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joey tribbiani
fall 2022
Cal poly Pomona or university of the Pacific (Business Analytics) ( data science)
Comments (3)
Stony brook university- profile evaluation, I20 spring 23
Cgpa: 9.78( ECE)GRE:317 , Q:158, V:159, AWA: 3TOEFL:101, L:30, R:29,W:25,S:17IELTS: 6.5, L:6.5,R:6.5,W:6,S:6EXP: 20m
Prodigy finance not supporting ms in CS for Texas a&m College station.
I have been admitted to tamu ms in CS. But I see prodigy does not support this specific course for loans. Any one know t
I want to buy Magoosh used account for 3 months. Anyone willing to sell?
I want to buy Magoosh used account for 3 months. Anyone willing to sell?#magooshaccount
I completed my b.com this year and I'm interested in the field of accounting and human resource management.i scored 9.01
Cgpa of 9.01 nd made a project on green marketing, please suggest the top 100 universities for masters in usa #admission