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Mafoudia Sylla
spring 2024
J’ai finis mon 12eme je veux étudier au Canada comment faire pour avoir une bourse canadienne
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Universities in USA for MS in Data Science
Can you suggest me good universities for the below scores:Cgpa - 9.42IELTS- 7.5GRE - 303(Verbal-142, Quant-161)Proj
Hey guys. Can you suggest me for MS in CS for about which 5 moderate/safe universities I can apply!
Cgpa 6/10 Gre 311 - quants 161 verbal 150 Awa - 4 Ielts 7.5/10
Is Duolingo English Test easier than IELTS?
Hello, Duolingo English Test has lately got really popular among study abroad aspirants, also more and more universities
University of Texas at Arlington vs Washington State University at Pullman
I got an admission offer from UTA and WSU for fall 2022. Can anyone let me know which university would be a better optio