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Aditya Sharma
fall 2022
MSF Finance - Eller - UArizona
Anyone who has an admit or has applied?
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Any Bcom student from India who has got an admit to any business school in the US after three year undergraduate degree ?
#bachelors #commerce
Should i apply to more ?
CGPA 8.63VIT UNIVERSITY17 months internship, 9 months full time at largest US bank :)Worked on good projects and made
Oklahoma SU vs Wichita SU vs University of Central Florida
Hello guys I got admit for MS in CS in in these 43 university. Suggest me which univ should i choose #fall2022
Scholarship Assistance
Here is my profile: CGPA - 9.67 GRE - 315 (Q-162, V-153, AWA-4) IELTS - 8.5 (L9, R9, S7.5, W7.5) Wor