Exams Know-how

Universities Accepting SAT Scores of 1400 to 1500

Rohan Deshmukh

Results of SAT exam are calculated on a scale that has scores ranging from 400 to 1600. There are many students who score exceptionally in their SAT exams. Many surveys have shown that most students consider and strive to achieve a score ranging between 1400 to 1500 in their SAT exam.

1600 is the highest score that a student can get on their SAT exam. A score that ranges from 1400 to 1500 showcases the academic ability of the students who take the test. The score is very close to the total of 1600 so it makes the student a worthy competitor in the test for admission. As the main objective of the SAT score is to check the eligibility of any student for admission into a respective college or university, a score ranging from 1400 to 1500 is quite sufficient and has a high chance of getting selected.

List of Universities and Colleges Accepting SAT Score Between 1400 to 1500

College/ University

Average SAT Score


Cornell University


Ithaca, New York

Claremont McKenna College


Claremount, California

Wellesley College


Wellesley, Massachusetts

Emory University


Atlanta, Georgia

Middlebury College


Middlebury, Vermont

Hamilton College


Clinton, New York

Georgetown University


Washington, District of Columbia

Barnard College


New York

University of Pennsylvania



University of Notre Dame


Notre Dame, Indiana

Tufts University


Medford, Massachusetts

Washington, and Lee University


Lexington, Virginia

Dartmouth College


Hanover, New Hampshire

University of Southern California


Los Angeles, California

Haverford College


Haverford, Pennsylvania

Each year students strive to get a good SAT score so that they can get admitted to their desired college and can study their chosen field. They plan their schedule to get a score that can give them a better competitive advantage over the other students. Students can learn more about how a score ranging from 1400 to 1500 is good for getting accepted into good universities and colleges, through yocket premium. Yocket premium will give them all the latest updates and details regarding the SAT scores that are most favorable in college and university admissions.

FAQs on Colleges Accepting SAT Score Between 1400 to 1500

Is a score of 1400 considered good a score on SAT?

What are the universities and colleges that accept students getting an SAT score ranging from 1400 to 1500?

What percentile ranking does a score of 1400 come under?

At what score does an SAT score of 1400 to 1500 equal the ACT score rankings?

Can a student get a scholarship after achieving a score ranging from 1400 to 1500?

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