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Swaroop M
Is it absolutely mandatory that I take GRE?
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Hiii I accepted in university of Memphis but mention conditional accepetence is any chance to convert into unconditional Did any one know about that course / we want to study 1st semester only IEI are along with.coresub
Greetings, This letter is to inform you that you have been conditionally accepted into the Master of Science in Inform
Has anybody got an admit from ASU for Spring'22 and is considering it?
Would love to connect and discuss on future tasks.
I got admits from 1.) University of South florida(MsCs)- No funding , costs around 23-25 lakhs
2.) University of Cincinnati (MengCs)- 1 year course with 9.5k scholarship ,Costs around 15 lakhs Which should I go for
Which admit is better to accept for fall'22, MSCS ?
1) NJIT2) RIT3) SITif suggesting specific reason plz?