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Swaroop M
Is it absolutely mandatory that I take GRE?
Comments (0)
I wanna study abroad for my undergraduation. Am student of class 11. I scored 99.2% in my 10th.I want guidelines .
Can anyone please help me to get into MIT or any other universities for my undergraduation . I want help to get ready for exams , prepare a strong profile , admission process and one of the important thing that's scholarship .#admissions
Is anyone there who is planning to go usa for doing ms ? Dm me if anyone
#Usa #masters #2024 #computerScience
Free Visa Mock with Yocket - Week 1
Is your Visa Interview anxiety soaring high? Understandable much! But what is that thing that makes perfect? PRACTICE! Here is your chance to get a free Visa Mock with Yocket in just two simple steps - 1) Learn & jot down some Visa preparation tips 2) Share them with the student community on Yocket using the hashtag - #VisaMock And THAT IS IT! The top two users with the highest number of likes and comments on their posts will get free Visa Mocks with Yocket. Please note that this campaign starts on 30th May 2022 and ends on 2nd July 2022. Posts will be analyzed on 3rd July 2022 and the winners will be announced on our IG Channel the same day. Best of luck Yocketers!!
Loan decision
Hi, is loan from Avanse with 12.25% ROI is better or taking loan from ICICI Bank by making FD as a security is better? #Canada #studyabroad #studyincanada #loan