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Shivani Saane
fall 2023
Hello,did anyone put loan from Avanse as proof of funds for UK?
#Avanse #educationloan #AvanseUK
Comments (3)
Fall 2023
When should we start applying to universities for FALL 2023? #USA #admissonprocess #fall2023
Any cheap and best IELTS course.
can anyone suggest cheap and best IELTS course which is really effective. Thanks. #masters #ms #IELTS
Some tips on saving money!
Studying abroad is, most often, not exactly a pocket-friendly program, and with the increasing exchange rate difference,
University suggestion
Gre:- 319( 166Q 153V 4AWA)Ielts:- 6.5( 6W 8L 5.5S 6.5R)Cgpa:-9.012 summer internship 3 projects Suggest me some good