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Shrey Shah
fall 2023
Anybody Going to TMU this fall? From Gujarat?
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Which college's should I apply for CS or SE MS 2023 USA
#profilereview CGPA - 8.3 Internship Exp. - 14 months Paper Published in International Journals - 3
Kindly suggest me good universities based on my profile
IELTS: 8 (8.5 L, 8 R, 7.5 W, 7 S) Grade: 7.8 CGPA (BSC CS, 2021 grad)Internship: 1 (3 months, not relevant to course)
Got my dream college
I am very delighted to share that I have got admit from University of Massachusetts with the scholarship of 68,480 dolla
Do you guys have any idea how much time does it take for ielts score to process and reach the universities. I have repor