8.8Gre : 328, 169Q, 159VIelts: 82 projects and 2 years work experience.My main concern is that my bachelors
x, y, and z are consecutive even integers... (GRE Quants)
x, y, and z are consecutive even integers. Quantity A: xy Quantity B:yz A)Quantity A is great
Looking for good colleges for Masters in Computer Science in the USA or Canada. Profile Evaluation and Uni Suggestions for me, anybody? TIA!
UG Aggregate(B.Sc- CS+Math+Stats): 8.7/10 CGPAPG Aggregate (M.Sc-Data Analytics): 3.8/4 GPAInternships : 3(All relat