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Ateef Samnani
spring 2022
Anyone who got admission in Selkirk college castlegar.
Comments (1)
SOP, LORs, Assistantship letters, Scholarship Request Essays, Resume
If anyone's looking for help in drafting or editing their SOP, LORs, Assistantship letters, Scholarship Request Essays,
I got admits from 1.) University of South florida(MsCs)- No funding , costs around 23-25 lakhs
2.) University of Cincinnati (MengCs)- 1 year course with 9.5k scholarship ,Costs around 15 lakhs Which should I go for
Dedicated community for Master's aspirants fall 2023.
Hey everybody! I am looking forward to connecting with the candidates who are wishing to pursue their Master'
Universities in USA for MS in Data Science
Can you suggest me good universities for the below scores:Cgpa - 9.42IELTS- 7.5GRE - 303(Verbal-142, Quant-161)Proj