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Srikanth Reddy
spring 2025
Hey guys... Any one trying to apply for spring semester in ireland National College of Ireland.
Comments (2)
In 2009, the price of each Econolux car increased by 10 percent from the 2008 price... (GRE Quants)
In 2009, the price of each Econolux car increased by 10 percent from the 2008 price. In 2010, they decreased by 5 percen
What all colleges should I consider for my masters considering my profile?
I have a UG degree from Mechanical, but then currently 2 yrs experience (3 yrs when I join for masters) as a data analys
Which list of a triangle’s side lengths is impossible? (GMAT Quants)
Which list of a triangle’s side lengths is impossible? a. 4, 7, 4 b. 2, 3, 7 c. 2, 8, 7 d. 5, 6, 7
Review of yocket Premium
I am thinking of going for yocket Premium.Any feedback or suggestions?